American Revolution Patriots (Deshazo-Dewey)

  • Deshazo, William – William Deshazo came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the army, in the State of Virginia. William Deshazo held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-first day of October, in 1784, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. William Deshazo was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of William Deshazo, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deshon and Company – Deshon and Company came from the Sufferer’s Section of the Town of New or East London, New or East London County, in the State of Connecticut. On an unknown date, the Deshon Company received a bounty of five hundred, fifty-six pounds and ten pence, in British money, from the State of Connecticut. They were given the bounty of British money, because of their courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of the Deshon Company, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deshon, Henry – Henry Deshon came from the Sufferer’s Section of the Town of East of New London, East of New London County, in the State of Connecticut. On an unknown date, Henry Deshon received a bounty of nine hundred pounds and two pennies, in British money, from the State of Connecticut. He was given the bounty of British money, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Henry Deshon, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deshon, John – John Deshon came from the Sufferer’s Section of the Town of East or New London, East or New London County, in the State of Connecticut. On an unknown date, John Deshon received a bounty of eleven hundred, seventy-seven pounds, six pence and two pennies, in British money, from the State of Connecticut. He was given the bounty of British money, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Deshon, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deshon, Joseph – Joseph Deshon came from the Sufferer’s Section of the Town of East of New London, East or New London County, in the State of Connecticut. On an unknown date, Joseph Deshon received a bounty of one hundred pounds and one pence, in British money, from the State of Connecticut. He was given the bounty of British money, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Joseph Deshon, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deshon, Richard – Richard Deshon came from the Sufferer’s Section of the Town of East or New London, East or New London County, of the State of Connecticut. On an unknown date, Richard Deshon received a bounty of two hundred, sixty-six pounds, nineteen pence and eight pennies, in British money, from the State of Connecticut. He was given the bounty of British money, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Richard Deshon, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Desmond, John – John Desmond came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. John Desmond held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-ninth day of September, in 1787, his Assignee, Thomas Carpenter received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. An Assignee is a holder of debt, a person to whom a right or liability is legally transferred, or a person appointed to act for another. Thomas Carpenter was given the bounty of land, because of John Desmond’s courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Desmond, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Desperate, Henry – Henry Desperate came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. Henry Desperate held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifteenth day of December, in 1786, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. Henry Desperate was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Henry Desperate, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Des Lorier, Baptiste – Baptiste Des Lorier was born on the Sixteenth day of January, in 1717, in Varennes, Canada. He died in Vincennes, Knox County, in the State of Indiana. Baptiste Des Lorier was buried at the Old French Cemetery, in the Town of Vincennes, Knox County, in the State of Indiana. He was married to Marie Therese Mallet on the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1750. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Baptiste Des Lorier, during or after the American Revolution.
  • DeStaatsman, Jean – Jean DeStaatsman came from the State of New York. On an unknown date, her heirs received a bounty of five hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. Jean Destaatsman’s heirs were given the bounty of land, because of her courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Jean DeStaatsman, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deter, Michael – Michael Deter came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. Michael Deter held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifth day of May, in 1787, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. Michael Deter was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Michael Deter, during or after the American Revolution.
  • DeTurk, John – John DeTurk was born in the State of Pennsylvania. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John DeTurk, during after the American Revolution
  • DeValtz, Peter – Peter Devaltz came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. Peter Devaltz held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Seventh day of July, in 1790, he received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. Peter DeValtz was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Peter DeValtz, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devaney, Nehemiah – Nehemiah Devaney came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the Army, in the State of North Carolina. Nehemiah Devaney held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifteenth day of February, in 1797, he received a bounty of two hundred and twenty-eight acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Nehemiah was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Nehemiah Devaney, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devaney, Sterling – Sterling Devaney came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Sterling Devaney held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifteenth day of February, in 1797, he received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Sterling Devaney was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Sterling Devaney, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deveaux, Butoc – Butoc Deveaux came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. Butoc Deveaux held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of Fifty acres of land, from the State of Maryland. Butoc Deveaux was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Butoc Deveaux, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deveaux, Peter – Peter Deveaux came form the State of Georgia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Georgia. Peter Deveaux held the rank of Captain, in the Continental Army. In 1784, he received a bounty of seven hundred and fifty acres of land, from the State of Georgia. Peter Deveaux was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Peter Deveaux, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Develin, James – James Develin came from the State of South Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of South Carolina. On the Fourth day of June, in 1787, James Develin received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of South Carolina. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of James Develin, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devenport, Thomas – Thomas Devenport came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Thomas Devenport held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Second day of February, in 1786, he received a bounty of two hundred and seventy-four acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Thomas Devenport was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Thomas Devenport, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Deveny, John – John Deveny came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. John Deveny held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Fifteenth day of June, in 1789, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. John Deveny was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Deveny, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Dever, Patrick – Patrick Dever came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. Patrick Dever held the rank of Matross, in the Continental Army. A Matross was a mate or helper to a Cannonier or the soldier, who fired the cannon. His duties were to care for the cannon, load the cannon and clean the cannon. When the army traveled the Matross, would walk with the supply wagons and guard the wagons and supplies, along the way. On the Twelfth day of January, in 1787, Patrick Dever received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Matross Patrick Dever, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devere, James – James Devere came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Devere held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-third day of June, in 1783, he received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. James Devere was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private James Devere, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devereaux, Charles – Charles Devereaux came from the State of Georgia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Georgia. On the Seventeen day of May, in 1784, Charles Devereaux received a bounty of an unknown amount of land or British money, from the State of Georgia. He was given the bounty of land or British money, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Charles Devereaux, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devereux, James – James Devereux came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. James Devereux held the rank of sergeant, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of fifty acres of land, from the State of Maryland. James Devereux was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War foe American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Sergeant James Devereux, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devier, John – John Devier came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Devier held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Eighteenth day of November, in 1783, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. John Devier was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private John Devier, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devine, William – William Devine came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. William Devine held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of fifty acres of land, from the State of Maryland. William Devine was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private William Devine, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devit, George – George Devit came from the State of Maryland. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Maryland. George Devit held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, he received a bounty of fifty acres of land, from the State of Maryland. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private George Devit, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devitt, James – James Devitt came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also mustered into the State of Pennsylvania. On the Thirteenth day of October, in 1786, John Adams received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. John Adams was given the bounty of land, because of James Devitt’s courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private James Devitt, during or after the American Independence.
  • Devoe, Jeremiah – Jeremiah Devoe came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. On the Thirteenth day of September, in 1790, Jeremiah Devoe received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. He was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Jeremiah Devoe, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devonshire, Joshua – Joshua Devonshire came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Joshua Devonshire held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Nineteenth day of January, in 1786, he received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the state of North Carolina. Joshua Devonshire was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Joshua Devonshire, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devor, Jeremiah – Jeremiah Devor came from the State of Virginia. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Jeremiah Devor held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Second day of February, in 1819, he received a bounty of one hundred acres of land, from the State of Virginia. Jeremiah Devor was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Jeremiah Devor, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Devrance, H. John – H. John Devrance came from the State of New York. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of New York. H. John Devrance held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Eighth day of July, in 1790, he received a bounty of six hundred acres of land, from the State of New York. H. John Devrance was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of H. John Devrance, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Dew, Leonard – Leonard Dew came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Leonard Dew held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Ninth day of December, in 1797, he received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Leonard Dew was given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Leonard Dew, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Dewees, Samuel – Samuel Dewees came from the State of Pennsylvania. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Pennsylvania. Samuel Dewees held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On an unknown date, Richard Leedom received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Pennsylvania. Ricahrd Leedom was given the bounty of land, because of Samuel Dewees’s courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Samuel Dewees, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Dewet, Jesse – Jesse Dewet came from the State of North Carolina. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of North Carolina. Jesse Dewet held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Thirtieth day of September, in 1785, his heirs received a bounty of six hundred and forty acres of land, from the State of North Carolina. Jesse Dewet’s heirs were given the bounty of land, because of his courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Jesse Dewet, during or after the American Revolution.
  • Dewey, John – John Dewey came from the State of Massachusetts. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Massachusetts. John Dewey held the rank of Private, in the Continental Army. On the Twenty-second day of October in 1830, his Assignee, Josiah King received a bounty of two hundred acres of land, from the State of Massachusetts. An Assignee is a holder of a debt, a person to whom a right or liability is legally transferred or a person appointed to act for another. Josiah King was given the bounty of land, because of John Dewey’s courage, in the War for American Independence. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial or military service, of John Dewey, during or after the American Revolution.