Connecticut Soldiers – H

The French and Indian War was fought between 1755 and 1763. It was fought with the English and the American on one side and the French and most of the Native American Tribes on the other. The war between the French and the English in Europe, was called the Seven Years War. These people listed are the men and women, who fought or gave aid and comfort for the war effort.

  • Hadsdill, James– James Hadsdill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. James Hadsdill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. James Hadsdill was a member of the Seventh Company and the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Hadsdill was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Hadsdill, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Hale, Daniel– Daniel Hale came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hale entered the army on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Daniel Hale was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Daniel Hale was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day, of November in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Daniel Hale, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hale, Samuel– Samuel Hale came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hale held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. Samuel Hale was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Hale died on the Twentieth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hale, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Haley, John– John Haley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John Haley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. John Haley was a member of the First Company and the Third Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. John Haley was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Haley, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Halket, Edward– Edward Halket came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Edward Halket held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Edward Halket was a member of the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Butler. After he was wounded, Edward Halket and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Edward Halket died on the Nineteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Edward Halket, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Abraham– Abraham Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Abraham Hall held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Abraham Hall was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Abraham Hall was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Abraham Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Caleb– Caleb Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Caleb Hall held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of May, in 1760. Caleb Hall was a member of the First Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Caleb Hall was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Caleb Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Daniel– Daniel Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hall held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Daniel Hall was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Daniel Hall was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Ichabod– Ichabod Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Ichabod Hall entered the army, on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Ichabod Hall was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, Major General of the British Forces in North America, First Baronet, and Captain David Parsons. Ichabod Hall was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ichabod Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Israel– Israel Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Israel Hall entered the army, on the Eighth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Israel Hall was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Israel Hall was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Israel Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Jabez– Jabez Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jabez Hall held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jabez Hall was a member of the Fourth Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Jabez Hall was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Jabez Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Hall held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of May, in 1760. Nathaniel Hall was a member of the First Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Nathaniel Hall was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hall, Thomas– Thomas Hall came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Hall held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. Thomas Hall was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Hall died on the Seventeenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Hall, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hamelton, Charles– Charles Hamelton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Charles Hamelton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Charles Hamelton was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Elmay. After he was wounded, Charles Hamelton and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Charles Hamelton died on the Seventeenth day of October, in 1760.  The surname of Hamelton can also, be spelled Hamilton. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Charles Hamelton, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hamlin, Christopher– Christopher Hamlin came from the Town of Middletown, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Christopher held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He served under the command of Major General William Johnson, First Baronet and Captain Timothy Heirlihey. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Christopher Hamlin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hamlin, Jabez– Jabez Hamlin came from the Town of Middletown, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jabez Hamlin held the rank of unknown, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He served under the command of Major General William Johnson, First Baronet and Major General Phineas Lyman. Jabez Hamlin was appointed to the Commissaries in March, of 1761. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Jabez Hamlin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hammond, Moses– Moses Hammond came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Moses Hammond held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Hammond was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Moses Hammond was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Hammond, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hammond, Noah– Noah Hammond came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Noah Hammond held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Noah Hammond was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Noah Hammond was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Noah Hammond, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hand, Aaron– Aaron Hand came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Aaron Hand held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Aaron Hand was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Aaron Hand was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Aaron Hand, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hand, Samuel– Samuel Hand came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hand held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-ninth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Hand was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Hand was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Samuel Hand, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hand, Timothy– Timothy Hand came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Timothy Hand held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760.  Hand was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Timothy Hand was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Timothy Hand, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Handrix, Roger– Roger Handrix came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Roger Handrix held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Roger Handrix was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Tomlinson. After, he was wounded, Roger Handrix and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Roger Handrix was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Roger Handrix, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hard, Jabez– Jabez Hard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jabez Hard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jabez Hard was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Tomlinson. After he was wounded, Jabez Hard and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Jabez Hard died on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jabez Hard, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Harden, Stephen– Stephen Harden came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Stephen Harden held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Sixth day of April, in 1760. Stephen Harden was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in Timothy the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Stephen Harden was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Stephen Harden, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harison, James– James Harison came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. James Harison held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. James Harison was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Harison died on the Seventeenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Harison, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harres, David– David Harres came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Harres held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Harres was a member of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Captain Ruggles. After, he was wounded, David Harres was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Seventeenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. David Harres was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Harres, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harris, John– John Harris came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Harris held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Harris was a member of the Tenth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Harris was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant John Harris, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harris, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Harris came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Harris held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Eighth day of April, in 1760. Nathaniel Harris was a member of the Ninth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathaniel Harris died on the Thirteenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Harris, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harris, Simeon– Simeon Harris came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simeon Harris held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Eighth day of April, in 1760. Simeon Harris was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Simeon Harris died on the Thirteenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Simeon Harris, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harrison, Peter– Peter Harrison came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Peter Harrison held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Peter Harrison was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of Major General William Johnson and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Peter Harrison was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Peter Harrison, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harriss, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Harriss came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Harriss held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Nathaniel Harriss was a member of the Twelfth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathaniel Harriss was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Nathaniel Harriss, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harriss, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Harriss came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Harriss held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Nathaniel Harriss was a member of the Twelfth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathaniel Harriss was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Nathaniel Harriss, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harriss, Petter– Petter Harriss came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Petter Harriss held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Petter Harriss was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Captain Stanton. After he was wounded, Petter Harriss and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of October, in 1760. Petter Harriss died on the Eleventh day of September, in 1760. The surname of Harriss can also be spelled Harris. The given Name of Petter can also, be spelled Peter. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Petter Harriss, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harry, George– George Harry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. George Harry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. George Harry was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. George Harry was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private George Harry, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harry, Peter– Peter Harry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Peter Harry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of June, in 1760. Peter Harry was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Peter Harry died on the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Peter Harry, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harry, Thomas– Thomas Harry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Harry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-ninth day of March, in 1760. Thomas Harry was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Thomas Harry was discharged on the Thirtieth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Harry, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harry, Thomas– Thomas Harry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Harry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Harry was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, of North America, and Captain Palmer. After, he was wounded, Thomas Harry and his fellow soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Thomas Harry died on the Thirtieth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Harry, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harvey, John– John Harvey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Harvey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-third day of May, in 1760. John Harvey was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Harvey was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Harvey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Harvy, Ithamor– Ithamor Harvy came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ithamor Harvy held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Ithamor Harvy was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ithamor Harvy was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ithamor Harvy, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hart, Josiah– Josiah Hart came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Josiah Hart held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Josiah Hart was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Josiah Hart was discharged on the Fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hart, during or after the French an Indian War.
  • Harvey, Thomas– Thomas Harvey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Harvey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. Thomas Harvey was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Harvey was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Harvey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Haskin, Daniel– Daniel Haskin came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Haskin held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Daniel Haskin was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Daniel Haskin was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Haskin, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hastings, Jonathan– Jonathan Hastings came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Hastings held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Jonathan Hastings was a member of the Eleventh Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jonathan Hastings was discharged on the Tenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Hastings, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hatch, James– James Hatch came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. James Hatch held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Third day of April, in 1760. James Hatch was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. James Hatch was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Hatch, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hatch, Zepeniah– Zepeniah Hatch came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Zepeniah Hatch held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Third day of April, in 1760. Zepeniah Hatch was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Zepeniah Hatch was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zepeniah Hatch, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Haut, Joseph– Joseph Haut came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Haut held the rank of Adjutant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Haut was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Joseph Haut was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Adjutant Joseph Haut, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hawkins, Eliezer– Eliezer Hawkins came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Eliezer Hawkins enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. He was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Eliezer Hawkins held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Eliezer Hawkins was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Eliezer Hawkins, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hawkins, Joseph– Joseph Hawkins came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hawkins enlisted on the Twenty-Ninth day of March, in 1760. He was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hawkins held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Hawkins was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hawkins, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hawley, Frederick– Frederick Hawley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Frederick Hawley enlisted in the Spring of 1760. He was a member of the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Frederick Hawley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. After he was wounded, Frederick Hawley and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Frederick Hawley was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Frederick Hawley, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hayden, Job– Job Hayden came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Job Hayden enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Job Hayden held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Job Hayden was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Job Hayden, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Haynes, Solomon– Solomon Haynes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Solomon Haynes enlisted on the Eighth day of April, in 1760. He was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Solomon Haynes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Solomon Haynes was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Solomon Haynes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Haynes, Thomas– Thomas Haynes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Haynes enlisted in the Spring of 1760. He was a member of the Third Company and the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Thomas Haynes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Thomas Haynes was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Haynes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hazzon, Joseph– Joseph Hazzon came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hazzon enlisted in the Spring of 1760. He was a member of the Third Company and the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hazzon held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Joseph Hazzon was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hazzon, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Heath, Peleg– Peleg Heath came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Peleg Heath enlisted in the Spring of 1760. He was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. Peleg Heath held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army, or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Peleg Heath was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Peleg Heath, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hendrickes, Samuel– Samuel Hendrickes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hendrickes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Hendreicks was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. After he was wounded, Samuel Hendrickes was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital in Oswegatche, St Lawrenc County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Samuel Hendrickes died on the Twenty-second day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hendrickes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Herwood, David– David Herwood came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Herwood held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. David Herwood was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Herwood deserted on the Fifth day of May, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Herwood, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewit, Andrew– Andrew Hewit came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Andrew Hewit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of March, in 1760. Andrew Hewit was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Andrew Hewit was discharged on the Twenty-ninth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Andrew Hewit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewit, Gershom– Gershom Hewit came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Gershom Hewit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Eighth day of May, in 1760. Gershom Hewit was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Gershom Hewit was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Gershom Hewit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewit, Joseph– Joseph Hewit came from the Town of Stonington, New London, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hewit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He never enlisted in the Spring of 1760, when most of the able men of Connecticut did. Joseph Hewit was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Joseph Hewit was discharged and listed as Never Joined in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hewit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewit, Samuel– Samuel Hewit came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hewit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. Samuel Hewit was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Samuel Hewit was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of August in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hewit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewitt, Benjamin– Benjamin Hewitt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Hewitt held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Benjamin Hewitt was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Benjamin Hewitt was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Benjamin Hewitt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewitt, David– David Hewitt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Hewitt held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. David Hewitt was a member of the First Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. David Hewitt was discharged on the Fifteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Hewitt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewitt, Olever– Olever Hewitt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Olever Hewitt held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Olever Hewitt was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Olever Hewitt was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. The given name of Olever can also be spelled Oliver. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Olever Hewitt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hewitt, Reuben– Reuben Hewitt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Reuben Hewitt held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Reuben Hewitt was a member of the First Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Reuben Hewitt was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Reuben Hewitt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Caleb– Caleb Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Cabel Hide held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Daniel Hide was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Caleb Hide was discharged on the Nineteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Caleb Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Daniel– Daniel Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hide held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of May, in 1760. Daniel Hide was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Daniel Hide was discharged on the Thirtieth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Daniel Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Elihu– Elidu Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elidu Hide held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elidu Hide was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Elidu Hide was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Elidu Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Gamaliel– Gamaliel Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Gamaliel Hide held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Gamaliel Hide was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Gamaliel Hide was discharged on the Nineteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Gamaliel Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Jedidiah– Jedidiah Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jedidiah Hide held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Jedidiah Hide was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Jedidiah Hide was discharged on the Nineteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jedidiah Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, John– John Hide came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Hide held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. John Hide was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Hide was discharged on the Eighth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, John– John Hide came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Hide held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Hide was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain Palmer. After he was wounded, John Hide and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. John Hide was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hide, Jonathan– Jonathan Hide came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Hide held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Hide was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain Holmes.  After he was wounded, Jonathan Hide and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in The City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, of Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First September and the Twenty-fourth October, following 1760. Jonathan Hide was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Hide, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hierlihy, Timothy– Timothy Heirlihy came from the town of Middletown, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Timothy Heirlihy held the rank of Captain and Brigade Major, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was appointed on the First day of April, in 1761. He served under the command of Sir William Johnson, Major General and First Baronet. Timothy Heilihy led the Eighth Company, of the Army. He was discharged on the Ninth day of December, in 1761. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain and Brigade Major Timothy Heirlihy, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hilard, Manor– Manor Hilard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Manor Hilard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Manor Hilard was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Manor Hilard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Manor Hilard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hill, Abner– Abner Hill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Abner Hill held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Abner Hill was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Abner Hill was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Abner Hill, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hill, Daniel– Daniel Hill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Daniel Hill was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Daniel Hill was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Hill, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hill, Dickerson– Dickerson Hill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Dickerson Hill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Dickerson Hill was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. When he was wounded, Dickerson Hill was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital at Fort Ontario, the Town of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. He then returned to service. Dickerson Hill was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private, Dickerson Hill, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hill, Samuel– Samuel Hill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Samuel Hill was a member of the Eleventh Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Samuel Hill was discharged on the Twenty-second day or November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hill, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hills, Abraham– Abraham Hills came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Abraham Hills enlisted in the military service on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Abraham Hills was a member of the Twelfth Company and First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Abraham Hills was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Abraham Hills, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hills, Amos– Amos Hills came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Amos Hills enlisted in the military service, on the First day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Amos Hills was a member of the Twelfth company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Amos Hills was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Amos Hills, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hills, Hezekiah– Hezekiah Hills came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Hezekiah Hills held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Hezekiah Hills was a member of the Tenth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Hezekiah Hills was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private, Hezekiah Hills, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hillyer, Andrew– Andrew Hillyer came from the Town of Simsbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Andrew Hillyer enlisted in the military service, in the Spring of 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Andrew Hillyer was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Major General Phineas Lyman. After he was wounded, Andrew Hillyer and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth of November, following 1760. Andrew Hillyer was discharged in the Fall of 1760. He wrote a memorandum, in his own hand, about his service under Colonel Phineas Lyman’s Regiment, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Andrew Hillyer, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hils, Daniel– Daniel Hils came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hils held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Daniel Hils was a member of the Eighth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Daniel Hils was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Hils, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hines, Samuel– Samuel Hines came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hines held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Hines was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Hines deserted on the Twenty-fifth day of May, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hines, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hitchcock, Amos– Amos Hitchcock came from the Town of New Haven, New Haven County in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. Amos Hitchcock held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day, of March, in 1760. Amos Hitchcock was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Amos Hitchcock was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Amos Hitchcock, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hitchcock, Asahel– Asahel Hitchcock came from the Town of New Haven, New Haven County in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. Asahel Hitchcock held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day, of March, in 1760. Asahel Hitchcock was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Asahel Hitchcock was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Asahel Hitchcock, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hobby, Thomas– Thomas Hobby came from the Town of Greenwich, Fairfield County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Hobby held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Hobby was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Thomas Hobby was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Thomas Hobby, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holcom, Ely– Ely Holcom came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Ely Holcom held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Ely Holcom was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain Kings. After he was wounded, Ely Holcom and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Ely Holcom was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ely Holcom, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holcomb, Eli– Eli Holcomb came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Eli Holcomb enlisted in the military service on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Eli Holcomb was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Eli Holcomb was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eli Holcomb, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holcomb, Silas– Silas Holcomb came from the Town of Simsbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Silas Holcomb held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the Tenth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. Silas Holcomb served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Captain Noah Humphrey. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant Silas Holcomb, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holdin, John, Jr.– John Holdin, Jr. came from the Town of Glastonbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Holdin, Jr. held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Holdin, Jr. was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, John Holdin, Jr. and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. John Holdin, Jr. was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Holdin, Jr., during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holdridge, Uriah– Uriah Holdridge came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. Uriah Holdridge held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day, of May, in 1760. Uriah Holdridge was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Uriah Holdridge died on the Fourth day October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Uriah Holdridge, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holister, Applet– Applet Holister came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Applet Holister enlisted in the military service, in the Spring of 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Applet Holister was a member of the Second Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain, who was also, Paymaster Seth King. After he was wounded, Applet Holister and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal in the Province of Quebec, in Canada, on the St. Lawrence River. Applet Holister died on the Eighteenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Applet Holister, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holister, Asahel– Asahel Holister came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Asahel Holister enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Asahel Holister was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Asahel Holister was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Asahel Holister, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holestor, Joel– Joel Holestor came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army of militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joel Holestor held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joel Holestor was a member of Captain Somney’s Company, of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Joel Holestor was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in Oswegatche, St Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. He then returned to service in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joel Holestor, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holister, Israel– Israel Holister came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Israel Holister enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-sixth day of November, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. Israel Holister was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and was replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Israel Holister was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Israel Holister, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, Christopher– Christopher Holmes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Christopher Holmes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. Christopher Holmes was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. He died on the Eleventh day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Christopher Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, Christopher– Christopher Holmes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Christopher Holmes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Christopher Holmes was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Lieutenant Colonel Spencer. After he was wounded, Christopher Holmes and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. He was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Christopher Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, David– David Holmes came from the Town of Woodstock, Windham County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Holmes held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Holmes was a member of the Sixth Company of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. David Holmes was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain David Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, John– John Holmes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Holmes enlisted in the military service, on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Holmes was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. John Holmes was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, Richard– Richard Holmes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Richard Holmes enlisted in the military service, on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Richard Holmes was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Richard was discharged on the Tenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Richard Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holmes, Thomas– Thomas Holmes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Holmes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Thomas Holmes was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Holmes was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Holmes, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holdred, Hezekiah– Hezekiah Holdred came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Hezekiah Holdred held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Hezekiah Holdred was a member of the Eighth Company of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Hezekiah Holdred was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Hezekiah Holdred, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holt, Joseph– Joseph Holt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Holt held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joseph Holt was a member of the Tenth Company of the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Joseph Holt was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Joseph Holt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Holt, Moses– Moses Holt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Moses Holt held the rank of Clerk, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Moses Holt was a member of the First Company of the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Moses Holt was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Clerk Moses Holt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Horsmore, John– John Horsmore came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Horsmore held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Horsmore was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Lieutenant Colonel Parsons. After he was wounded, John Horsmore and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. John Horsmore was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Horsmore, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Horton, John– John Horton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Horton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Horton was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Sumner. After he was wounded, John Horton and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. John Horton died on the Twenty-second, of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Horton, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hotchkiss, Joseph– Joseph Hotchkiss came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hotchkiss held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of May, in 1760. Joseph Hotchkiss was a member of the First Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Hotchkiss was discharged on the Thirtieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hotchkiss, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hotchkiss, Wait– Wait Hotchkiss came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Wait Hotchkiss held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Wait Hotchkiss How was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Wait Hotchkiss died on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Wait Hotchkiss, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • How, Jeremiah, Jr.– Jeremiah How Jr. came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jeremiah How Jr. held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jeremiah How Jr. was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Jeremiah How Jr. was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Jeremiah How Jr., during or after the French and Indian War.
  • How, Jonathan– Jonathan How, came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan How, held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan How was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Putnam. After he was wounded, Jonathan How and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Jonathan How died on the Twelfth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan How, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • How, Zakariah– Zakariah How came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Zakariah How held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Zakariah How was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zakariah How died on the Twenty-eighth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zakariah How, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howard, Edward– Edward Howard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Edward Howard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Edward Howard was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Edward Howard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Edward Howard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howard, Edward– Edward Howard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Edward Howard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Edward Howard was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Edward Howard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Edward Howard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howard, Elijah– Elijah Howard, came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Elijah Howard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elijah Howard was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Major Slap. After he was wounded, Elijah Howard and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Elijah Howard died on the Twelfth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elijah Howard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howd, Edward– Edward Howd came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the State of Connecticut. Edward Howd held the rank of Corporal, in the Colonial American army or militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Edward Howd was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command or William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Edward Howd was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Edward Howd, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howd, John– John Howd came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John Howd held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. John Howd was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Howd was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Howd, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howeit, Andrew– Andrew Howeit came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Andrew Howeit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Andrew Howeit was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain Palmer. After he was wounded, Andrew Howeit and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Andrew Howeit was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Andrew Howeit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Howeit, Samuel– Samuel Howeit came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Howeit held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Howeit was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain Palmer. After he was wounded, Samuel Howeit and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Samuel Howeit died on the Twenty-fourth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Howeit, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hows, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Hows came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Hows held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Nathaniel Hows was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting and Captain Douglas Edward Leach. Nathaniel Hows was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Hows, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hubbard, Daniel– Daniel Hubbard, came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Hubbard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Daniel Hubbard was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Hurlihy. After he was wounded, Daniel Hubbard and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Hubbard can also, be spelled Hubard. Daniel Hubbard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial or military service, of Daniel Hubbard, before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Hubbard, David, Jr.– David Hubbard, Jr., came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Hubbard, Jr., held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. David Hubbard, Jr. was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Noah Humphrey. David Hubbard, Jr., died during the War. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of David Hubbard, Jr., before or during the French and Indian War.
  • Hubbard, John– John Hubbard came from the City of New Haven, New Haven County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Hubbard entered the army on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. John Hubbard was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, Major General of the British Forces in North America and Captain David Parsons. John Hubbard was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. He was appointed to the Commissaries in March of 1761. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Hubbard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hubbard, Jonathan– Jonathan Hubbard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Hubbard held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Jonathan Hubbard was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jonathan Hubbard was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Hubbard, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hubbel, Samuel– Samuel Hubbel came from the Town of Fairfield, Fairfield County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hubbel held the rank of Captain, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Hubbel was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Samuel Hubbel was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial or military service, of Captain Samuel Hubbel, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hulet, Jacob– Jacob Hulet came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jacob Hulet held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jacob Hulet was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America. After he was wounded, Jacob Hulet and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October following 1760. Jacob Hulet died on the Nineteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jacob Hulet, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hulet, Obediah– Obediah Hulet came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Obediah Hulet held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Obediah Hulet was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America. After he was wounded, Obediah Hulet and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October following 1760. Obediah Hulet was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Obediah Hulet, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Amos– Amos Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Amos Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. Amos Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Amos Hull died on the Twenty-ninth day of the November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Amos Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Joseph– Joseph Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Hull was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Joseph– Joseph Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. Joseph Hull was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Hull was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Nathan– Nathan Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Nathan Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. Nathan Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathan Hull was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathan Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Nathaniel Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathaniel Hull was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Nathaniel– Nathaniel Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-Sixth day of March, in 1760. Nathaniel Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Nathaniel Hull was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Peter– Peter Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Peter Hull held the rank of Private, in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Peter Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Peter Hull was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Peter Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hull, Samuel– Samuel Hull came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Hull held the rank of Private in the Royal America Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. Samuel Hull was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Hull was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Hull, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Humphrey, Elihu– Elihu Humphrey came from the Town of Simsbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elihu Humphrey held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the Tenth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. Elihu Humphrey served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Noah Humphrey. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Elihu Humphrey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Humphrey, Hezekiah– Hezekiah Humphrey came from the Town of Simsbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Hezekiah Humphrey held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the Tenth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. Hezekiah Humphrey served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British American Forces, in North America, and Captain Noah Humphrey. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Hezekiah Humphrey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Humphrey, Lihue– Lihue Humphrey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Lihue Humphrey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Lihue Humphrey was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. Lihue Humphrey served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British American Forces, in North America, and Captain Noah Humphrey. After he was wounded, Lihue Humphrey and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Lihue Humphrey was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Lihue Humphrey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Humphrey, Noah– Noah Humphrey came from the Town of Simsbury, Hartford County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Noah Humphrey held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Noah Humphrey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Humphrys, Ashbel– Ashbel Humphrys came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ashbel Humphrys held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Ashbel Humphrys was a member of the Ninth Company of the Third Regiment, of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Ashbel Humphrys was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant Ashbel Humphrys, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hungerford, John– John Hungerford came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Hungerford held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. John Hungerford was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Hungerford was discharged on the Twenty-Second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Hungerford, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntington, Andrew– Andrew Huntington came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Andrew Huntington held the rank of Armourer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Andrew Huntington was a member of the First Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Andrew Huntington was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Armourer Andrew Huntington, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntington, Elijah– Elijah Huntington came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Elijah Huntington held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Elijah Huntington was a member of the First Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Elijah Huntington was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Elijah Huntington, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntington, Hezekiah– Hezekiah Huntington came from the City of Norwich, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Hezekiah Huntington held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Hezekiah Huntington was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. Hezekiah Huntington was discharged in the Fall of 1760. Later, he was appointed to the Commissary, in March of 1761. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Hezekiah Huntington, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntington, Israel– Israel Huntington came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Israel Huntington held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of March, in 1760. Israel Huntington was a member of the Ninth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Israel Huntington was discharges on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Israel Huntington, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntington, William– William Huntington came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Huntington held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Huntington was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. William Huntington was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Huntington, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Huntly, Moses– Moses Huntly came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Moses Huntly held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Huntly was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Butler. After he was wounded, Moses Huntly and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Moses Huntly was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Huntly, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hurlburt, Titus– Titus Hurlburt came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Titus Hurlburt enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. Titus Hurlburt was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Titus Hurlburt was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Titus Hurlburt, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hurlbut, Joshua– Joshua Hurlbut came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joshua Hurlbut held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Joshua Hurlbut was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. He was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joshua Hurlbut, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hutchins, William– William Hutchins came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Hutchins held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Hutchins was a member of the Third Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. William Hutchins was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Hutchins, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Hutchinson, Moses – Moses Hutchinson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Moses Hutchinson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. Moses Hutchinson was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Moses Hutchinson was listed as Never Joined in November of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Hutchinson, during or after the French and Indian War.