Connecticut Soldiers – G

The French and Indian War was fought between 1755 and 1763. It was fought with the English and the American on one side and the French and most of the Native American Tribes on the other. The war between the French and the English in Europe, was called the Seven Years War. These people listed are the men and women, who fought or gave aid and comfort for the war effort.

  • Gallap, Benjamin– Benjamin Gallap came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Gallap held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Benjamin Gallap was a member of the Eleventh Company or the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Benjamin Gallap was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benjamin Gallap, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Galler, Moses– Moses Galler came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Moses Galler held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Galler was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of British Forces, in North America, and Captain Meades. After he was wounded, Moses Galler and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Moses Galler was discharged in the Fall, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Galler, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gambel, Henery– Henery Gambel came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Henery Gambel held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Henery Gambel was a member of the Eleventh Company or the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Henery Gambel was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Henery Gambel, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Garret, Joseph– Joseph Garret came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Garret held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Garret was a member of the Eleventh Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Joseph Garret was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Garret, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gates, Daniel– Daniel Gates came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Gates held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Daniel Gates was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Daniel Gates was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Gates, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gates, Ezra– Ezra Gates came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ezra Gates held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Ezra Gates was a member of the Second Company or the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ezra Gates was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial or military service, of Private Ezra Gates, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gauslee, James– James Gauslee came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. James Gauslee enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. James Gauslee was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. James Gauslee was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of James Gauslee, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gay, Zebulon– Zebulon Gay came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Zebulon Gay held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Zebulon Gay was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain Phillips. After he was wounded, Zebulon Gay and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to his Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, in Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, on the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Zebulon Gay was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zebulon Gay, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gaylord, Alexander– Alexander Gaylord came from the State of Connecticut. He entered the service on the Ninth day of April. Alexander Gaylord held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Regiment. Alexander Gaylord served under the command of William Johnson, Major General and First Baronet and Captain Timothy Hierlihy. He was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Alexander Gaylord, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • George, Philip– Philip George came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Philip George held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. Philip George was a member of the Ninth Company or the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. Philip George was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Philip George, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gerom, John– John Gerom came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Gerom held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. John Gerom was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain Smith. After he was wounded, John Gerom and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. John Gerom died on the Ninth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Gerom, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Giddings, George– George Giddings came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. George Giddings held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Gilbert was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain. After he was wounded, George Giddings and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. George Giddings died on the Fourteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Giddings, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gilbert, Samuel– Samuel Gilbert came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Gilbert held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Third day of April, in 1760. Samuel Gilbert was a member of the First Company and the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Samuel Gilbert was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Samuel Gilbert, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gifford, Samuel– Samuel Gifford came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Gifford held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Gifford was a member of the Eighth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Samuel Gifford was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Samuel Gifford, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Giled, Eliphant – Eliphant Giled came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Eliphant Giled held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Eliphant Giled was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Eliphant Giled died on the Seventh day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eliphant Giled, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gill, John– John Gill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Gill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Nineteenth day of May, in 1760. John Gill was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Gill was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Gill, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gillet, Sha(    )d– Sha(    )d Gillet came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Sha(    )d Gillet held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twentieth day of May, in 1760. Sha(    )d Gillet was a member of the First Company and the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Sha(    )d Gillet was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. Part of this soldier’s given name has been lost. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Drummer Sha(    )d Gillet, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ginnings, Jonathan– Jonathan Ginnings came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Ginnings held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Ginnings was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Jonathan Ginnings and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Jonathan Ginnings died on the Eleventh day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Ginnings, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Glading, Silas– Silas Glading came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Silas Glading held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Silas Glading was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Silas Glading was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Silas Glading, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gladding, Samuel– Samuel Gladding came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Gladding held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Gladding was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Peirce. After, he was wounded, Samuel Gladding and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Samuel Gladding was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Gladding, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Glading, Samuel– Samuel Glading came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Glading held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Glading was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Glading was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Glading, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Glass, James– James Glass came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Glass held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. James Glass was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Glass was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of December, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Glass, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Glass, James– James Glass came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Glass held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. James Glass was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Glass was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Glass, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Glass, John– John Glass came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Glass held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. John Glass was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Glass was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Glass, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Goff, Stephen– Stephen Goff came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Stephen Goff enlisted in the military service on the Eleventh day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Stephen Goff was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Stephen Goff was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Stephen Goff, during and After the French and Indian War.
  • Gonard, Lessly– Lessly Gonard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Lessly Gonard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Lessly Gonard was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Phillips. After he was wounded, Lessly Gonard and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, in Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Lessly Gonard died on the Twenty-second day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Lessly Gonard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Goodale, Phinehas– Phinehas Goodale came from the Town of Marlborough, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Phinehas Goodale held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Phinehas Goodale was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Phinehas Goodale deserted in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Phinehas Goodale, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Goodrich, David– David Goodrich came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Goodrich enlisted in the Military service, on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army and Militia. David Goodrich was a member of the Twelfth Company, and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. David Goodrich was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Goodrich, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gordon, Samuel– Samuel Gordon came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Gordon held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Gordon was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Crary. After he was wounded, Samuel Gordon and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Samuel Gordon died on the Eleventh day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Gordon, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gorten, Benjamin– Benjamin Gorten came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Gorten held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Benjamin Gorten was a member of the Third Company and the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Benjamin Gorten was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Benjamin Gorten, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gorum, Nathan– Nathan Gorum came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Nathan Gorum held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Nathan Gorum was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Nathan Gorum was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Nathan Gorum, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Goslee, Thomas– Thomas Goslee came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Goslee held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Goslee was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Goslee was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Goslee, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Got, John– John Got came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Got held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Got was a member of the Seventh Company and the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Got was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal John Got, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Goudy, William– William Goudy came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Goudy held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Goudy was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. William Goudy was listed as a Trenchant Person or not a good fit for his unit, in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Goudy, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gould, Thomas– Thomas Gould came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Gould held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Gould was a member of the Seventh Company and the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Gould was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Corporal Thomas Gould, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Gowdy, Alexander– Alexander Gowdy came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Alexander Gowdy entered the army on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Alexander Gowdy was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, Major General of the British Forces in North America and Captain David Parsons. Alexander Gowdy was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Alexander Gowdy, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Graham, Benjamin– Benjamin Graham came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Graham held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Benjamin Graham was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. After, he was wounded, Benjamin Graham and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Benjamin Graham died on the Seventeenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Benjamin Graham, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grant, Abden– Abden Grant came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Abden Grant held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Abden Grant was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Elsworth. Abden Grant was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York. Abden Grant was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private Abden Grant, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grant, James– James Grant came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Grant held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. James Grant was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Grant was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant James Grant, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grant, James– James Grant came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Grant held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. James Grant was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Pierce. After he was wounded, James Grant and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, in the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. James Grant died on the Second day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Grant, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grant, John– John Grant came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Grant held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. John Grant was a member of the Twelve Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Grant died on the Second day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant John Grant, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grant, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Grant came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Grant held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Nathaniel Grant was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Phinias Lyman. After, he was wounded, Nathaniel Grant and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Nathaniel Grant died on the Twenty-sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Grant, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Graves, Ambrose– Ambrose Graves came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ambrose Graves held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Ambrose Graves was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ambrose Graves was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ambrose Graves, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Graves, Eleazar– Eleazar Graves came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Eleazer Graves held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Eleazar Graves was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Eleazar Graves died on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eleazar Graves, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Graves, Mark– Mark Graves came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Mark Graves held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Mark Graves was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After, he was wounded, Mark Graves and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Mark Graves died on the Second day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Mark Graves, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Green, Norman– Norman Green came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Norman Green entered the army, on the First day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal Americans. Norman Green was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Norman Green was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Norman Green, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Green, Thomas– Thomas Green came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Green entered the army on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Thomas Green was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Thomas Green was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Green, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grey, Henry– Henry Grey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the state of Connecticut. Henry Grey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-Seventh day of March, in 1760. Henry Grey was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Henry Grey was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Henry Grey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Griffen, John– John Griffen came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Griffen held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. John Griffen was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in north America, and Colonel David Wooster. John Griffen was discharged on the seventh day of July, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign John Griffen, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Griffin, Benoni– Benoni Griffin came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Benoni Griffin held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Benoni Griffin was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Humphrey. After he was wounded, Benoni Griffin and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Benoni Griffin was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benoni Griffin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Griffin, William– William Griffin came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Griffin held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Griffin was a member of the First Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Crary. After he was wounded, William Griffin and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State on New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. William Griffin was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of William Griffin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Griffin, William– William Griffin came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Griffin held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Griffin was a member of the First Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Crary. After, he was wounded, William Griffin and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State on New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. William Griffin died on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Griffin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Griffing, George– George Griffing came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. George Griffing held the rank of Clerk, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. George Griffing was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. George Griffing was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Clerk George Griffing, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grile, Henry– Henry Grile came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. George Grile held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. George Grile was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. George Grile was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private George Grile, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Grissel, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Grissel came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Grissel held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Nathaniel Grissel was a member of the First Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Nathaniel Grissel was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital at Fort Ontario, in the Town of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. Nathaniel Grissel was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Grissel, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Griswold, Solo – Solo Griswold came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Solo Griswold entered the army, on the Sixth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Solo Griswold was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Solo Griswold was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Solo Griswold, during or after the French and Indian War.