American Revolution Patriots (Armistead-Armstrong)

  • Armistead, Adam – Adam Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Adam Armistead held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-eighth day of August, in 1784, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Adam Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Adam Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armistead, Robert – Robert Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into, the army, in the State of Virginia. Robert Armistead held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twentieth day of February, in 1784, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Robert Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Robert Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armistead, Thomas – Thomas Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Armistead held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-eighth day of December in 1782, the Twenty-first and Twenty-third days of February, in 1838, the Eighteenth day of April, in 1845 and the Fourteenth day of December, in 1854, he received a bounty, of Fifty-eight hundred, ninety-eight and one / half acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Thomas Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This Captain Thomas Armistead and the other Captain Thomas Armistead on this page, could be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military, service of Captain Thomas Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armistead, William – William Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. William Armistead held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twentieth day of November, in 1783, he received a bounty, of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. William Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private William Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armistead, William – William Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. William Armistead held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the First day of November, in 1783, he received a bounty of four thousand acres of land, from the State of Virginia. William Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain William Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armistead, William – William Armistead came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. William Armistead held the rank of Paymaster. A Paymaster was the person authorized, by the government to payout wages or salaries, to the troops or any other person, who was due money from the army. On the First day of March, in 1851, he received a bounty of four thousand acres of land, from the State of Virginia. William Armistead was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Paymaster William Armistead, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armond, John – John Armond came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Armond held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Sixth day of November, in 1783, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. John Armond was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Armond, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armond, Thomas – Thomas Armond came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Armond held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Sixteenth day of March, in 1822, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Thomas Armond was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Thomas Armond, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armor, Andrew – Andrew Armor came from the State of Georgia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Georgia. On the Seventeenth day of May, in 1784, Andrew Armor received a bounty of an unknown amount of land or British money, from the State of Georgia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial of military service, of Andrew Armor, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armor, John – John Armor came from the State of Georgia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Georgia. On the Seventeenth day of May, in 1784, John Armor received a bounty of an unknown amount of land or British money, from the State of Georgia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Armor, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armour, Abigail – Abigail Armour was from the Sufferer’s section of Greenwich, Fairfield County, in the State of Connecticut. Abigail Armour received a bounty of six pounds, in British money, From the State of Connecticut. She was given the bounty of British money, because of her courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, of Abigail Armour, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstong, William – William Armstong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army in the State of North Carolina. The surname of Armstong can also, be spelled Armstrong. William Armstong held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-first day of October, in 1783, he received a bounty of thirty-eight hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. William Armstong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain William Armstong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Abel – Abel Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Abel Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-seventh day of April, in 1784, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Abel Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Abel Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Adam – Adam Armstrong came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Adam Armstrong held the rank of fifer, in the Continental Army. The age of a soldier was supposed to be, at least sixteen years of age. A Musician or one who played an instrument, was supposed to be, at least twelve years of age. These regulations were sometimes ignored. The musicians instruments included the drum, fife and bugle. The instruments were used to relay messages to the troops. On the Eighth day of July, in 1790, Adam Armstrong received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Fifer Adam Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Adam – Adam Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army in the State of Virginia. Adam Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Thirty-first day of January and the Twenty-third day of October, in 1784, he received a bounty of three hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Adam Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Adam Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Ambrose – Ambrose Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Ambrose Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-third day of April, in 1784 and the Twelfth day of January, in 1842, he received a bounty, of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Ambrose Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Ambrose Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Andrew – Andrew Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Andrew Armstrong held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-seventh day of November, in 1783, he received a bounty of twelve hundred and eighty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Andrew Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Andrew Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Archibald – Archibald Armstrong came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Archibald Armstrong held the rank of Drummer, in the Continental Army. The age of a soldier was supposed to be, at least 16 years of age. A musician or one who played an instrument was supposed to be at least twelve years of age. These regulations were sometimes ignored. The Musicians included, the Drummers, Fifers, Buglers and sometimes others. The instruments were used to relay messages to the troops. On the Eighth day of July, in 1790, Archibald Armstrong received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Drummer Archibald Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Archibald – Archibald Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Archibald Armstrong held the rank of Ensign, in the Continental Army. On the Sixteenth day of October, in 1798, he received a bounty of twenty-six hundred, sixty-five, plus one and two / thirds acres of land, from the State of Virginia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Ensign Archibald Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Edward – Edward Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Edward Armstrong held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-eighth day of November, in 1868 and the Twenty-eighth day of July, in 1830 and the Twenty-eighth day of November, in 1868, he received a bounty of Twenty-eight hundred, eighty-eight and two – third’s acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Edward Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant Edward Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, George – George Armstrong came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army in the State of Maryland. George Armstrong held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, in the State of Maryland. George Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain George Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. James Armstrong held the rank of Chaplain, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Chaplain James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. James Armstrong held the rank of Colonel, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-second day of October, in 1783, he received a bounty of seventy-two hundred acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. James Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Colonel James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. James Armstrong held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-fourth day of November, in 1797, his heirs received a bounty of twenty-five hundred and sixty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. His heirs were given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant James Armstrong, before or during the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. James Armstrong held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Seventh day of September, in 1787, Assignee Charles J. Delongelhamp, received a bounty of five hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. An Assignee was a holder of a debt, a person to whom a right or liability is legally transferred, or a person appointed to act for another. Charles J. Delongelhamp was given the bounty of land, because of the courage of James Armstrong, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1785, he received a bounty of three hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. James Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This James Armstrong and the James Armstrong below, may be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Armstrong held the rank of Sergeant, in the Continental Army. On the Eleventh day of April, in 1786, he received a bounty of four hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. James Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service of James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, James – James Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Armstrong held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Eleventh day of August, in 1795, he received a bounty of four thousand acres of land, from the State of Virginia. James Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain James Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Jesse – Jesse Armstrong came from the state of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Jesse Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-first day of May, in 1784, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Jesse Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Jesse Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Jesse – Jesse Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Jesse Armstrong held the rank of Matross, in the Continental Army. A Matross was a mate or a helper to a Cannonier or the soldier, who fired the cannon. His duties were to care for the cannon, load the cannon and clean the cannon. When the army traveled the Matross would walk with the supply wagons and guard the supply wagons along the way. On the Twenty-ninth day of July, in 1834 and the Seventh day of April, in 1835, Jesse Armstrong received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This Jesse Armstrong and the Jesse Armstrong below, may be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Matross Jesse Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Joab – Joab Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Joab Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Thirteenth day of December, in 1796, his heirs received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Joab Armstrong’s heirs were given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Joab Armstrong during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. John Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Maryland. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This John Armstrong and the John Armstrong below, may be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into, the army, in the State of New York. John Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Seventh day of July, in 1790, he received a bounty, of six hundred acres of land, from the state of New York. John Armstrong was given the the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. John Armstrong held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, in the Continental Army. On the Sixteenth day of October, in 1783, he received a bounty of fifty-seven hundred and sixty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. John Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant Colonel John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army in the State of Pennsylvania. On the Thirty-first day of October, in 1786, John Armstrong, assignee Thomas Adams received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. An Assignee could be a holder of debt, or a person to whom a right or liability is legally transferred, or a person appointed to act for another. Assignee Thomas Adams was given the bounty of land, because of John Armstrong’s courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. John Armstrong held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of four hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. John Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in thee War for American Independence. This John Armstrong and the John Armstrong below, may be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army in the State of Virginia. John Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twentieth day of September, in 1783, and the Eighteenth day of April, in 1832 he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. John Armstrong was given the bounty of of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial of military service, of Private John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Armstrong held the rank of Sergeant, in the Continental Army. On the Fourteenth day of December, in 1797, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. John Armstrong was given the land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial of military service of Sergeant John Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, John Jr. – John Armstrong, Jr. came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. John Armstrong, Jr. held the rank of Major, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he receive a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. John Armstrong, Jr. was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This Major John Armstrong, Jr. and the Major John Armstrong, Jr. below, may be the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial of military service, of Major John Armstrong, Jr., during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Jonathan – Jonathan Armstrong came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Jonathan Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Eighth day of July, in 1790, he received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. Jonathan Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Jonathan Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Robert – Robert Armstrong came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. Robert Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. Robert Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service of Private Robert Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Thomas – Thomas Armstrong came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Thomas held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-second day of October, in 1783, he received a bounty of thirty-eight hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Thomas Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Thomas Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, Tobias – Tobias Armstrong came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Tobias Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Thirtieth day of June, in 1783, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Tobias Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Tobias Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Armstrong, William – William Armstrong came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. William Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. William Armstrong was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private William Armstrong, during or after the American Revolution.