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- Pace, Paces, Pase
- Pacheco, Noble, Person
- Pack, Pak, Packe, Packs
- Padgett, Padget, Paddgett, Paddete
- Padilla, Sauce Pan, Little Pot
- Pagan, Pagen, Pagon
- Page, Paige, Pagge
- Paine, Payne, Pain, Payn, Paines
- Painter, Paintar, Paintor
- Paist, Paste, Past
- Palacios, Palace, Near Palace
- Palmer, Palmore, Parmer
- Pao, Bakery, Baking
- Pappas, Papas, Pappes
- Paredes, Living by the Woods
- Paris, Parris, Pariss
- Park, Parke, Parkes, Parks
- Parker, Parkere, Parkers
- Parkhurst, Parckhurst, Parkurst
- Parmelee, Parmaley, Parmele
- Parmenter, Parmentier, Parminter, Palmateer, Palmatier
- Parr, Par, Pare
- Parra, Grapevine, Trellis, Grows Grapes
- Parrish, Parish, Parrishe
- Parrott, Parrett, Parrot, Perritt
- Parsons, Parson, Pearson, Persons, Pierson
- Partello, Partillo, Partelo
- Partridge, Partrige, Partridges
- Pascoe, Pasco, Pascow
- Pate, Patte, Pates
- Patch, Patche, Patck
- Patchen, Patchin, Patchan
- Patel, Patell, Pattel Indian, Gujarati, Landowner
- Patrick, Patric, Patrik
- Patten, Paten, Paton, Patton
- Patterson, Peterson, Petersen, Paterson, Pedersen, Pattison, Paddeson
- Paul, Paull, Paulle
- Paula, Small and Beautiful
- Paulding, Pawling, Polden
- Paulk, Pawlk, Polk
- Paulson, Paulsen, Paulesen
- Paxson, Paxton, Paxston
- Payne, Paine, Paynes
- Payson, Paysin, Paison
- Payton, Paeton, Peaton, Peyton
- Paz, Paxz, Pasz
- Peabody, Pebody, Peibody
- Peacock, Peacoke, Peacocke
- Peake, Peak, Peck, Peek
- Peale, Peal, Pealle
- Pearson, Peirson, Pierson, Person, Parson
- Pease, Peise, Peese
- Peaslee, Peasley, Pleasly
- Peck, Pecke, Pack
- Peckham, Peckam, Peckim
- Pedersen, Pederson, Peterson
- Peeble, Peebles, Peables
- Peiffer, Pfieffer, Pfeifer
- Pell, Pelle, Pel
- Pelletier, Pelleter, Peletier
- Pelton, Pilton, Peltton
- Pemberton, Pembertin, Pemberten
- Pena, Rock, Cliff, Near cliff or Rock
- Pendry, Pendary, Pindry
- Penn, Pen, Pinn
- Penfield, Penfields, Pinfield, Penfeld
- Penney, Penny, Perry, Pinney
- Pennypacker, Pennipacker, Pennypackers
- Pennington, Penington, Penningtin
- Pennock, Penick, Penix, Pennix, Peonix, Pinnix, Poenix
- Pennypacker, Pannapacker, Pannebecker, Pennebacker
- Peoples, Peobles, People
- Peralta, Piralta, Peralte
- Percy, Pearcy, Peircy, Piercy, Persil
- Pereira, Pear Tree, Pear Farming
- Perez, Perz, Pearez, Peres, Peris Paris
- Perkins, Perkin, Pearkins, Parkins
- Perkinson, Perkinsen, Perkinsons, Purguson
- Perley, Perrley, Parley
- Perrault, Perralt, Perrauldt
- Perricone, Perricon, Perrycone
- Perrin, Perin, Perrine
- Perry, Peary, Perey, Parry, Peiry, Peery, Perrys
- Perryman, Perriman, Perreman
- Persinger, Parsinger, Persingen
- Person, Persen, Parson
- Pershing, Perching, Pershings
- Pertwee, Partie, Pertee, Pertwie, Party
- Pestana, Thick Eyelashes
- Peters, Peter, Petere, Petrie, Peeters
- Peterson, Petersen, Petersson
- Pettengall, Pettengill, Pettingall, Pettingell, Pattangall, Petengal, Pettingil
- Pettibone, Pettibon, Pettbon
- Pettiford, Petteford, Pettiforde
- Pettipool, Pettypool, Pettypol
- Pettit, Pettet, Pettitte
- Petts, Peatts, Pitts
- Pettus, Pettes, Pettice, Pettis, Pettys
- Petty, Pettie, Pety
- Peyton, Payton, Peytin
- Pham, Extensive, More
- Phan, Phamn, From Vietnamese
- Phelps, Phellps, Felps
- Phifer, Fifer, Peiffer, Pfieffer, Pifer, Piper
- Philbrick, Phillbrick, Philbrook, Fillbrook, Filbrook, Philbook, Philbeck
- Philipi, Phillipi, Phillippi, Filipi, Filippi
- Phillips, Philipps, Philips, Fillips
- Phipps, Phips, Fipps
- Piatt, Peatt, Peayatt, Pyatt, Pyeatt, Pyeatte
- Pickard, Packard, Pachard
- Pickering, Pickerin, Pickin
- Pickerington, Pickeringtin, Pickeringtan
- Pickett, Picket, Picketts
- Pidcock, Picock, Pidcok
- Pierre, Peirre, Piere
- Pierce, Pearce, Peirce, Pearse, Perce, Peers
- Pike, Peke, Pake
- Piketon, Piketin, Pikton
- Piland, Pilann, Pilland
- Pilgrim, Pilgram, Pilgrum
- Pillsbury, Pilsbury, Pilsberry, Pillsberry
- Pilson, Pilsen, Pilsin
- Pimenta, Farming and Selling Peppers
- Pin, Pinn, Pins
- Pinckney, Pinkney, Pinkeney
- Pindall, Pindell, Pindal
- Pineda, Forest of Pines
- Pinegar, Pfinegar, Pingar
- Pinheiro, Pine Tree
- Pinkston, Pinkstone, Pinckston
- Pinto, Pinteo, Pintios
- Pinyard, Pinnyard, Piniard, Pinyerd, Pinnyerd
- Piper, Pipper, Pfeiffer
- Pirkey, Perkey, Perckley
- Pitman, Pittman, Pittiman
- Pitts, Pitt, Pit
- Pitzer, Pitzar, Pitser
- Plackard, Plackerd, Plackarde
- Plaine, Plain, Playn
- Plank, Blanch, Blanck, Planck
- Plant, Plante, Plantt
- Platner, Plattner, Plater
- Platt, Platts, Platte
- Plauche, Plache, Pawche
- Pleasant, Pleasants. Plesant
- Plume, Plumb, Plum
- Plummer, Plumer, Plumber
- Poe, Pow, Powe
- Poindexter, Pouindexter, Pendexter
- Poissot, Poissott, Possot
- Poitevint, Portevinte, Portevint
- Polhemus, Pollhemus, Polhemis
- Polk, Polke, Poulk
- Pollard, Pollerd, Pollarte
- Polley, Paule, Paulee, Pauley, Pauly, Polly, Powley
- Pollock, Pock, Poulk, Poke, Polock
- Poole, Pool, Poul, Pooles
- Poor, Pour, Poure, Poore
- Pomeroy, Pomroy, Pumrey, Pumroy
- Ponce, Pontius, Pontos
- Pond, Ponds, Ponde
- Pope, Pop, Poup
- Porcher, Porches, Porchs
- Portage, Pordage, Portages
- Portillo, Small Port
- Porter, Pourter, Portiers, Porters, Port, Pord
- Porterfield, Porterfeild, Porterfeld
- Portillo, Portilla, Portilo
- Portis, Portes, Portiss, Portais
- Posey, Possey, Possie
- Post, Postt, Poste
- Pote, Poth, Pothe, Potes
- Potter, Poter, Potters
- Potts, Pots, Pott
- Poulan, Poland, Pouland
- Poulson, Poulsen, Paulson
- Pound, Pond, Pounde
- Powell, Powel, Powelle, Powells, Paul
- Powers, Powar, Powars, Power
- Powys, Powis, Powise
- Poyner, Poyners, Poiter
- Prado, Padoe, Pradow
- Prall, Prahl, Praull, Praule, Praulle, Prawl, Prawle
- Prater, Pratar, Prator
- Prather, Prater, Praytor, Prayther, Prader, Preater, Praeter, Praetor
- Pratt, Pratte, Prate, Prat
- Prentiss, Prentice, Prentise
- Prescott, Prescut, Prescutt
- Presley, Preslly, Presaly, Preslie, Pressley
- Preston, Preson, Presson, Presston
- Prettyman, Prettiman, Prittyman
- Price, Pryce, Prise
- Pridgen, Pridgeon, Pridgon
- Prieur, Priur, Preur
- Prince, Printz, Prinse
- Prindle, Pringle, Pringel
- Prioleau, Priolow, Prilo
- Prior, Prier, Pryor
- Pritchard, Prichard, Pretchard
- Pritchett, Prichette, Pritchet
- Probert, Proberte, Proburt
- Probyn, Probin, Probbin, Proben
- Proctor, Procter, Proctar
- Prodger, Proger, Prodgar
- Prosser, Prossir, Proser
- Proffitt, Profit, Prophet
- Proper, Prober, Propper
- Prospect, Prosect, Praspect
- Prothero, Prauthero, Protheroe
- Prouty, Prowty, Prauty
- Prudden, Pruden, Pruddon, Prutton, Pruden, Prudon
- Pruitt, Pruit, Prewett, Pruette, Pruett, Pruite, Pruiet
- Pryor, Prior, Prier
- Puckett, Pucket, Packett
- Puffer, Puffar, Puffers
- Pugh, Pue, Pew
- Pugsley, Puggsley, Puggsly
- Pullen, Pullin, Pullan
- Pulliam, Pullam, Pulliame
- Pulver, Pulfer, Pullver
- Pumphrey, Pumphry, Pumphrie
- Purple, Purplle, Pyrple
- Pursell, Pursel, Purcel, Purcell, Purcelle, Pursley
- Purser, Pursar, Purcer
- Purviance, Purvines, Purrvines
- Putnam, Putman, Putmen
- Pye, Peigh, Piegh, Pie
- Pyland, Piland, Pyeland
- Pyle, Pile, Piles, Pyles
- Pyon, Pion, Pyone