American Revolution Patriots (Artis-Ashe)

  • Artis, John – John Artis came from the State of South Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of South Carolina. On the Fourth day of July, in 1785, John Artis received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of South Carolina. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the live, death, burial or military service, of John Artis, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Artis, Isaac Isaac Artis came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Isaac Artis held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifteenth day of June, in 1820, he receive a bounty of one hundred acres, from the State of Virginia. Isaac Artis was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Isaac Artis, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Artwick, Lawrence – Lawrence Artwick came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Lawrence Artwick held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Eighth day of July, in 1790, he received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. Lawrence Artwick was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death burial or military service, of Lawrence Artwick, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Arundel, Dohicky– Dohicky Arundel came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Dohicky Arundel held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-ninth day of March, in 1837, the the Tenth day of February, in 1838, the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1848, the Eleventh day of May, in 1853, he received a bounty of fifty-nine hundred, thirteen and one / half acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Dohicky Arundel was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Dohicky Arundel, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Arvin, John – John Arvin was born in 1754 or 1756, in Lunenburg County, in the State of Virginia. He died on the Thirteenth day of December, in 1782, in battle, at the age of about twenty-six years old. John Arvin was buried in Lunenburg County, in the State of Virginia. He was married to Mary Fullilove on the Twenty-seven day of November, of 1771, in Brunswick County, in the State of Virginia. She was born in Brunswick County, in the State of Virginia. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Arvin, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Asbel, James – James Asbel came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. James Asbel held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Seventeenth day of February, in 1824, he received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. James Asbel was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private James Asbel, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ash, Henry – Henry Ash came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Henry Ash held the rank of Matross, in the Continental Army. A Matross was a mate or helper to a Cannonier or the soldier who fired the cannon. His duties were to care for the cannon, Load the cannon and clean the cannon. When the army traveled, the Matross would walk with the supply wagons, guard the wagons and the supplies, along the way. On the Ninth day of July, in 1790, Henry Ash received a bounty of five hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Matross Henry Ash, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ash, John – John Ash came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Ash died in the State of Indiana. He held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date., John Ash received a bounty of one hundred and eight acres of land, from the State of Virginia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Ash, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ash, Stephen – Stephen Ash came from the State of North Carolina. He also, was mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Stephen Ash held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Thirtieth day of September, in 1785, his heirs received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Stephen Ash’s heirs were given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Stephen Ash, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashbrook, Amos – Amos Ashbrook came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Amos Ashbrook held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Eighth day of December, in 1802, his heirs received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Amos Ashbrook’s heirs were given the land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service of Private Amos Ashbrook, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashbrook, Levi – Levi Ashbrook was born in 1738, at Gloucester County, in the State of New Jersey. He died on the First day of September, in in 1794, in Hampshire County, in the State of Virginia. That part of Virginia, became West Virginia, at the time in the American Civil War. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Levi Ashbrook, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashburn, Lott – Lott Ashburn came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the navy, in the State of Virginia. Lott Ashburn held the rank of Seaman, in the Continental Navy. A Seaman is a naval rank or rating of the deck section of a ship. The position is an apprenticeship to become an Able Seaman. An Ordinary Seaman is required to work on a ship for a specific period of time, gaining what is referred to as Seatime. A Seaman’s duties include: standing security related watches, such as gangway watch, anchor watch, while the ship is not underway, perform general maintenance, repair, sanitation, upkeep of materials, equipment and areas of the deck, as well as maintaining the ship’s metal structures, by chipping, scraping, cleaning, priming and painting. On the Ninth day of April, in 1835, Lott Ashburn received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Seaman Lott Ashburn, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashburn, Luke – Luke Ashburn came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the Navy, in the State of Virginia. Luke Ashburn held the rank of Seaman, in the Continental Navy. A Seaman is a Naval rank or rating of the deck section of the ship. The position is an apprenticeship to became an Able Seaman. An Ordinary Seaman is required to work on a ship for a specific period of time, gaining what is referred to as Seatime. A Seaman’s duties include: standing security related watches, such as gangway watch, anchor watch, while the ship is not underway, perform general maintenance, repair, sanitation, by chipping, scraping, cleaning, priming and painting. On the Twenty-eighth day of November, in 1783, Luke Ashburn, received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Seaman Luke Ashburn, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashbury, John – John Ashbury came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. John Ashbury held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of fifty acres of land, from the State of Maryland. John Ashbury was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Ashbury, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashbury, Jonathan – Jonathan Ashbury came from the State of Georgia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Georgia. On an unknown date, in 1784, Jonathan Ashbury received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Georgia. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Jonathan Ashbury, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, Benjamin – Benjamin Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Benjamin Ashby held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Continental Army. On the Eighteenth day of December, in 1783, he received a bounty of twenty-six hundred, sixty-five, plus one and two / thirds acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Benjamin Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Benjamin, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, David – David Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. David Ashby held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fourth day of May, in 1833, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. David Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private David Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, James – James Ashby came from the State of South Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of South Carolina. On the Fourth day of February, in 1799, James Ashby received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of South Carolina. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of James Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, James – James Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into army, in the State of Virginia. James Ashby held the rank of Sergeant, in the Continental Army. On the Fourth day, of May, in 1833, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. James Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Sergeant James Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, John – John Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Ashby held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Eleventh day of August, in 1834, the Seventeenth day of December, in 1834, Twenty-seventh day of February, in 1835, the Thirtieth day of April, in 1835, the Thirteenth day of April, in 1838, he received a bounty of Sixty-one hundred, seventy-eight and one / tenth acres of land, from the State of Virginia. John Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. This Captain John Ashby and the other Captain John Ashbys on this page, are most likely the same person. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain John Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, Stephen – Stephen Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Stephen Ashby held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Third day of December, in 1783, he received a bounty of four thousand acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Stephen Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Stephen Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, Thomas – Thomas Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was also, muttered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Ashby held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twentieth day of June, in 1783, he received a bounty, of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Thomas Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Thomas Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashby, William – William Ashby came from the State of Virginia. He was mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. William Ashby held the rank of Ensign, in the Continental Army. On the Eighteenth day of November, in 1830, he received a bounty of Twenty-six hundred, sixty-five, plus one and two / thirds acres of land, from the State of Virginia. William Ashby was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of William Ashby, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashe, Charles – Charles Ashe came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Charles Ashe held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-ninth day of September, in 1784, he received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Charles Ashe was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Charles Ashe, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashe, John Baptist – John Baptist Ashe came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. John Baptist Ashe held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1784, he received a bounty of forty-four hundred and eighty four acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. John Baptist Ashe was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant Colonel John Baptist Ashe, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashe, Samuel – Samuel Ashe came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Samuel Ashe held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-first day of April, in 1784, he received a bounty of fifteen hundred acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Samuel Ashe was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Samuel Ashe, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Ashe, Samuel – Samuel Ashe came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Samuel Ashe held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-first day of April, in 1784, he received a bounty of twenty-five hundred and sixty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Samuel Ashe was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Lieutenant Samuel Ashe, during or after the American Revolution.