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- Labre, Lamber, Lambrer
- Labuxiere, Labushear, Labussiere
- Lacerda, Long or Beautiful Hair
- Lacey, Lacy, Lacie, Lasy
- Lackey, Lakey, Laskey
- Ladd, Lad, Lade
- Ladich, Ladigh, Ledech
- Ladue, LaDoux, LaDue, LaDeu, Ladew, LaDow, LaDu
- Ladshaw, Ladsoul, Ladstead
- Lage, Flat Slab of Rock
- Lagrange, LaGrange, Lagrang
- Laidlaw, Ludlow, Laidlow
- Laing, Laying, Layng
- Laird, Lairde, Lared
- Lake, Lakke, Lakes
- Lakemore, Lakemor, Lakmore
- Lakin, Laken, Likkin, Likins
- Lamb, Lam, Lamm
- Lambenstine, Lambenstien, Lamberstine
- Lamberson, Lamberton, Lamberdon
- Lambert, Lombard, Lumbard
- Lambright, Lambrecht, Lapreecht, Longbreak
- Lambson, Lamson, Lampson
- Lammot, Lammott, Lamott
- Lamont, Lemont, Lamondt
- Lampman, Lampin, Lambman, Lampen
- Lancaster, Landcaster, Lancasters
- Land, Lande Lands
- Landale, Landsell, Lansdell
- Landis, Landes, Lantes
- Landon, Landin, Landing, Landen, London
- Lane, Lain, Laine, Layne, Layn, Lehn, Len
- Lanfair, Landfair, Lanfare
- Lang, Lange, Long
- Langford, Langfort, Langforth, Langfoot, Langeford, Langfat, Langfit, Langfitt, Longeford, Longfort, Longforth, Longfoot, Longafoot, Longfit, Lonfort, Lonfit, Lightfoot, Lightfitt, Lankfort, Lankfort
- Langley, Langy, Longley
- Langston, Lansdon, Langton
- Lanham, Langham, Lanhams
- Lanier, Laniere, Lainier
- Lansdale, Landsell, Lansdell
- Lanzo, DeLanzo, DeLonzo
- Lapa, From Lapa in Portugal
- Lapham, Laphamn, Laphams
- LaPlata, Laplata, LaPlatas
- Lara, From Lara de los Infantes
- Larcom, Larkcom, Larkum
- Larrison, Larason, Larison, Larreson
- Larzelere, Larzlere, Larzeler
- Lash, Lauch, Lasch
- Lasley, Lasly, Lassley
- Latham, Leatham, Lathame
- Latimer, Latimore, Lattemore, Lattimer
- Laubach, Lauback, Labach
- Lauderdale, Leatherdale,
- Laudenslager, Lawdenslager, Lautenslager
- Lauman, Lowman, Lowmen
- Lavillebeuvre, Lavillebuvre
- Laurel, Laurell, Lourell
- Lausch, Laush, Lousch, Loush
- Law, Lawe, Laws
- Lawhead, Lawhad, Lawheard
- Lawrence, Lawrance, Laurence, Larrance, Lorance, Lowrence
- Lawrie, Lawry, Laurie
- Lawson, Lawsen, Lawsone, Lassen, Lasson, Lossing
- Lawton, Laughton, Lauton
- Lay, Laye, Laiy
- Layman, Laman, Lament, Lamont, Lemmons, Lemon
- Li, Pear Tree, Near a Pear Tree
- Liu, Kill, Destroy
- Lea, Lee, Leigh
- Leach, Leech, Leich, Leitch
- Leadbetter, Ledbetter, Ledebetter
- Leal, Leale, Leall
- Leanard, Lennard, Leinard
- Lear, Leare, Leer, Lehr, Leigher, Lohr
- Leatherman, Letherman, Leathermen
- Leaters, Lathers, Leather, Leatherer
- Leavitts, Leavitt, Leavitt, Leavett
- LeBlanc, Pale, Very Blonde Hair
- Labanon, Lebanan, Lebonan, Lebonon
- Lecky, Lackey, Lacky, Lakey
- Le Drezen, Le Dresen, Le Dresin
- Lee, Lea, Leigh
- Leesburg, Leesberg, Leeburg
- Leetonia, Leatonia, Leeton, Leeson, Leeston
- Leffingwell, Lefingwell, Leftingwel
- Leffler, Lefflier, Lefler
- Lefoy, Lafoy, leffoy
- Leftwich, Leftwhich, Leftwitch
- Legare, Legarre, Legare, Legere, Legeer, Legear
- Le Gardeur De Tilly, LeGarder DeTilly, LeGarder Tilly
- Legg, Leg, Legge
- Leggett, Legget, Legett, Leget
- Lehew, Lehue, Lehu, Lahew
- Lehman, Leman, Leaman
- Lehmer, Leamer, Lemer
- Leib, Leab, Libe, Leep, Lipe, Leip
- Leiby, Leibey, Leibye
- Leichleiter, Lickliter, Lickletter, Leekliter
- Leidy, Lattigg, Leyde, Lidey, Lydick
- Leigh, Liegh, Lee, Leah
- Leighton, Laighton, Layton, Laton
- Lein, Lien, Line
- Leinbach, Leimbach, Lembach, Lemback, Lembeck
- Leininger, Leinlinger, Lenlinger
- Leiper, Leaper, Leeper
- Leip, Leep, Liep
- Leipsic, Leepsic, Liepsic
- Leisenring, Liesenin, Lisenring, Liesenring
- Leist, Least, Liest
- Leite, Milk, Pale Complexion
- Leith, Leath, Lieth
- Leitheiser, Leatheser, Leathesser
- Leitch, Leach, Leech, Leash
- Leland, Lealand, Leiland
- Lemon, Leaman, Leamon, Leman, Lemmon
- Lemasters, Lemaster, Lemastters, Masters
- Lemunyon, Lamunyon, Lemunyin
- Lenhert, Lenhart, Leonhart
- Lenior, Lanier, Lanoir, Lenore
- Leonard, Lenard, Lennard, Linnard, Leonerd, Lenhart,Leonhart,
- Lepage, Lapage, Lepaige
- Lerch, Larch, Lark
- Lesesne, Lesesen, Leseson
- Lesher, Lauser, Loschier, Louser
- Lessa, From a Different Place in Portugal
- Leslie, Lesley, Lesle
- Lestage, LeStage, Lestagg
- Lesuer, Lesueur, Lesure
- Lester, Lestor, Leaster
- Letchworth, Lietchworth, Litchworth
- Letts, Lett, Let
- Letzenbergh, Litzenberg, Litzenberger
- Levan, LeVan, LeVann
- Levestone, Levison, Leveston, Levistone
- Levis, Leves, Leviss
- Levy, Leavy, Levi
- Lewis, Louis, Louise
- Lewman, Looman, Luman, Lehman, Lyman, Leman, Leaman
- Lexington, Lexingston, Lezington
- Li, Plum Tree, Plum
- Libhart, Lybhart, Libheart
- Lichty, Lichtey, Lichtie
- Liddell, Liddle, Liddel
- Light, Leight, Licht, Lite
- Lightner, Lighter, Lightnere
- Ligon, Lygon, Liggon
- Lightfoot, Lightfoote, Litefoot
- Liken, Likens, Lykens, Lycon, Lycons
- Lilley, Lillie, Lilly, Lily, Lylly
- Lim, Forest, Chinese Forest
- Limond, Lymond, Lyman
- Lima, By the Banks of a River in Portugal
- Lin, Lynn, Lenn
- Lincoln, Linkin, Lincon, Linkhorn, Linkon
- Lind, Lynd, Linde
- Lindemuth, Lindamood, Lindamude, Lindenmuth
- Linder, Lyndar, Lynder
- Lindley, Linday, Lindly
- Lindsey, Linsey, Lindsay, Lyndsay, Lindley, Lindsley, Linsey, Linsy
- Linderbeck, Lynderbeck, Lindrbeck
- Lindesmith, Lindsmith, Lendesmith
- Lineberger, Lineburger, Lionberger, Leuenberger
- Linnell, Linnel, Linel, Linnle
- Linsenbigler, Linsenbiger, Linsenbigner
- Linthicum, Linecum, Lincecum
- Lintner, Lindner, Lyntner
- Liming, Leming, Lemon
- Lippincott, Lipincott, Lippincotte
- Lipscomb, Lipscombe, Lippscombe
- Lippitt, Lippit, Lippitte
- Lisbon, Lisbone, Lisban
- Little, Lytle, Litle, Lightle, Liddle, Littell, Klein
- Littlefield, Littlefeld, Littelfield
- Littlehale, Littlehail, Litlehale
- Littler, Letellier, Littlelier
- Litzinger, Litsinger, Litzingner
- Lively, Livly, Livley
- Livingstone, Livingston, Livington
- Llewellyn, Lewelen, Luelen, Louellen
- Lloyd, Lloyde, Loydes, Loyd, Loyds
- Loar, Loare, Loard
- Lobban, Loban, Lobin
- Lobera, Loberea, Loberia
- Lockard, Lockart, Lockhart, Lockett
- Locke, Lock, Louke, Loke,
- Lockwood, Lockward, Lockwoods
- Loden, Lodden, Lodene, Lodin, Lodan
- Lodge, Loge, Lodges
- Lodi, Lodie, Lody
- Loflin, Lofflin, Loffline
- Lofthouse, Loftous, Loftis, Loftus
- Logan, Loggan, Logans
- Lomba, Ridges, Mountains
- Lombard, Lonbard, Lumbard
- Lominac, Lominak, Lominck
- Lonaconing, Lonaconin, Lonconing
- Loney, Lonney, Lony
- London, Londdon, Londan
- Long, Lang, Lange
- Longacre, Longaker, Longenecker
- Longberger, Lonberger, Longburger
- Longenbucher, Longenbacker, Longenbacher
- Longley, Longly, Longlee
- Longsdorf, Longstaff, Longdorf
- Look, Looke, Looks
- Loomis, Lomis, Loumis, Loomiss
- Looney, Loonie, Loony
- Lopez, Lopes, Lopesz
- Lorain, Loraine, Lorrain
- Lord, Lorde, Laurd, Laurde
- Lorimer, Lorimore, Lorimar
- Losee, Losey, Loseye
- Lothrop, Lathrop, Lothrope
- Louck, Laux, Louks, Loux, Lount
- Loudon, Loudan, Lawdon
- Loughry, Lockry, Loughtry
- Lounsbury, Lownsberry, Lounsberry
- Loureiro, Laurel Trees
- Louro, Blonde Hair, Chestnut Hair
- Love, Loven, Louve
- Loveland, Lovelin, Lovelan
- Loveless, Lacelace, Loveles
- Lovell, Lovel, Lovells, Lovall
- Lovett, Lovette, Lovet
- Lovewell, Lovewill, Lovewel
- Loving, Lovell, Loven, Lovin, Lovvorn
- Low, Lau, Louw, Lowe
- Lowcock, Locock, Loewcock, Leocock
- Lowell, Lowell, Lowel, Louell
- Lowndes, Lowndess, Lown, Lowns, Lownes
- Lowry, Lowrey, Lowery, Lowrie, Laury, Lawrey, Lohr, Lower, Lowrie, MacLaren, McLaren
- Lozano, Lacarno, From the City of Lacarno in Switzerland.
- Lu, Chinese Surname
- Lucas, Luces, Lucass
- Luce, Eluce, Luse
- Lucero, Light, Evening Star
- Lucio, Light, Bright Light
- Luck, Lucky, Luckie, Luckey
- Luckenbill, Luckinbill, Luckinbil
- Lucy, Lucey, Lousey
- Ludington, Ludenton, Luddington
- Ludlam, Ludlum, Ludlom
- Ludlow, Ludloe, Lulo
- Lugo, Wood Grove of Augustus Spain
- Luke, Luce, Luk
- Lumpkin, Lompkin, Lumkins
- Luna, Moon, Moon Like
- DeLundin, DeLundan, Lundin
- Lundy, Lundie, Lundey
- Lusby, Lusbie, Lusbby
- Lush, Lusch, Lushe
- Lusk, Loosk, Luske
- Luther, Luether, Luthier, Luthers
- Lutkins, Luttkins, Lutkin
- Luttrell, Luttrel, Lutrel
- Lutz, Loots, Lotz, Louts
- Lyday, Leidy, Lyda
- Lyman, Liman, Lymon
- Lynch, Lynsh, Lynche
- Lynn, Linn, Lin
- Lyon, Lion, Lions, Lyons