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- Naber, Nabor, Naebor
- Nadar, Nahdar, Nyder, Naider, Nadir
- Nagle, Nagel, Naggel, Naill, Nail, Naugel, Naegle, Neagle
- Nance, Nanse, Nantz
- Nanny, Nanney, Nannie
- Napier, Napper, Napiers
- Narramore, Naramore, Narimore
- Narvaez,
- Nash, Nass, Nashe, Nasse
- Nava, Treeless Plateau
- Navarro, Navarre, From Navarre in France
- Naves, From Naves in Portugal
- Nazario, From Nazareth in Israel
- Nead, Need, Neade
- Neal, Neale, Neel, Neile, Neill
- Nealy, Neely, Neeley, Neiley, Neily, Nealey, Neligh
- Neau, Noe, Nowe, No, New
- Nees, Nease, Neese, Ness
- Neff, Neif, Neaf
- Neigh, Niegh, Nye, Neygh
- Neil, Neal, Neile
- Neilson, Nealson, Neilsen
- Neithawk, Neathawk, Nethawk
- Nelson, Neilson, Nealson, Neilsen, Nillson
- Nester, Nestor, Nister
- Neves, Nevis, Neve
- Neville, Nevil, Nevill, Nebill
- Newark, Newarke, Newarch
- Newcomb, Neucomb, Newcombe, Newcomer, Newcomers
- Newhall, Newhal, Neuhall
- Newland, Newlin, Newlyn
- Newman, Neuman, Newmin, Neiman, Nieman, Numan
- Newsum, Neesum, Newsom
- Newton, Neuton, Nuton, Newtons
- Ney, Neye, Nie
- Nguyen, Nguyens, Lute
- Nice, Neis, Nyce
- Nicholas, Nicholos, Nickolas
- Nicholson, Nicholsen, Nickelson
- Nichols, Nicholls, Niccols, Nichels, Nickels, Nickles, Nicols, Nickals, Nuckolls, Nuckalls
- Nickerson, Nickison, Nickersen
- Nicodemus, Nichodemus, Nickdemus
- Nicol, Nickol, Nicole, Nicoll
- Nicolson, Nicollson, Nickolson
- Niederhaus, Nederhous, Netherhouse
- Nightingale, Nightingaile, Nightingail, Nitengale
- Niles, Niels, Nils, Nil
- Nimmo, Nimo, Nemo
- Nipple, Nibble, Nepple
- Nisbet, Nisbett, Nisbette
- Nix, Niches, Nicks
- Noble, Nobel, Nobell
- Noel, Noell, Noelle
- Nolet, Nolett, Nollett
- Nora, From Nora in Portugal
- Norbeck, Norback, Norbecke
- Norman, Normen, Normans, Normand
- Noronha, From Gandra in Spain
- Norris, Norres, Norras
- North, Northe, Noth
- Northey, Northy, Northley, Northly
- Northrope, Northropp, Northrop, Northrup, Northur, Northup, Norther
- Norton, Naughton, Noughton
- Norvell, Norvil, Norwell
- Nott, Not, Knott
- Nourse, Nurse, Noure
- Novak, Novac, Novack, Novake
- Novo, New in Portugal
- Noyes, Noise, Morse
- Null, Knull, Noll, Knoll
- Nunemacher, Nunamacher, Nunemucher
- Nunez, Son of Nuno
- Nunnery, Nunery, Nonnery
- Nushag, Nushagg, Nusagg.
- Nutting, Nuting, Knutting
- Nye, Neigh, Niegh, Nie, Nay, Ney, Nigh