Virginia Soldiers (D-F)

  • Daily, James – James Daily came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. James Daily held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Daily fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Daily, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dallowe, Claud – Claud Dallowe came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Claud Dallowe held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Claud Dallowe fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. The surname of Dallowe could also be spelled Dalone. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Claud Dallowe, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Davis, John – John Davis came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. John Davis held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Davis fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Davis, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dayley, James – James Dayley came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. James Dayley held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Dayley fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Dayley, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Deadman, Nathaniel – Nathaniel Deadman came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Nathaniel Deadman held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Nathaniel Deadman fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Nathaniel Deadman, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dean, William – William Dean came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. William Dean held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. William Dean fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Dean, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Devenney, William – William Devenney came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. William Devenney held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. William Devenney fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Devenney, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dewey, James – James Dewey came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. James Dewey held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Dewey fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Dewey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dixon, John – John Dixon came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. John Dixon held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, in the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. He was discharged. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Dixon, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Donahaugh, Thomas – Thomas Donahaugh came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Donahaugh held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army of Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Thomas Donahaugh fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Donahaugh, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Doran, James – James Doran was born in about 1735, in Ireland. He was mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Doran lived in the Town of Abingdon, Washington County, in the State of Virginia. He died in 1799 in the Town of Abingdon, Washington County, in the State of Virginia. James Doran was married to Margaret Gordon in 1759, in Ireland. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of James Doran, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Doran, Matthew – Matthew Doran came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Matthew Doran held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Matthew Doran fought in the battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Matthew Doran, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Draxter, Bernard – Bernard Draxter came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Bernard Draxter held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Bernard Draxter fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Bernard Draxter, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Driscale, Stephen – Stephen Driscale came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Stephen Driscale held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Stephen Driscale fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Stephen Driscale, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Droxeller, Bernard – Bernard Droxeller came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Bernard Droxeller held the rank of private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Bernard Droxeller fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Bernard Droxeller, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Dunn, Charles – Charles Dunn came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Charles Dunn held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Charles Dunn fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Charles Dunn, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Durham, John – John Durham came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. John Durham held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia, He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Durham Fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Durham, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Durham, Matthew – Matthew Durham came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Matthew Durham held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Matthew Durham fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was wounded in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Matthew Durham, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Durphey, Patrick – Patrick Durphey came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Patrick Durphey held the rank of Private in the State of Virginia. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Patrick Durphey fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was wounded in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Patrick Durphey, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Earnest, Henry – Henry Earnest came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Henry Earnest held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Henry Earnest fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Henry Earnest, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Efflock, Peter – Peter Efflock came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Peter Efflock held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Peter Efflock fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Peter Efflock, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Elliot, Robert – Robert Elliot came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Robert Elliot held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Robert Elliot fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was wounded in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Robert Elliot, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Essleet, Peter – Peter Essleet came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Peter Essleet held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Peter Essleet fought in the battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Peter Essleet, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Evans, Edward – Edward Evans came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Edward Evans held the rank of Corporal, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Edward Evans fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Corporal Edward Evans, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Evart, Edward – Edward Evart came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Edward Evart held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Edward Evart fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information, about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Edward Evart, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Farmer, John – John Farmer came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Farmer held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Farmer fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Farmer, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Farroll, John – John Farroll came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Farroll held the rank of Private in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Farroll fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Farroll, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Featon, John – John Featon came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Featon held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, From the State of Virginia, and served under the command of General George Washington. John Featon fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Featon, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ferguson, Duncan – Duncan Ferguson came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Duncan Ferguson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Duncan Ferguson fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Duncan Ferguson, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ferguson, James – James Ferguson came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Ferguson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Ferguson fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Ferguson, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ferguson, John – John Ferguson came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Ferguson held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Ferguson fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John Ferguson, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Field, John – John Field came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Field held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Field fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of private John Field, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Field, William – William Field came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. William Field held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. William Field fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private William Field, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Fields, John – John Fields came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. John Fields held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. John Fields fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private John fields, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Fisher, Thomas – Thomas Fisher came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Fisher held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Thomas Fisher fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was killed in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Fisher, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ford, James – James Ford came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Ford held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Ford fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was wounded in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Ford, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Ford, James – James Ford came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Ford held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Ford fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Ford, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Foster, Nicholas – Nicholas Foster came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Nicholas Foster held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Nicholas Foster fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Nicholas Foster, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Foster, Thomas – Thomas Foster came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Foster held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Thomas Foster fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Thomas Foster, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Fowler, Andrew – Andrew Fowler came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Thomas Fowler held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Andrew fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of the French and Indian War.
  • Franks, Michael – Michael Franks came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. Michael Franks held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Michael Franks fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private Michael Franks, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Fry, Joshua – Joshua Fry came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army or militia, in the State of Virginia. Joshua Fry held the rank of Colonel, in the Royal American Army or Militia. He was a member of the First Regiment, of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. Joshua Fry fought in the Battle of the Meadows, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Colonel Joshua Fry, during or after the French and Indian War.
  • Fullam, James – James Fullam came from the State of Virginia. He was also mustered into the army, in the State of Virginia. James Fullam held the rank of Private, in the Royal American Army. He was a member of the First Regiment, from the State of Virginia, and served under the command of Colonel George Washington. James Fullam fought in the Battle of the Great Meadow, on the Third day of July, in 1754, at Fort Necessity. He was wounded in battle. We have no additional information about the life, death, burial, or military service, of Private James Fullam, during or after the French and Indian War.