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Home » Connecticut Soldiers – S
- Sark, William – William Sark came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Sark held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Sark was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. William Sark was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Sark, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sage, Giles – Giles Sage came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. When the rank of a soldier is not listed, then the rank is usually that of Private in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Giles Sage served under the command of William Johnson, Major General of the British Forces in North America and First Baronet and Captain David Parsons. He was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. Giles Sage was discharges on the Third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Giles Sage, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sage, Giles – Giles Sage came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. When the rank of a soldier is not listed, then the rank is usually that of Private in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Giles Sage served under the command of William Johnson, Major General of the British Forces in North America and First Baronet and Captain Gaylord. He was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. After he was wounded, Giles Sage and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Giles Sage died on the Seventh day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Giles Sage, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Samael, Raymond – Raymond Samael came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Raymond Samael held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was pressed into service in the Spring of 1760. Raymond Samael was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting and Captain Doxerson. Raymond Samael was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Raymond Samael, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sancro, James – James Sancro came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Sancro held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. James Sancro was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Sancro was discharged on the Fourteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Sancro, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sandphear, Semuel – Semuel Sandphear came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Semuel Sandphear held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Semuel Sandphear was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Smith. After he was wounded, Semuel Sandphear and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Semuel Sandphear was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Semuel Sandphear, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sangar, Amass – Amass Sangar came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Amass Sangar held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Amass Sangar was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Holmes. After he was wounded, Amass Sangar and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Amass Sangar died on the Twenty-second day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Amass Sangar, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sark, William – William Sark came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. William Sark held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Sark was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. William Sark was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Sark, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Saxton, Jehial – Jehial Saxton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jehial Saxton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jehial Saxton was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jehial Saxton was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jehial Saxton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Saxton, Simeon – Simeon Saxton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simeon Saxton held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Simeon Saxton was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Simeon Saxton was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Drummer Simeon Saxton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scott, Barnabas– Barnabas Scott came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Barnabas Scott held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Barnabas Scott was a member of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Barnabas Scott was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Barnabas Scott, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scott, Ezekiel – Ezekiel Scott came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ezekiel Scott held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Ezekiel Scott was a member of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ezekiel Scott was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ezekiel Scott, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scovel, Benjamin – Benjamin Scovel came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Scovel held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Benjamin Scovel was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. He was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benjamin Scovel, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scovel, Ephraim – Ephraim Scovel came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ephraim Scovel held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Ephraim Scovel was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ephraim Scovel was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ephraim Scovel, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scovill, David – David Scovill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Scovill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Scovill was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Piercy. After, he was wounded, David Scovill and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. David Scovill died on the First day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Scovill, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scovill, Josiah – Josiah Scovill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Josiah Scovill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Josiah Scovill was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Josiah Scovill was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Josiah Scovill, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scovill, Samuel – Samuel Scovill came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Scovill held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Scovill was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Scovill was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Scovill, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scoward, James – James Scoward came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Scoward held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. James Scoward was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Piercy. After he was wounded, James Scoward and his fellow wounded soldiers, James Scoward was taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Seventeenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. James Scoward died on the Ninth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Scoward, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scranton, Ichabod – Ichabod Scranton came From the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ichabod Scranton held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Ichabod Scranton was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ichabod Scranton was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Ichabod Scranton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scranton, Simeon – Simeon Scranton came From the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simeon Scranton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Simeon Scranton was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Simeon Scranton was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Simeon Scranton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Scranton, Simon – Simon Scranton came From the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simon Scranton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Simeon Scranton was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Scranton. After, he was wounded, Simon Scranton and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Simon Scranton died on the Thirty-first day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Simon Scranton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Seamer, Josiah – Josiah Seamer came From the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Josiah Seamer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Josiah Seamer was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Josiah Seamer was discharged in the Fall of 1760. Sometimes this Josiah is spelled Josah. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Josiah Seamer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Seward, James – James Seward came From the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Seward held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. James Seward was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Seward died on the Tenth of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Seward, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sexton, Charles – Charles Sexton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Charles Sexton entered the military service on the Second day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Charles Sexton was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Charles Sexton was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service of Private, in the French and Indian War.
- Sexton, Jesse – Jesse Sexton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jesse Sexton entered military service on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Jesse Sexton was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Jesse Sexton was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jesse Sexton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shaw, John – John Shaw came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Shaw held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Shaw entered the service in the Spring, of 1760, but he did not enlist. John Shaw was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Shaw is listed as Never Joined, in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Shaw, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shaylor, Ephraim – Ephraim Shaylor came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Ephraim Shaylor held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Ephraim Shaylor was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ephraim Shaylor died on the Ninth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ephraim Shaylor, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, John – John Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of April, in 1760. John Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Shelley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, Samuel – Samuel Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourteenth day of May, in 1760. Samuel Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Shelley was discharged, on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, Shubal – Shubal Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Shubal Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of April, in 1760. Shubal Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Shubal Shelley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Shubal Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shepard, Sargeant – Sargeant Sheparson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Sargeant Shepard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Sargeant Shepard was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Hollome. After he was wounded, Sargeant Shepard and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Sargeant Shepard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Sargeant Shepard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sheparson, John – John Sheparson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John Sheparson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. Joseph Sheparson was a member of the Second Company, of the second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Sheparson died on the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Sheparson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sherman, Thomas – Thomas Sherman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Sherman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Sherman was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Sherman died on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Sherman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shiels, Daniel – Daniel Shiels came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Shiels enlisted in the military service, on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Daniel Shiels was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Daniel Shiels deserted on an unknown date, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Shiels, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, John – John Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of April, in 1760. John Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Shelley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, Samuel – Samuel Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army militia, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fourteenth day of May, in 1760. Samuel Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Shelley was discharged, on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shelley, Shubal – Shubal Shelley came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Shubal Shelley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of April, in 1760. Shubal Shelley was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Shubal Shelley was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Shubal Shelley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shepard, Sargeant – Sargeant Sheparson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Sargeant Shepard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Sargeant Shepard was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Hollome. After he was wounded, Sargeant Shepard and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Sargeant Shepard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Sargeant Shepard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sheparson, John – John Sheparson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. John Sheparson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. Joseph Sheparson was a member of the Second Company, of the second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Sheparson died on the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Sheparson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sherman, Thomas – Thomas Sherman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Sherman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Sherman was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General on the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Sherman died on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Sherman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shiels, Daniel – Daniel Shiels came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Daniel Shiels enlisted in the military service, on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Daniel Shiels was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Daniel Shiels deserted on an unknown date, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Daniel Shiels, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shipman, Abraham – Abraham Shipman came from the Town of Saybrook, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Abraham Shipman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Abraham Shipman was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Abraham Shipman was listed as Never Joined on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Abraham Shipman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shipman, Edward – Edward Shipman came from the Town of Saybrook, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Edward Shipman held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Edward Shipman was a member of the Twelfth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Edward Shipman was listed as Never Joined on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant Edward Shipman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shipman, Lemuel – Lemuel Shipman came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Lemuel Shipman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. Lemuel Shipman was a member of the Tenth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Lemuel Shipman was listed as Never Joined on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Lemuel Shipman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shirtleff, Lemuel – Lemuel Shirtleff came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Lemuel Shirtleff held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of May, in 1760. Lemuel Shirtleff was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Lemuel Shirtleff was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Lemuel Shirtleff, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Shirtlief, Lemuel – Lemuel Shirtlief came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Lemuel Shirtlief held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Lemuel Shirtlief was a member of the Eighth Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Lemuel Shirtlief was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Lemuel Shirtlief, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sibley, Moses – Moses Sibley came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Moses Sidley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Sidley was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America. After he was wounded, Moses Sibley and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Moses Sibley died on the Sixteenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Moses Sibley, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Silkrigg, John – John Silkrigg came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. John Silkrigg held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Silkrigg was a member of the Seventh Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Silkrigg was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal John Silkrigg, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sill, Fithen – Fithen Sill came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Fithen Sill held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Fithen Sill was a member of the Tenth Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Fithen Sill was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Fithen Sill, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Simons, Asahel – Asahel Simons came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army in the State of Connecticut. Asahel Simons entered the military service on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Asahel Simons was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Asahel Simons Deserted on the Second day of May, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Asahel Simons, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Simons, John – John Simons came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army in the State of Connecticut. John Simons entered the military service on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Simons was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Simons was discharged on the Fourth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of John Simons, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sims, John – John Sims came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Sims held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. John Sims was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. After he was wounded, John Sims and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to the city of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Seventeenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. John Sims died on the Eighth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Drummer John Sims, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sims, John – John Sims came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Sims held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. John Sims was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Sims was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal John Sims, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Skinner, Ebenezer – Ebenezer Skinner came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ebenezer Skinner held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Ebenezer Skinner was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ebenezer Skinner was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Ebenezer Skinner, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Skinner, Jonathan – Jonathan Skinner came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Skinner held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Skinner was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jonathan Skinner was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Skinner, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Skinner, Joseph – Joseph Skinner came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Skinner held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. Joseph Skinner was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Skinner was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Skinner, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Skinner, Thomas – Thomas Skinner came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or Militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Skinner held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. Thomas Skinner was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the commend of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Skinner was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Skinner, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Slate, Thomas – Thomas Slate came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Slate enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Thomas Slate was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Thomas Slate was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Slate during or after the French and Indian War.
- Slaughter, David – David Slaughter came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Slaughter held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. David Slaughter was a member of the First Company, and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Slaughter was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Slaughter, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sloan, David – David Sloan came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. David Sloan held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Second day of April, in 1760. David Sloan was a member of the First Company, and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. David Sloan was discharged on the Twenty-third day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial or military service, of Sergeant David Sloan, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smedly, James – James Smedly came from the Town of Fairfield, Fairfield County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Smedly held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was appointed in the Spring of 1760. James Smedly was a member of the Second Company, and the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. James Smedly Slaughter was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Lieutenant Colonel James Smedly, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Ebenezer – Ebenezer Smith came from the State of Connecticut, He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Ebenezer Smith held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Ebenezer Smith was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ebenezer Smith was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Ebenezer Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Elias – Elias Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Elias Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elias Smith was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Butler. After he was wounded, Elias Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Elias Smith died on the Eighth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elias Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Jacob – Jacob Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the state of Connecticut. Jacob Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirtieth day of March, in 1760. Jacob Smith was a member of the Ninth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jacob Smith was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jacob Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, James – James Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the state of Connecticut. James Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted, in the Spring, of 1760. James Smith was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, James Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, in the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. James Smith died on the Thirteenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, John – John Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the state of Connecticut. John Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted, on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. John Smith was a member of the Tenth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Smith died on the Tenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, John – John Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Smith was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Holmes. After, he was wounded, John Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. John Smith was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Jonathan – Jonathan Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Smith entered the military service on the Seventeenth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Jonathan Smith was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain Tyler. After he was wounded, Jonathan Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Jonathan Smith died on the Twelfth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Jordon – Jordon Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the state of Connecticut. Jordon Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Jordon Smith was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jordon Smith was discharged on the Twentieth day or November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jordon Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Joseph – Joseph Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Joseph Smith was a member of the First Company and Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Smith was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Joseph – Joseph Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Smith enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Joseph Smith was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Joseph Smith was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Smith during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Joseph, Jr. – Joseph Smith, Jr. came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Smith, Jr. enlisted in the military service, on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Joseph Smith, Jr. was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Joseph Smith, Jr. was discharged on the Sixteenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Smith, Jr. during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Moses – Moses Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Moses Smith held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Moses Smith was a member of the Third Company and Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Moses Smith was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Moses Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Phineas – Phineas Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Phineas Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Phineas Smith was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Butler. After, he was wounded, Phineas Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Phineas Smith was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Phineas Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Samuel – Samuel Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Smith enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Samuel Smith was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Samuel Smith was discharged on the Seventh day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Smith during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Samuel – Samuel Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Smith enlisted in the military service, in the Spring of 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Samuel Smith was a member of the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. After he was wounded, Samuel Smith and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. Samuel Smith died on the Sixth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Smith during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Samuel, Jr. – Samuel Smith, Jr. came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Smith, Jr. enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Samuel Smith, Jr. was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Samuel Smith, Jr. was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Smith, Jr. during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Simon – Simon Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simon Smith held the rank of Captain, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Simon Smith was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Simon Smith was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain Simon Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Stephen – Stephen Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Stephen Smith held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Stephen Smith was a member of the Ninth Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Stephen Smith was discharged in the Fall, of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Stephen Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Smith, Thomas – Thomas Smith came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Smith held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Thomas Smith was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Thomas Smith was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Smith, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sommers, Benjamin – Benjamin Sommers came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Sommers held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Benjamin Sommers was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Benjamin Sommers was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Benjamin Sommers, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Southworth, John – John Southworth came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Southworth held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Southworth was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, John Southworth was and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. John Southworth died on the Sixteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Southworth, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sparks, Thomas – Thomas Sparks came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Spark enlisted in the military service, on the Fifth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Thomas Sparks was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Thomas Sparks was discharged on the Fifteenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Sparks, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sparrow, James – James Sparrow came from the Town of East Haddam, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. James Sparrow held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March of 1760. James Sparrow was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Sparrow was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign James Sparrow, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spaulding, Jacob – Jacob Spaulding came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jacob Spaulding held the rank of Second Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jacob Spaulding was a member of the Second Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jacob Spaulding was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Second Lieutenant Jacob Spaulding, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spaulding, John – John Spaulding came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. John Spaulding held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Spaulding was a member of the Second Company of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Spaulding was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant John Spaulding, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sparkes, Joseph – Joseph Sparkes came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Sparkes held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joseph Sparkes was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Hitchcock. After he was wounded, Joseph Sparkes and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Joseph Sparkes died on the Tenth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Sparkes, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spelman, Elihu – Elihu Spelman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Elihu Spelman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of May, in 1760. Elihu Spelman was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in a North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Elihu Spelman was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elihu Spelman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spelman, Samuel – Samuel Spelman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Spelman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Spelman was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Spelman was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Spelman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spellman, Elisha – Elisha Spellman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Elisha Spellman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elisha Spellman was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Scranton. After he was wounded, Elisha Spellman and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, in 1760. The surname of Spellman can also be spelled Spelman. Elisha Spellman died on the Fifteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elisha Spellman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, David – David Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Spencer was a member of the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, David Spencer and his fellow wounded soldier were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. David Spencer was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Hobart – Hobart Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Hobart Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of March, in 1760. Hobart Spencer was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Hobart Spencer was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Hobart Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Jeremiah – Jeremiah Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Jeremiah Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Sixteenth day of April, in 1760. Jeremiah Spencer was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. He was discharged on the Twenty-fourth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jeremiah Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Jonah – Jonah Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonah Spencer held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Jonah Spencer was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Jonah Spencer died on the Sixteenth day of April, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Jonah Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Jonathan – Jonathan Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Spencer was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Jonathan Spencer and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, in the City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Jonathan Spencer died on the Sixteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Joseph – Joseph Spencer came from the Town of East Haddam, Middlesex County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Spencer was appointed to military service, in March, of 1760. He held the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Joseph Spencer was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General, of the British Forces, in North American, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Joseph Spencer was discharged, on the Twenty-eighth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Colonel Joseph Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Simion – Simion Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Simion Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Nineteenth of May, in 1760. Simion Spencer was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Simion Spencer was discharged on the Thirteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Simion Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Zaccheus – Zaccheus Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Zaccheus Spencer held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-sixth day of May, in 1760. Zaccheus Spencer was a member of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zaccheus Spencer was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Zaccheus Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Zachariah – Zachariah Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Zachariah Spencer entered the military service, on the Seventh day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. Zachariah Spencer was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Zachariah Spencer was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zachariah Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spencer, Zachraiah – Zachraiah Spencer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Zachraiah Spencer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Sixth day of April, in 1760. Zachraiah Spencer was a member of the Second Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zachraiah Spencer was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zachraiah Spencer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sperry, Eden – Eden Sperry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Eden Sperry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Eighth day of May, in 1760. Eden Sperry was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Eden Sperry was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eden Sperry, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sperry, Israel – Israel Sperry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Israel Sperry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Israel Sperry was a member of the First Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Israel Sperry was listed as Never Joined. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Israel Sperry, during or after the French and Indian War
- Spicer, Abel – Abel Spicer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Abel Spicer held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Abel Spicer was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Abel Spicer was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Abel Spicer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Spicer, Able – Able Spicer came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Able Spicer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Abel Spicer was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captains Stanton. After was wounded, Able Spicer and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Thirtieth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Able Spicer was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Able Spicer, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squibb, Christopher – Christopher Squibb came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Christopher Squibb held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Christopher Squibb was a member of the Third Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Christopher Squibb was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Christopher Squibb, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squil, Christopher – Christopher Squil came from the Town of Lebanon, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Christopher Squil held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Christopher Squil was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Christopher Squil deserted in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Christopher Squil, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squire, Ab( )ur – Ab( )ur Squire came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Ab( )ur Squire held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Thirty-first day of March, in 1760. Ab( )ur Squire was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Ab( )ur Squire was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. Part of this soldier’s given name has been lost. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Ab( )ur Squire, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squire, Charles – Charles Squire came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Charles Squire held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Charles Squire was a member of the Sixth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Charles Squire was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Charles Squire, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squire, Israel – Israel Squire came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Israel Squire held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-Ninth day of March, in 1760. Israel Squire was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Israel Squire was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Israel Squire, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squire, Benjamin – Benjamin Squire came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Benjamin Squire held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Benjamin Squire was a member of the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Benjamin Squire and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Edward, Washington County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Benjamin Squire died on the Eleventh day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benjamin Squire, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Squire, Samuel – Samuel Squire came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Samuel Squire held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-Ninth day of March, in 1760. Samuel Squire was a member of the Eleventh Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Samuel Squire was discharged on the Twentieth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Squire, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stacey, Joseph – Joseph Stacey came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Joseph Stacey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Joseph Stacey was a member of the First Company and the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Joseph Stacey was discharged on the Twenty-third day of December, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Stacey, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stanly, Nathan – Nathan Stanly came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Nathan Stanly held the rank of Private in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Nathan Stanly was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Lieutenant Colonel Parsons. After he was wounded, Nathan Stanly and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York. Nathan Stanly was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathan Stanly, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stanton, John – John Stanton came from the Town of Groton, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. John Stanton held the rank of Captain and Paymaster, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. John Stanton was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Stanton was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Captain and Paymaster John Stanton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stark, Stephen – Stephen Stark came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Stephen Stark enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Stephen Stark was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Stephen Stark was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Stephen Stark, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stark, Timothy – Timothy Stark came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Timothy Stark held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Timothy Stark was a member of the Eighth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Timothy Stark was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Timothy Stark, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stark, Zephaniah – Zephaniah Stark came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Zephaniah Stark held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Zephaniah Stark was a member of the Ninth Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zephaniah Stark was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zephaniah Stark, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Starr, James – James Starr came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. James Starr held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. James Starr was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Smith. After he was wounded, James Starr and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. James Starr was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Starr, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Staughton, John – John Staughton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. John Staughton held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Staughton was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, John Staughton and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. John Staughton was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Staughton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stebbins, Josiah – Josiah Stebbins came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Josiah Stebbins held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Josiah Stebbins was a member of the Third Company and the Third Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Josiah Stebbins was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Josiah Stebbins, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stedman, John – John Stedman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. John Stedman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. John Stedman was a member of the Seventh Company and the Second Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. John Stedman was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Stedman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stedman, John – John Stedman came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. John Stedman held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. John Stedman was a member of the Fifth Company and the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. John Stedman was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign John Stedman, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Steel, Seth – Seth Steel came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Seth Steel held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Seth Steel was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Seth Steel was discharged in Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Seth Steel, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sterry, Silas – Silas Sterry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Silas Sterry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-eighth day of March, in 1760. Silas Sterry was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Silas Sterry was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Silas Sterry, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Abraham – Abraham Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Abraham Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Abraham Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Abraham Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Abraham Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Elijah – Elijah Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elijah Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March 1760. Elijah Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Elijah Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elijah Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Elisha – Elisha Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elisha Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March 1760. Elisha Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Elisha Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elisha Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Eliakim – Eliakim Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Eliakim Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-seventh day of March, in 1760. Eliakim Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Eliakim Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eliakim Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, James – James Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. James Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April 1760. James Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. James Stevens was discharged on the Sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Leveret – Leveret Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Leveret Stevens held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Fifth day of April 1760. Leveret Stevens was a member of the Tenth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Leveret Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Leveret Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Noah – Noah Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Noah Stevens held the rank of Ensign, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Noah Stevens was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel David Wooster. Noah Stevens was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Ensign Noah Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Samuel – Samuel Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Stevens enlisted in the military service, on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Samuel Stevens was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Samuel Stevens was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stevens, Samuel – Samuel Stevens came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Stevens enlisted in the military service, in the Spring of 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Samuel Stevens was a member of the Fourth Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbles. After he was wounded, Samuel Stevens and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the Thirteenth day of June and the Thirty-first day of October, following 1760. Samuel Stevens was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Stevens, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stiles, Benoni – Benoni Stiles came from the State of Connecticut. He was mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Benoni Stiles entered military service on the Fourth day of April, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Benoni Stiles was a member of the Ninth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces in North America, and Captain David Parsons. Benoni Stiles was discharged on the Fourteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Benoni Stiles, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stiles, Elijah – Elijah Stiles came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elijah Stiles held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elijah Stiles was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Elijah Stiles was discharged in Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elijah Stiles, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Still, Thomas – Thomas Still came from the Town of Lime, New London County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Still held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Thomas Still was a member of Captain Wheetly’s Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Thomas Still deserted in the Fall, of 1760. He was also known as Samuel Hinds. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Stiles, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Still, Zacheas – Zacheas Still came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Zacheas Still held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Tenth day of April, in 1760. Zacheas Still was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Zacheas Still was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Zacheas Stiles, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stillson, Stephen – Stephen Stillson came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, of the State of Connecticut. Stephen Stillson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Stephen Stillson was a member of the Fourth Regiment, of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America and Captain Tomlinson. After he was wounded, Stephen Stillson and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Stephen Stillson died on the Fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Stephen Stillson, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stilwell, David – David Stilwell came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Stilwell held the rank of Drummer, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Stillwell was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Stilwell was discharged in Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Drummer David Stilwell, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stoddard, David – David Stoddard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Stoddard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. David Stoddard was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. David Stoddard was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Stoddard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stoddard, Hezekiah – Hezekiah Stoddard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Hezekiah Stoddard held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-ninth day of March, in 1760. Hezekiah Stoddard was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Hezekiah Stoddard was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Hezekiah Stoddard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stoddard, Mortimore – Mortimore Stoddard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Mortimore Stoddard held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. Mortimore Stoddard was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Mortimore Stoddard was discharged on the Fifteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Mortimore Stoddard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stoddard, Stephen – Stephen Stoddard came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Stephen Stoddard held the rank of Sergeant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the First day of April, in 1760. Stephen Stoddard was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Stephen Stoddard was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Sergeant Stephen Stoddard, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stone, Asahel – Asahel Stone came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Asahel Stone held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Asahel Stone was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel McNailes. After he was wounded, Elisha Stone and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, on the St. Lawrence River, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Asahel Stone died on the Twelfth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Asahel Stone, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stone, David – David Stone came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. David Stone held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. David Stone was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. David Stone was discharged on the Twenty-sixth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private David Stone, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stone, Elisha – Elisha Stone came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Elisha Stone held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Elisha Stone was a member of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Ruggles. After he was wounded, Elisha Stone and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, on the St. Lawrence River, between the Seventeenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Elisha Stone was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Elisha Stone, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stone, Hugh – Hugh Stone came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Hugh Stone held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Hugh Stone was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Crump. After he was wounded, Hugh Smith and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Hugh Stone was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Hugh Stone, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stone, Seth – Seth Stone came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Seth Stone held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Seth Stone was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel McNailes. After he was wounded, Seth Stone and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, on the St. Lawrence River, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Seth Stone died on the Twenty-first day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Seth Stone, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Storry, Solomon – Solomon Storry came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Solomon Storry held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Solomon Storry was a member of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Tyler. After, he was wounded, Solomon Storry and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, following 1760. Solomon Storry was discharged in the Fall, of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Solomon Storry, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Story, Amos – Amos Story came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Amos Story held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Amos Story was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. Amos Story was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Amos Story, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Southwert, Joseph – Joseph Southwert came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Southwert held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joseph Southwert was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Whitney. After he was wounded, Joseph Southwert and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, on the St. Lawrence River, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Joseph Southwert was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Southwert, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stow, Abraham – Abraham Stow came from the Town of Hebron, Tolland County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Abraham Stow held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Abraham Stow was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Abraham Stow was discharged on the Twenty-first day of December, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Stow, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stow, Josiah – Josiah Stow came from in the State of Connecticut. He was also, mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Josiah Stow held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in March, of 1760. Josiah Stow was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Josiah Stow was discharged in November of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Josiah Stow, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stow, Timothy – Timothy Stow came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Timothy Stow held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Timothy Stow was a member of the Sixth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Timothy Stow was discharged on the Fifteenth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Timothy Stow, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strange, James – James Strange came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. James Strange held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. James Strange was a member of the Third Company, of the Fourth Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Eleazer Fitch. James Strange was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Strange, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stratton, John – John Stratton came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. John Stratton enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. John Stratton was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. John Stratton was discharged on the Seventeenth day of October, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Stratton, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strickland, Jonathan – Jonathan Strickland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Strickland held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Strickland was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Gallons. After he was wounded, Jonathan Strickland and his fellow soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Osewgatche, St. Lawence, County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. Jonathan Strickland died on the Ninth day of September, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Strickland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strickland, Samuell – Samuell Strickland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuell Strickland held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuell Strickland was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain. Samuell Strickland was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuell Strickland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strickland, Samuel – Samuel Strickland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Strickland held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Samuel Strickland was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain Lewis. After he was wounded, Samuel Strickland and his fellow wounded soldiers, were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Samuel Strickland was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Strickland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strong, Amos – Strong Amos came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Amos Strong held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Amos Strong was a member of the Seventh Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Amos Strong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Amos Strong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strong, Eteon – Strong Eteon came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Eteon Strong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was pressed into service in the Spring of 1760. Eteon Strong was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting and Captain Doxerson. Eteon Strong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Eteon Strong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Strong, Rubin – Rubin Strong came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Rubin Strong held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Rubin Strong was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. Rubin Strong was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Rubin Strong, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stourges, William – William Stourges came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. William Stourges held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. William Stourges was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. After he was wounded, William Stourges and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Oswegatche, St. Lawrence County, in the State of New York, between the Fifteenth day of August and the Twenty-third day of September, in 1760. William Stourges died on the Twenty-second day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Stourges, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Stubbs, Joseph – Joseph Stubbs came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Stubbs held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Joseph Stubbs was a member of the Third Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Major Durgy. After he was wounded, Joseph Stubbs and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Albany, Albany County, in the State of New York, between the First day of November and the Thirtieth day of November, following 1760. Joseph Stubbs was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Stubbs, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sumner, Thomas – Thomas Sumner came from the Town of Hebron, Tolland County, in the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Connecticut. Thomas Sumner held the rank of First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-second day of August, in 1760. Thomas Sumner was a member of the Fifth Company, of the Second Regiment, in the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Colonel Nathan Whiting. He was discharged on the Twenty-second day, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Thomas Sumner, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Swan, William – William Swan came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. William Swan held the rank or Corporal, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fourth day of March, in 1760. William Swan was a member of the Eleventh Company, of the Fourth Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Eleazer Fitch. William Swan was discharged on the Twenty-second day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal William Swan, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sweatland, Jacob – Jacob Sweatland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jacob Sweatland enlisted in the military service, on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. He held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. Jacob Sweatland was a member of the Twelfth Company and the First Connecticut Regiment. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, and Captain David Hubbard, who was killed and replaced by Captain and Paymaster Seth King. Jacob Sweatland was discharged on the Twenty-fifth day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jacob Sweatland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sweatland, Jonathan – Jonathan Sweatland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Jonathan Sweatland held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Jonathan Sweatland was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting and Captain Douglas Edward Leach. Jonathan Sweatland was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Jonathan Sweatland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Sweet, Joseph – Joseph Sweet came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Joseph Sweet held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted on the Twenty-fifth day of March, in 1760. Joseph Sweet was a member of the Twelfth Company, of the Second Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel Nathan Whiting and Captain Douglas Edward Leach. Joseph Sweet was discharged on the Twenty-first day of November, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Joseph Sweet, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Swetland, Samuel – Samuel Swetland came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Samuel Swetland held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of, 1760. Samuel Swetland was a member of the First Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Samuel Swetland and his fellow Soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, at Fort Ontario, City of Oswego, Oswego County, in the State of New York, between the Twenty-fourth day of July and the Twenty-fifth day of October, in 1760. Samuel Swetland died on the Nineteenth day of August, in 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Samuel Swetland, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Swift, Heman – Heman Swift came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Heman Swift held the rank or First Lieutenant, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Heman Swift was a member of the Eighth Company, of the Third Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America, Colonel David Wooster. Heman Swift was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of First Lieutenant Heman Swift, during or after the French and Indian War.
- Symar, Nathaniel – Nathaniel Symar came from the State of Connecticut. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Connecticut. Nathaniel Symar held the rank or Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He enlisted in the Spring of 1760. Nathaniel Symar was a member of the First Regiment of the State of Connecticut. He served under the command of William Johnson, First Baronet, Major General of the British Forces, in North America. After he was wounded, Nathaniel Symar and his fellow wounded soldiers were taken to His Majesty’s Hospital, in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, in Canada, on the St. Lawrence River, between the First day of September and the Twenty-fourth day of October, in 1760. Nathaniel Symar was discharged in the Fall of 1760. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nathaniel Symar, during or after the French and Indian War.