The French and Indian War was fought between 1755 and 1763. It was fought with the English and the American on one side and the French and most of the Native American Tribes on the other. The war between the French and the English in Europe, was called the Seven Years War. These people listed are the men and women, who fought or gave aid and comfort for the war effort.
- Aaron, Benedict – Benedict Aaron came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Benedict Aaron held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Benedict Aaron was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Benedict Aaron was discharged on the Fifteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Benedict Aaron, before or during the French and Indian War.
- Abbot, Price – Price Abbot came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Price Abbot held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Sixth day of May, in 1760. Price Abbot was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Price Abbot died on the Twenty-Eighth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Price Abbot, before or during the French and Indian War.
- Abenather, White – White Abenather came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. White Abernather held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. White Abenather was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Paterson. After, he was wounded, White Abenather and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. White Abenather was discharged in the Fall, of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private White Abenather, before or during the French and Indian War.
- Abernathy, Jerid – Jerid Abernathy came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jerid Abernathy held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jerid Abernathy was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jerid Abernathy was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Jerid Abernathy, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ackley, Arthar – Arthar Ackley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Arthar Ackley held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Arthar Ackley was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Spencer, First Lieutenant Levi Wells, Second Lieutenant Timothy Parsival, Ensign James Sparrow. Arthar Ackley was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Arthar Ackley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ackley, Jeremiah – Jeremiah Ackley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jeremiah Ackley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day, of March, in 1760. Jeremiah Ackley was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Spencer, First Lieutenant Levi Wells, Second Lieutenant Timothy Percival and Ensign James Sparrow. Jeremiah Ackley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jeremiah Ackley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ackley, Samuel – Samuel Ackley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Ackley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Ackley was a member of the Second Company or the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Spencer, First Lieutenant Levi Wells, Second Lieutenant Timothy Percival, and Ensign James Sparrow. Samuel Ackley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Ackley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ackley, Silas – Silas Ackey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the Army, in the state of Connecticut. Silas Ackley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-ninth day of March, in 1760. Silas Ackley was a member of the Second company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Spencer, First Lieutenant Levi Wells, Second Lieutenant Timothy Percival and Ensign James Sparrow. Silas Ackley was discharged on the Twenty-first of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Silas Ackley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Acley, Arther – Arther Acley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Arther Acley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Arther Acley was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Arther Acley was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Arther Acley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adams, Abner – Abner Adams came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Abner Adams held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Abner Adams was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Abner Adams and his fellow wounded soldier, were taken to His Majesty Hospital, at the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Abner Adams was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Abner Adams, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adams, Jonathan – Jonathan Adams came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Adams held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Adams was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Lieutenant Colonel James Smedly. After he was wounded, Jonathan Adams and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, in 1760. Jonathan Adams was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Jonathan Adams, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adams, Samuel – Samuel Adams came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Adams held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Adams was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Adams was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Ensign Samuel Adams, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adams, William – William Adams came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. William Adams held the rank of Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Adams was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, William Adams and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, in Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. William Adams was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Lieutenant Colonel William Adams, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Addis, Thomas – Thomas Addis came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Addis held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Thomas Addis was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Addis was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Thomas Addis, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adkins, Joseph – Joseph Adkins came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Adams held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Adkins was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Adkins was discharged on the Sixth day of December, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Sergeant Joseph Adkins, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Adoms, Gideon – Gideon Adoms came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Gideon Adoms held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of March, in 1760. Gideon Adkins was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Gideon Adoms was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Gideon Adoms, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Alcock, Thomas – Thomas Alcock came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Alcock held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Allcock was a member of the Third Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Thomas Alcock died on the Twenty-seventh day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Alcock, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Aldridge, Allexander – Alexander Aldridge came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Allexander Aldridge held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He entered the army on the First day of July, in 1760. Allexander Aldridge was a member of the Eleventh Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Allexander Aldridge was discharged in the Fall, of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Allexander Aldridge, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Alford, Jobe – Jobe Alford came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Jobe Alford held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jobe Alford was a member of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jobe Alford was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Jobe Alford, during or after the French and Indian War.
- All, John – John All came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John All held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John All was a member of the Third Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain McNailes or McNeils. After he was wounded, John All and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York. John All died on the Tenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John All, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Allcock, Thomas – Thomas Allcock came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Allcock held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Third day of April, in 1760. Thomas Allcock was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Thomas Allcock died on the Sixth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Thomas Allcock, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Allen, Ebenezer – Ebenezer Allen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Ebenezer Allen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Ebenezer Allen was a member of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain Ruggles. After he was wounded, Ebenezer Allen and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, in the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Ebenezer Allen died on the Second day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Allen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Allen, Moses – Moses Allen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Moses Allen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Allen was a member of the Eighth Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Moses Allen was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Allen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Allen, William – William Allen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. William Allen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Allen was a member of the Eighth Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. William Allen was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Allen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ames, Mark – Mark Ames came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Mark Ames held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Mark Ames was a member of the Ninth Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Mark Ames was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant Mark Ames, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ames, Robert – Robert Ames came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Robert Ames enlisted in the military service, on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Robert Ames was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who died and was replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Robert Ames was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Robert Ames, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ammison, Ebenezer – Ebenezer Ammison came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Ebenezer Ammison held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Sixth day of September, in 1760. Ebenezer Ammison was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Ebenezer Ammison was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ebenezer Ammison, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Anderson, Benjamin – Benjamin Anderson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Anderson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Benjamin Anderson was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Benjamin Anderson was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benjamin Anderson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Anderson, David – David Anderson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. David Anderson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Anderson was a member of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Anderson deserted in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Anderson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Anderson, Joseph – Joseph Anderson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Anderson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joseph Anderson was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Joseph Anderson deserted in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Anderson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Anderson, Manuel – Manuel Anderson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Manuel Anderson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Manuel Anderson was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Manuel Anderson deserted in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Manuel Anderson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Amasa – Amasa Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Amasa Andrews held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Eighteenth day of May, in 1760. Amasa Andrews was a member of the Sixth Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Amasa Andrews died on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Amasa Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Elijah – Elijah Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Elijah Andrews held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Elijah Andrews was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Elijah Andrews was discharged on the Thirtieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Drummer Elijah Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, James – James Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. James Andrews held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. James Andrews was a member of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain McNiels. After he was wounded, James Andrews and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. James Andrews died on the Seventh day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Samuel – Samuel Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Andrews held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Andrews was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Andrews died on the Fifteenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Samuel – Samuel Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Andrews held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Andrews was a member of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Pierce. After he was wounded, Samuel Andrews and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, in the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. Samuel Andrews died on the Twenty-eighth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Samuel, Jr. – Samuel Andrews, Jr. came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Andrews, Jr. held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Andrews, Jr. was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Andrews, Jr. was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Andrews, Jr., during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Solomon – Solomon Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Solomon Andrews held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Solomon Andrews was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Solomon Andrews was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Solomon Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Andrews, Zephaniah – Zephaniah Andrews came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Zephaniah Andrews held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. Zephaniah Andrews was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zephaniah Andrews was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Zephaniah Andrews, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Apes, Samuel – Samuel Apes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Apes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Apes was a member of the Eleventh Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Samuel Apes was discharged on the Twenty-second day of December, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Samuel Apes, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Armstrong, Andrew – Andrew Armstrong came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Andrew Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Andrew Armstrong was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Andrew Armstrong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Andrew Armstrong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Armstrong, John – John Armstrong came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Armstrong was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Armstrong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of John Armstrong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Armstrong, Lebbeus – Lebbeus Armstrong came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Lebbeus Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Lebbeus Armstrong was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Lebbeus Armstrong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Lebbeus Armstrong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Armstrong, William – William Armstrong came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. William Armstrong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Armstrong was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. William Armstrong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Armstrong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Arnold, David – David Arnold came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Arnold held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Arnold was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Arnold, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Arnold, James – James Arnold came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Arnold held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Arnold was discharged, on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant James Arnold, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Arnold, John – John Arnold came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Arnold enlisted in the military service, on the Third day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Arnold was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who died and was replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. John Arnold was discharged, on the Seventeenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Arnold, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Ashcraf, Samuel – Samuel Ashcraf came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Ashcraf held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Ashcraf was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Ashcraf was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Samuel Ashcraf, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Atchinson, John – John Atchinson came from the State of Connecticut. He entered the service, on the fourth day of April, in 1760, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Atchinson served under the command of Captain David Parsons, of the 9th Company, in the First Connecticut Regiment. He was discharged on the Twenty-ninth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of John Atchinson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Atkeson, John – John Atkeson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Atkeson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Atkeson was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Captain Parsons. After, he was wounded, John Atkeson and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. John Atkeson died on the Twenty-seventh day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private John Atkeson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Atwater, David – David Atwater came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Atwater held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. David Atwater was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Atwater was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private David Atwater, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Atwell, Petter – Petter Atwell came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Petter Atwell held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Petter Atwell was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Captain McNailes. After he was wounded, Petter Atwell and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Petter Atwell died on the Eleventh day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private David Atwater, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Austen, Adam – Adam Austen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Adam Austen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of May, in 1760. Adam Austen was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Adam Austen was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Adam Austen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Austen, Joseph – Joseph Austen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Austen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of May, in 1760. Joseph Austen was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Joseph Austen was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Joseph Austen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Austen, Thomas – Thomas Austen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Austen held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of May, in 1760. Thomas Austen was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Thomas Austen was discharged on the Sixteenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Thomas Austen, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Avery, Charles – Charles Avery came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Charles Avery held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Charles Avery was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North American, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Charles Avery was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Second Lieutenant Charles Avery, during or after the French and Indian War.