British Colonial North America Timeline (1448 – 1649)

This is a timeline of British Colonial North America, which became the United States of America. We feel it is very important to be able to access the history of this time. This timeline runs from the first British in North America to the beginning of the American Revolution in 1775. This list includes significant events, with the names of people important within their own states and to the country as a whole. With each and every state, there are people who made a difference. We hope this section can help you find where your family fits into history.

  • 1485 – Henry VII begins his reign, after the battle of Bosworth Field. Richard III is killed in the battle by William Gardener, and is richly rewarded for his deed. Henry Tudor is thrown from his horse. Richard III goes in for the kill. Seeing this, Gardener drives a halberd into the helmet and scull of Richard III, ending the battle and making way for Henry to be crowned king of England.
  • 1492 – Christopher Columbus makes the first of 4 voyages to the Americas. He was looking for a shorter route to Asia, for Spain. Columbus, first landed in the Bahamas.
  • 1497 – John Cabot, on behave of England, claims Canada for Henry VII.
  • 1499 – Amerigo Vespucci of Italy, claims South America for Spain.
  • 1507 – Amerigo Vespucci gets credit for discovering the Americas.
  • 1509 – Henry VIII inherits the throne of England.
  • 1513 – Juan Ponce de Leon claims and explores Florida for Spain.
  • 1519 – Hernando Cortes conquers the Aztec Empire for Spain.
  • 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan, of Spain, sails around the world.
  • 1524 – Giovanni da Verrazano explores the Carolinas, the Hudson River, Narragansett Bay and Nova Scotia. His trip is funded by France.
  • 1526 – On October 18, Lucas Vazquez de Ayllpe, a member of a Spanish Colony in South Carolina died.
  • 1526 – In November, A Spanish Colony in South Carolina called San Miguel de Gualdape, which is near the mouth of the Pee Dee River, is the place of the first slave uprising in Colonial America.
  • 1535 – Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River, and lays claim to Canada.
  • 1539 – Hernando de Soto explores, what is now the southeastern United States.
  • 1540 – Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores what is now, the southwestern United States, for Spain.
  • 1541 – Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River for Spain.
  • 1547 – Edward VI inherits the throne from his father, Henry VIII.
  • 1553 – Mary I becomes Queen of England after her brother, Edward VI.
  • 1558 – Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England after her sister, Mary I.
  • 1562 – May 1, Jean Ribault leading a French colonial group of five ships, lands in Florida. Ribault travels up to Parris Island, South Carolina with his band of Huguenots to found the settlement of Charlesfort. Ribault is born in 1520 and dies is 1565.
  • 1565 – The first lasting European colony in the Americas is established at St Augustine, Florida by Spain.
  • 1565 – Spain builds a fort in St Augustine, as protection from the French.
  • 1566 – Juan Pardo, a Spanish explorer, sails for the settlement of Santa Elena, later Parris Island, South Carolina. When he reaches the area he founds Fort San Juan near a Catawba Native American village known as Joara. After about a year and a half the Catawba burned down Fort San Juan.
  • 1570 – Spanish Jesuits found the Ajacan mission on the Your River, a few miles from where Jamestown Would be later. The priests were all killed by Native Americans in 1571 and the site was abandoned.
  • 1584 – On March 25, Sir Walter Raleigh, English explorer, courtier and writer renewed Humphrey Gilbert’s patent to explore North America. He went on to found Roanoke Island, naming it after the virgin Queen Elizabeth.
  • 1587 – On August 18, in the Roanoke Island colony, Ellinor and Ananias Dare became the parents of a baby girl whom they name Virginia. She was the daughter of John White. She was the first English child born on American soil.
  • 1587 – When the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island was running out of supplies, John White was sent back to England. His return was delayed by the Spanish Armada’s attacks on England. When he returned to Roanoke Island in 1591; he found “cro” carved on a tree and croatoan carved on a post. The area is now North Carolina.
  • 1588 – Thomas Harriot writes a firsthand account of the New World, called “A briefe and True Account of the New Found Land of Virginia”. It recounts attempts of the English to settle, what is now eastern North Carolina, between 1584 and 1588. It was meant to further settlement and investment in the new land.
  • 1590 – Flemish engraver, Theodor de Bry publishes an illustrated edition of Thomas Harriot’s book on the new land, including the paintings of English colonist John White.
  • 1590 – Richard Hakluyt writes an anthology of the known voyages of Europeans to the Americas. A Second edition comes out in 1598. This book produces much interest in England in exploring and colonizing the Americas.
  • 1603 – James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England upon the death of his cousin, Elizabeth I.
  • 1603 – On July 29, Bartholomew Gilbert is killed in the Virginia colony by Native Americans during a search for the missing Roanoke colonists.
  • 1604 – At the Hampton Court Conference, James I said that he could not tolerate the Puritans.
  • 1605 – Don Pedro de Zuniga served as the Spanish ambassador to England through 1612. All of this time, he was also serving as a spy by sending reports and maps on the Virginia colony back to the Spanish court.
  • 1606 –On December 20, the London Company established the first colony in Virginia.
  • 1606 –A terrible drought lasting until 1612 could have caused some of the deaths in the American Southwest and in the Virginia colony. It was the worst in over 700 years.
  • 1607 – On April 26, Ships under the command of Capt. Christopher Newport were forced to land in the Chesapeake Bay. This leads to the founding of Jamestown on the James River, the first English settlement. A group of English, including Capt. John Smith went ashore at Cape Henry, Virginia to found a permanent settlement.
  • 1607 – On May 14, 104 men and boys went ashore from the ships: the Godspeed, Susan Constant,and Discovery, to what they called Jamestown Island, Virginia. Capt. John Smith was among them.
  • 1607 – On May 24, Jamestown was founded. Capt. Christopher Newport had left England, with 144 passengers. 39 people died on the way over. The settlement was near a Native American village called Werowocomoco, home of Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, an Algonquin chief.
  • 1607 – On May, about 200 Native Americans attacked the stockade. 2 settlers were killed. Others were wounded. The attackers were driven off by cannon fire from the ships.
  • 1607 – Capt. John Smith was captured by the Native Americans. Pocahontas talked her father, Chief Powhatan into sparing Smith’s life.

  • 1607 – On May the fourteenth, the original settlers of Jamestown founded the Village.
    • Adling, Henry Adling or Adding held the position of Gentleman, Jamestown.
    • Alicock, Jeremy Alicock held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fourteenth day of 1607.
    • Archer, Gabriell Archer held the position of Captain and Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died during the Winter of 1609 or 1610.
    • Asbie, John Asbie held the position of known, in Jamestown.
    • Beast, Benjamin Beast or Best held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fifth day of September, in 1607.
    • Behethland, Robert Behethland, Beheland or Behothland held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died in 1628.
    • Brinto, Edward Brinto or Brinton held the position of Mason and Soldier, in Jamestown.
    • Brookes, Edward Brookes held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the seventh day of April, in 1607.
    • Brookes, John Brookes held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Brown, Edward Brown or Browne held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fifteenth of August in1607.
    • Browne, Oliver Browne held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Brumfield, James Brumfield was a boy or male child, in Jamestown.
    • Brunfield, James Brunfield was a boy, or a male child, in Jamestown.
    • Bruster, William Bruster or Brewster held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Tenth day of 1607.
    • Capper, John Capper held the position of Carpenter, in Jamestown.
    • Casson, George Casson or Clawsen held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown. He died in December of 1607.
    • Casson, Thomas Casson held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Casson, William Casson held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Clarke, Charles Clarke held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Clovill, Ustis or Eustace Clovill held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Seventh day of June, in 1607.
    • Collier, Samuell Collier held the position of Boy or male child, in Jamestown. He died in 1622.
    • Collson, John Collson or Cotson held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Cooke, Roger Cooke held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Couper, Thomas Couper, Cooper or Cowper held the position of Barber, in Jamestown.
    • Crofts, Richard Crofts held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Crookdeck, John Crookdeck held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Deale, Jeremy Deale held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Dixon, Richard Dixon held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Dods, John Dods held the position of Labourer and Soldier, in Jamestown.
    • Edward, Ould Edward held the position of Labourer, Jamestown.
    • Fenton, Robert Fenton held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Fitch, Matthew Fitch held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown. He died in July of 1609.
    • Emry, Thomas Emry held the position of Carpenter, in Jamestown. He died in December of 1607.
    • Ford, Robert Ford held the position of Gentleman, Jamestown.
    • Flower, George Flower, Flour or Flowre held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He die on the Ninth day of August, in 1607.
    • Frith, Richard Frith held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Garret, William Garret held the position of Bricklayer, in Jamestown.
    • Genaway, Richard Genaway held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Godword, Thomas Godword or Goodword held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Golding, George Golding or Goulding held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Gore, Thomas Gore or Gower held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Gosnold, Anthony Gosnold or Gosnoll held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. Both Anthony’s were cousins. He died on the Seventh day of January, in 1609.
    • Gosnoll, Anthony Gosnoll or Gosnold held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Gosnoll, Bartholomew Gosnoll held the position of Captain, in the Council of Jamestown. He died on the Sixteenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Halthrop, Stephen Halthrop, Halthrop, Galthrop or Calthrop held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fifteenth day of August, in 1607
    • Harrison, Edward Harrison held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-fourth day of August, in 1607.
    • Herd, John Herd held the position of Bricklayer, in Jamestown.
    • Houlgrave, Nicholas Houlgrave held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Hunt, Robert Hunt held the positions of Gentleman, Master and Preacher, in Jamestown. He died before 1609.
    • Jackson, Robert Jackson held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Jacob, Thomas Jacob held the positions of Sergeant and Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fourth day of September, in 1607.
    • Johnson, William Johnson held the position of Labourer, in Jamestow
    • Kendall, George Kendall held the position of Captain, in the Council of Jamestown. He died on the First day of December, in 1607.
    • Kingston, Ellis Kingston or Kiniston held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Eighteenth day of September, in 1607.
    • Laxon, William Laxon or Laxton held the position of Carpenter, in Jamestown.
    • Laydon, John Laydon held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Love, William Love or Loue held the position of Taylor, in Jamestown
    • Markham, Robert Markham held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Martin, George Martin held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Martin, John Martin, (Senior) held the position of Captain, in the Council of Jamestown. He died in June of 1632.
    • Martin, John Martin, (Junior) held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Eighteenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Midwinter, Francis Midwinter held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Fourteenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Morish, Edward Morish or Morris held the position of Gentleman and Corporal, in Jamestown. He died on the Fourteenth say of August, in 1607.
    • Morton, Matthew Morton held the position of Sailor, in Jamestown.
    • Mouslie, Thomas Mouslie held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown. He died on the Seventeenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Mouton, Thomas Mouton held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Sixteenth day of September, in 1607.
    • Mutton, Richard Mutton was a boy or a male child, in Jamestown.
    • Nelson, Francis or Francis Nelson held the position of Captain, in Jamestown. He died in the Winter of 1612 or 1613.
    • Newport, Christopher Newport held the position of Captain and Councilor, in Jamestown. He died in 1617.
    • Peacock, Nathaniel Peacock, Reacocke or Pecock was a boy or a male child, in Jamestown.
    • Penington, John Penington held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Eighteenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Percie, George Percie or Percy held the position of Master and Gentlemen, in Jamestown. He died in 1632.
    • Pickhouse, Dru Pickhouse held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Nineteenth day of August, in 1607.
    • Pising, Edward Pising or Posing held the position of Carpenter, in Jamestown.
    • Poole, Jonas Poole held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown. He died in 1612.
    • Powell, Nathaniell Powell held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-second day of March, in 1622.
    • Profit, Jonas Read held the position of Sailor and Fisherman, in Jamestown.
    • Ratliffe, John Ratliffe or Sicklemore held the position of Captain, in the Council of Jamestown. He died in November, of 1609.
    • Read, James Read held the position of Blacksmith and Soldier, in Jamestown. He died on the Thirteenth day of March, in 1622.
    • Robinson, John or Jeru Robinson held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died in December of 1607.
    • Rods, William Rods, Rodes or Roads held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-seventh day of August, in 1607.
    • Sands, Thomas Sands held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Skot, Nicholas Skot or Scot held the position of Drummer, in Jamestown.
    • Short, Edward Short held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown. He died in August of 1607.
    • Short, John Short held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Simons, Richard Simons held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Eighteenth day of September, in 1607.
    • Skynner, Thomas Skynner held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Small, Robert Small held the position of Carpenter, in Jamestown.
    • Smethes, William Smethes held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Smyth, John Symth or Smith held the position of Captain, in the Council of Jamestown. He died in June of 1631
    • Snarsbrough, Francis Snarsbrough held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Stevenson, John Stevenson held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Studley, Thomas Studley, Stoodlie or Stoodie held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-eighth day of August, in 1607.
    • Tanker, William Tanker or Tankard held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Tavin, Henry Tavin or Tauin held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Throgmorton, Kellam Throgmorton held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-six day of August, in 1607.
    • Todkill, Anas Todkill held the position of Soldier and Carpenter, in Jamestown.
    • Turnbrydge, Thomas Turbridge held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Tyndall, Robert Tyndall held the position of Gunner and Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • Unger, William Unger held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Waler, John Waler or Waller held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-fourth day of August, in 1607.
    • Walker, George Walker held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • Webbe, Thomas Webbe held the position of Gentleman, in Jamestown.
    • White, Benjamin White held the position of Mariner, in Jamestown.
    • White, William White held the position of Labourer, in Jamestown.
    • Wilkenson, William Wilkenson held the position of Surgeon, in Jamestown.
    • Wingfield, Edward Maria Wingfield held the position of Master of the Council (Councell) of Jamestown, Virginia. He died in 1613.
    • Wotton, Thomas Wotton held the position of Gentleman and Surgeon, in Jamestown. He died on the Twenty-eighth day of April, in 1638.

  • 1607 – June 15, the settlers of Jamestown finished the fort. Chief Powhatan talked with the local Native Americans who ended the attacks.
  • 1607 – Within a year of the settlement of Jamestown, 73 of the 105 settlers were dead.
  • 1607 – The 39 articles of the Episcopal Faith of England were adopted by the Virginia colony. They include, “There is but one living and true God, everlasting, body, parts, or passions, of infinite power, wisdom and goodness, the Maker, and Preserver of all things both visible and invisible”.
  • 1608 – On January 7, an accidental fire damages the Jamestown settlement of the Virginia colony.
  • 1608 –In January, John Smith met with the Native American Chief Powhatan at Werocomoco on the Pamunkey River. He studied the Powhattan language and culture. The Powhattans were aggressive and had subjugated more than 20 other tribes. Pocahontas was a girl of 10 or 11 when she met John Smith in Virginia. Records on the colony were kept by William Strachey, the official historian. John Smith had been a mercenary in Hungary. He was wounded and captured. He was sold into slavery by the Turks. He escaped by killing his owner.
  • 1608 – 110 more settlers came to Jamestown from England.
  • 1608 – On September 10, the Jamestown colony council of Virginia, elects John Smith as president. Records of the colony were kept by the official historian, William Strachey.
  • 1608 – On October 1, about 200 new settlers arrived in the Jamestown colony of Virginia. They include, Dutch and Polish glassmakers artisans and the first European women.
  • 1608 – Bowling was banned in the colony after workers were found bowling instead of building the fort.
  • 1608 – The Jamestown settlers of Virginia shipped distilled tar back to English sponsors. It was the first manufactured product exported from the colony.
  • 1608 – Capt. John Smith, while looking for a new route to the Pacific, sailed up a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. He was surprised at the Native American’s skill in building log canoes.
  • 1608 – Robert Hunt, the first chaplain in Jamestown, Virginia dies. Robert Hunt was born in 1568.
  • 1609 – July 25, Admiral William Somers, head of a 7 ship fleet in route to Virginia spots an island, after being blown off course. He drive his ship, the Sea Venture, onto the reefs of Bermuda. William Strachey (1572-1621), is also aboard the vessel. He later, sends a letter to England describing the event. Strachey becomes secretary of the Jamestown colony of Virginia, once he reaches the mainland, on May 23, 1610. It is this letter that is thought to have inspired Shakespeare’s “Tempest”.
  • 1609 – Capt. John Smith returns to England, from Jamestown, Virginia, after being wounded in an accidental gunpowder explosion.
  • 1609 – The Dutch East India Company sends Henry Hudson to explore the Hudson River in North America, on the ship the Half Moon.
  • 1609 – Tobacco is planted as a crop in Virginia.
  • 1609 – A dry season began in1606 and went on in Jamestown, Virginia. 350 colonist were alive inJune of 1610. By the end of the summer, nearly one half were dead. This period is calledthe starving time.
  • 1610 – On February 28, Thomas West, Baron de La Mar, is appointed governor of Virginia.
  • 1610 – May 24, Sir Thomas Gates establishes “laws divine and marshal,” a harsh civil code forlaw in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • 1610 – June 10, Lord De la Ware and his ships finally arrive in Jamestown, Virginia with needed supplies, permitting the colony to survive.
  • 1611 – The Jamestown colony venture west and establish the settlement of Henricus, later called Henrico, on the James River.
  • 1611 – Don Diego de Molina, a Spanish spy, is taken prisoner in Jamestown. Molina had sentreports about the colony to Catholic agents in London. When he returned to Spain, Molina wanted King Philip to attack the English in Virginia. Philip delayed again.
  • 1613 – The colonists in Jamestown, Virginia kidnap Pocahontas, holding her for ransom to force, her father, Powhatan, to free the English hostages and return stolen tools.
  • 1613 – A trading post is established by the Dutch in lower Manhattan.
  • 1613 – The Dutch colonists build settlements in New Amsterdam and other places in New Netherlands.
  • 1614 – Adriaen Block, explores the Connecticut River for the Dutch.
  • 1614 – On April 5, Native American princess Pocahontas marries, English Jamestown colonist, John Rolfe in Virginia. She converts to Christianity and goes by the name Lady Rebecca. Their marriage makes peace, for a time, between the English and the Algonquians.
  • 1614 – English Jamestown colonist, John Rolfe cultivated tobacco for export to England. This crop insures the Virginia colony’s success.
  • 1614 – The Dutch builts a trading post, near the site of Albany, (now New York State) to trade with the Native Americans.
  • 1616 – A smallpox epidemic breaks out among the Native American Indians of New England.
  • 1616 – Capt. Samuel Argall, deputy governor of Jamestown is appointed. Within 2 years the public estate was gone, while his own property grew weathy. The Earl of Warwick sent a ship and Argall loaded his plunder and fled to England. Argall was knighted after his return to England, and later served as an adviser on the governance of Jamestown, Virginia.
  • 1616 – John Smith writes “A Description of New England”. It describes his exploration of new England after he left Virginia in 1614.
  • 1616 – In a letter to Queen Anne, Capt. John Smith said that Pocahontas saved Jamestown from “death, famine and utter confusion”.
  • 1616 – Native American princess Pocahontas and her husband, Jamestown colonist John Rolfe, leftfor England with their infant son.
  • 1617 – January 6, Native American princess, Pocahontas, attends a court masque with King James I and Queen Anne.
  • 1617 – March 21, Pocahontas (Rebecca Rolfe) dies of small pox or pneumonia, and is buried at the Parish church of St. George in Gravesend, England. In 2003 Paula Gunn Allen writes the book, “Pocahontas, Medicine Woman, Spy, Entrepreneur, Diplomat. ”
  • 1618 – The Headright System was established by the London Company, and gave 50 acres for each passage purchased for any colonist.
  • 1619 – July 30, The first meeting of the House of Burgesses meets in Jamestown, Virginia, with 22 Burgesses. It becomes the first representative assembly in America.

  • 1619 – The Names of the First Proceedings of the Virginia House of Burgesses.
    • Boys, John Boys represented Martin’s Hundred.
    • Capp, William Capp represented Kiccowtan.
    • Davis, Thomas Davis represented Martin’s Brandon.
    • Dowse, Thomas Dowse represented Henricus.
    • Gibbes, John Gibbs represented Captain Warde’s Plantation.
    • Gourgaing, Edward Gourgaing represented Argall’s Gift.
    • Graves, Thomas Graves represented Smythes’ Hundred.
    • Jackson, John Jackson represented Martin’s Hundred.
    • Jefferson, John Jefferson represented Flowerdieu Hundred.
    • Jordan, Samuel Jordan represented Charles City.
    • Lawne, Christopher Lawne represented Lawne’s Plantation.
    • Pawlett, Thomas Pawlett represented Argall’s Gift.
    • Polentine or Pollington represented Henricus.
    • Powell, William Powell represented James City.
    • Roffingham, Edmund Roffingham represented Flowerdieu Hundred.
    • Sharpe, Samuel Sharpe represented Charles City.
    • Shelley, Walter Shelley represented Smythes’ Hundred.
    • Spence or Spense, William Spence represented James City.
    • Stacy, Robert Stacy represented Martin’s Brandon.
    • Tucker, William Tucker represented Kiccowtan.
    • Washer, Ensign Washer represented Lawne’s Plantation.
    • Warde, John Warde represented Captain Warde’s Plantation.
  • 1619 – August 20, a Dutch ship brings the first African slaves (20) to Jamestown, Virginia.
  • 1619 – The Virginia of London, the sponsor of the Jamestown colony, build a blast furnace of working iron. In 2007, the ruins of the furnace are found along Falling Creek in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
  • 1620 – January 31, Virginia colony leaders write to the Virginia Company in London asking for more Orphaned apprentices to come to work in the colony.
  • 1620 – The Mayflower lands at Massachusetts carrying 101 settlers on November 9. On November 11, 41 men signed the Mayflower Compact. The settlers have agreed to a form of government, where majority rules.
  • 1620 – The settlers of Virginia establish a public library, with donated books by landowners.
  • 1620 – The Pilgrims founded the second settlement at Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay.
  • 1621 – The settlers and the Wampanoag Tribe of Native Americans sign a peace treaty with the help of Squanto, who spoke English.
  • 1621 – The Dutch West India Company receives its charter.
  • 1621 – December 5, a letter from the English office of the Virginia Company reported that European honey bees were shipped to America. They arrive in Virginia in March 1622.
  • 1622 – Opechancanough, Chief Powhatan’s replacement, attack the settlement of Jamestown, killing 347, on March 22. This started a 22 year war with the colonists.
  • 1622 – The first land grants were issued to a few English settlers, giving then the right to colonize the land around the Merrimack River, in New Hampshire.
  • 1622 – The Powhatan Native Americans attack and destroy Henricus, an outlying settlement of Jamestown, Virginia.
  • 1622 – On the Eleventh day of September, in Jamestown, Virginia, Joan Wright was accused of witchcraft. Although she was arraigned, she was not clearly tried. Her husband was Robert Wright and they had been married for sixteen years, apparently in Virginia. Although they were to have been married in Virginia, if true that would have been in 1606, predating the colony of Jamestown.
  • 1622 – One of the main sources of food for the colonists in New Hampshire becomes fish.
  • 1623 – March 5, the first American temperance law is enacted in Virginia.
  • 1623 – March 5, class based legislation is passed in the colony of Virginia, exempting the upper Class from punishment by whipping.
  • 1623 – Captain Cornelius J. Mey establishes Fort Nassau close to Gloucester City; he then becomes Director General of New Netherland.

  • 1623 and 1624 – The Names of the Assembly of the Virginia House of Burgesses.
    • Adams, Robert Adams represented James Island, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Baffe or Baffet, Nathaniel Baffe represented Baffe’s Choice, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Biggs, Richard Biggs represented the West and Sherlow Hundred, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Boys, Luke Boys represented the Neck of Land, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Blayney of Blaine, Edward Blaine represented Jamestown, from the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Caufey, Nathaniel Caufey represented Jordan’s Journey, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Chaplain, Isaac Chaplain represented Chaplain’s Choice, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Chew, John Chew represented Hog Island, From the Incorporation of James City.
    • Crashaw, Ragegh or Rawley Crashaw represented Elizabeth City beyond the Hampton River, from the Incorporation of Elizabeth City.
    • Dilke, Clement Dilke represented Jamestown, from the Incorporation of Henrico
    • Grindon, Edward Grindon represented the Ye Plantations overagainst James City, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Harris, Thomas Harris represented the Neck of Land, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Holland, Gabriel Holland represented College Plantation, from the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Kingsmill, Richard Kingsmill represented the Neck of land, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Madison, Isaac Madison represented the West and Sherlow Hundred, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Martian, Martieu or Marlier, Nicholas Martieu represented Elizabeth City, from the Incorporation of Elizabeth City.
    • Matthews, Samuel Matthews represented the Ye Plantations over against James City, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Morlett, Thomas Morlett represented College Plantation, from the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Pierce, William Pierce represented Jamestown, from the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Pollington, John Pollington represented Warraskoyack, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Sharpe, Samuel Sharp represented Westover, from the Incorporation of Charles City.
    • Southerne, John Southerne represented Jamestown, From the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Stephens, Richard Stephens represented Jamestown, From the Incorporation of Henrico.
    • Utie, John Utie represented Hog Island, from the Incorporation of James City.
    • Tucker, William Tucker represented Elizabeth City, from the Incorporation of Elizabeth City.
    • Whitaker, Jabez Whitaker represented Elizabeth City beyond the Hampton River, from the Incorporation of Elizabeth City.
  • 1624 – The Dutch West India Company establishes the Colony of New York area with 30 families.
  • 1624 – May 24, James I revokes Virginia’s charter. It becomes a Royal colony, after some years of unprofitable operation.
  • 1625 – Charles I comes to the throne of England. He is against the Puritans. This causes many people to leave England for the American Colonies.

  • 1625 – The Names of the Members of the Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Baffe, Nathaniel Baffe was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Barkeley, F. Barkeley was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Bigges, Richard Bigges was a member of the Assembly of House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Blayney, Edward Blayney was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Boys, Luke Boys was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Cauffey, Nathaniel Cauffey was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Chamberlaine, Francis Chamberlaine was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Chaplyn or Chaplain, Isaac Chaplain was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Claybourne, William Claybourne was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Crewe, John Crewe was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Crowder, Hugh Crowder was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Dilke, Clement Dilke was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Downeman, John Downeman was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Emerson, Ellis Emerson was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Epes or Eppes, Francis Eppes was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Hamor, Ralphe Hamor was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Harwood or Horwood, Will or William Harwood was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Kingesmyll or Kingsmill, Richard Kingsmill was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Matthewes, Samuel Matthewes was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Peirsey, Abrah Peirsey was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Peppet, Gilbert Peppet was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
    • Pierce, William Pierce was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Price, John Price was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Sandys’, George Sandys’ was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Smyth, Roger Smyth was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
    • Tailer or Taylor, Richard Taylor was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
    • Tucker, William Tucker was a member of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
    • Waters, Edward Waters was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • West, Francis West was a Knight of England, and a member of the Governors Council of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
    • Woodward, Henry Woodward was a member of the Assembly of the Burgesses, in Virginia.
    • Wyatt, Francis Wyatt was a Knight of England, the Governor of Virginia and the Chief Officer of the Governor’s Council of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia.
  • 1626 – Dutch settler, Peter Minuit buys Manhattan Island for about 24 dollars, and founded the colony of New Amsterdam.

  • 1627 and 1628 The Names of the members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Baffe, Nathaniel Baffe was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State Virginia.
    • Bennett, Edward Bennett was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Burgis, Thomas Burgis was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Burland, John Burland was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Chrewe, John Chrewe was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Crinden, Edward Crinden was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Englishe, William Englishe was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Epes or Eppes, Francis Eppes was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Ffareley or Fareley, Thomas was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Harris, John Harris was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Harwood, William Harwood was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Jackson, John Jackson was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Jorden, Thomas Jorden was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Marshart, Michell or Mitchell was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Pawlett, Thomas Pawlett was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Perry, William Perry was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Popleton, William Popleton was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Price, Walter Price was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Rashell, Humphrey Rashell was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Smyth, John Smyth was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Stone Maximillian Stone was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Sweete, Robert Sweete was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Taylor, Richard Taylor was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Uty or Utie John was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Waters, Edward Waters was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • West, John West was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Weston, Thomas Weston was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Willoby, Thomas Willoughby was a member of the Assembly of the House Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
    • Wood, Percivall Wood was a member of the Assembly of the House of Burgesses, in the State of Virginia.
  • 1629 – King Charles I of England, puts an end to parliament. This causes turmoil and many people decide to leave for the American colonies.
  • 1629 – New Hampshire becomes an official English Colony between the Merrimack and Piscataquis rivers.
  • 1629 – Michael Pauw establishes the city of Pavonia on the west bank of the Hudson River; with the first land grant. This is the first of the patron system. This is an area in New Jersey.

  • 1629 – The Names of the members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Allen, William Allen represented Mr. Throckmorton’s Plantation and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Baffe, Nathaniell Baffe represented Warrosquoyacke or Warrosqueake and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bagwell, Thomas Bagwell represented Pasbehay and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bennett, Richard Bennett represented Warrosquoyacke and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bentley, William Bentley represented The Nettmegg Quarter and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Boyse or Boys, Cheney represented the Shirley Hundred Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Brewster, Richard Brewster represented The Neck of Land and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Browne, John Browne represented the Shirley Hundred Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Browning, John Browning represented Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ceely, Thomas Ceely represented Warwick County or River and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chew, John Chew represented Hogg Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Clause, Phettiplace Clause represented Mulberry Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Cole, William Cole represented The Nuttmegg Quarter and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of House of Burgesses.
    • Cripps, Zachary Cripps represented Warwick County or River and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Doe, Thomas Doe represented Archer’s Hope and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Downman John Downman represented Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • English, William English represented Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of House of Burgesses.
    • Edlowe, Matthew Edlowe represented The Plantation at the College and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fawcett, Thomas Fawcett represented Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fellgate, Robert Fellgate represented The Other Side of the Water and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented Warwick County or River and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harris, John Harris represented the Shirley Hundred Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented Mulberry Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jordan, Thomas Jordan represented Warrsquoyacke and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Kingsmell or Kingsmill Richard Kingsmill represented James City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Kingston, Thomas Kingston represented Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Menesie or Menefie George Menesie represented James City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Moyse, Theodore Moyse represented Archer’s Hope and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne represented the Plantation at the College and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Pagett or Paggett Anthony Pagett represented Flowerdieu Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Palmer, Thomas Palmer represented Shirley Hundred Main and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Perry, William Perry represented Pace’s Paines and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Popkton or Poppleton William Poppleton represented Jordan’s Journey and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Price, Walter Price represented Chaplaine’s Choice and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Rowlston, Lionel Rowlston represented Elizabeth City and was a member of thee State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Savin, Robert Savin represented Warrosquoyacke and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sharp or Sharpe, Samuel Sharp represented The Neck of Land and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Smyth or Smith, John Smith represented Pace’s Paines and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stokes, Christopher Stokes represented Warwick County River and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Thompson, George Thompson represented Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Thoroughgood, Adam Thoroughgood represented Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Townsend, Richard Townsend represented The Plantations between Archer’s Hope and Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tree, Richard Tree represented Hogg Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Utie or Uty John Uty represented The Plantations between Archer’s Hope and Martin’s Hundred was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • West, John West represented The Other Side of the Water and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Woodward, Christopher Woodward represented Westover and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.

  • 1629 and 1630 The Names of the members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Aston, Walter Aston represented The Shirley Hundred Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Atkins, John Atkins represented The Warrosqueake Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bagwell, Henry Bagwell represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barham, Anthony Barham represented The Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barnes, Lancelot Barnes represented The Lower Part of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barrington, Robert Barrington represented The James City Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Boyse or Boys, Cheney represented The Shirley Hundred Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Brewer, John Brewer represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Brewster, Richard Brewster represented The Neck of Land in the Corporation of James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Browning, John Browning represented The Harrap and The Plantations between Archer’s Hope and Martin’s Hundred Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Burges, Thomas Burges represented The Warrosqueake Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ceely, Thomas Seely represented The Denby Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Coney, Henry Coney represented Archer’s Hope and Glebe Land Areas and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Farmer, Thomas Farmer represented the Plantations of the College and The Neck of Land Areas and member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Farley, Thomas Farley represented The Harrap and the Plantations between Archer’s Hope and Martin’s Hundred Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fellgate or Felgate, Robert Felgate represented The Other Side of the Water Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flood, John Flood represented The Flowerdieu Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fossett, Thomas Fossett represented The Martin’s Hundred Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Freeman, Bridges Freeman represented The Pasbehay Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Graves, Thomas Graves represented The Accomac or Accomack Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harris, John Harris represented The Shirley Hundred Main Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hayrick or Haywick, Thomas Hayrick represented The Upper Part of Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Kempe, William Kempe represented The Upper Part of the Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Key, Thomas Key represented The Denby area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Moyses, Theodore Moyses represented The Archer’s Hope and Glebe Land Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne represented The Plantations of the College and The Neck of Land Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Palmer, Thomas Palmer represented The Shirley Hundred Main Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Perry, William Perry represented Pace’s Paines and Smythe’s Mount Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Price, Walter Price represented The Jordon’s Journey and Chaplaine’s Choice Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Purifoy, Thomas Purifoy represented The Lower Part of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Robins, Obedience Robins represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the house of Burgesses.
    • Savin, Robert Savin represented The Warrosqueqke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarborough, Edmund Scarborough represented The Accomac or Accomack Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scotchmore, Robert Scotchmore represented The Martha’s Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Southerne, John Southerne represented The James City Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stokes, Christopher Stokes represented The Denby Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stratton, Joseph Stratton represented The Nutmeg Quarter Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Thoroughgood, Adam Thoroughgood represented The Lower Part of Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Trahorne or Treherne, John Treherne represented The Weyanoke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Upton, John Upton represented The Warrosqueake and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Utie or Uty, John represented The Hogg Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • West, John West represented The Other Side of the Water and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Willoughby, Thomas Willoughby represented The Upper Part of Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • 1630 – John Winthrop brings 900 settlers to Boston, Massachusetts, where Winthrop becomes the first governor of Massachusetts.
  • The Plantation of Westover was not represented in 1629 and 1630.
  • 1630 – Thousands of people from England flood into America between 1630 and 1640.
  • 1630 – The Dutch West India Company establishes the area of Harsimus; which is now Jersey City.
  • 1631 – June 21, John Smith, English sailor, soldier and author, dies in England. He is one of the founders of the Jamestown, Virginia colony for England.
  • 1631 – Some of the colonies start arguing over land boundaries. Capt. Thomas Wiggin is sent to govern New Hampshire.

  • 1631 and 1632 The Names of members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Afton, Walter Afton represented The Shirley Hundreds, Mr. Farrar’s and Chaplains Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crampe or Crump, Thomas represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Downes, George Downes represented The Lower Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Epes, or Eppes Francis Epes represented The Shirley Hundreds, Mr. Farrar’s and Chaplains Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Farley, Thomas Farley represented The Archer’s Hope Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Kethe’s Creek to Mulberry Island and Saxon’s Goal Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flood, John Flood represented Westover, Flowerdeiu Hundred and Weyanoke and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Kethe’s Creek to Mulberry Island and Saxon’s Goal Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Howe, John Howe represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jordan, Thomas Jordan represented The Warrosqueake Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Osborne, Captain Thomas Osborne represented The Arrowhattacks, The Neck of Land and the Curles Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Martain, Nicholas Martain represented The Kiskyacke and the Isle of Kent Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Perry, Captain William Perry represented Captain Perry’s Downwards to Hogg Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ramshawe, Thomas Ramshawe represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Richards, Richard Richards represented Captain Perry’s Downward to Hogg Island Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Seely or Ceely, Thomas Seely represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarborough, Edmund Scarborough represented The Accomac or Accomack Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Southerne, John Southerne represented the James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Willoughby, Thomas Willoughby represented The Water’s Creek and The Upper Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wood, Percival Wood represented Archer’s Hope Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • 1632 – Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, a small city between York River and the James River is founded. Williamsburg is first founded as a plantation.
  • 1632 – The colony of Maryland is established, accepting many religions including Catholics.
  • 1632 – King George I grants Georgia its first royal charter.
  • 1632 – An organizational meeting is called by the trustees of Georgia. They elect John Percival, Earl of Egmont, president.
  • 1632 – A Connecticut tribe called the Pequots, battle the Narragansetts for area east of the Pawcatuck River.
  • 1632 – The Georgia Trustees place the first settlement on the coast and the Savannah River. They called it Savannah.
  • 1632 – James Oglethorpe and 114 people leave, for Georgia from England on the ship, the Anne.

  • 1632 – The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Afton or Aston, Walter Afton represented The Shirley Hundred Main and Cawley’s or Cauley’s Care Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bagwell, Henry Bagwell represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barnett, Thomas Barnett represented The Stanley Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bennett, Thomas Bennett represented The Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Boyse, Cheney Boyse represented The Shirley Hundred Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Browning, John Browning represented The Mounts Bay Area and was a member of the State of of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Clause, Pettiplace Clause represented The Denbigh and to Waters Creek and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Coney, Henry Coney represented The Glebe Land and Archer’s Hope Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Corker, John Corker represented the Pasbehay Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Coxe, Richard Coxe represented The Weyanoke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crump, Thomas Crump represented The Neck of Land Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • English, William English represented The Lower Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Downes, George Downes represented The Lower Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Stanley Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flood, John Flood represented The Westover and Flowerdieu Hundred Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Freeman, Bridges Freeman represented The Chickahominy Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Graves, Thomas Graves represented The Accomac or Accomack Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harmer, Charles Harmer represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Howe, John Howe represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, William Hutchinton represented The Warrosqueake Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jackson, John Jackson represented The James City Island Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jordan, Thomas Jordan represented The Warrofqueake Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Martian Nicholas Martian represented The Kiskyacke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne represented The Arrowhattocks, Neck or Land and Curles Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Powell, John Powell represented The From the Waters Creek to Marie’s Mount Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Richards, Richard represented The Over the Water against James City and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, on the House of Burgesses.
    • Rowlston, Lyonel Rowlston represented The Yorke and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scotchmore, Robert Scotchmore represented The Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Seawell or Sewell represented The Upper Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sipsey, John Sipsey represented The Upper Parish of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Smythe, John Smythe represented The Smythe’s Mount and Perry Point’s Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stratton, Joseph Stratton represented The From Waters Creek to Marie’s Mount Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, Of the House of Burgesses.
    • Thoroughgood, Adam Thoroughgood represented The Lower Parish of Elizabeth City Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tree, Richard Tree represented The Hogg Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, on the House of Burgesses.
    • Wareham, John Wareham represented The Mounts Bay Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Webster, Roger Webster represented The Glebe Land and the Archer’s Hope Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Willoughby, Thomas Willoughby represented The Upper Parish of Elizabeth City and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wood, Percival Wood represented The Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • 1632 and 1633 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Arundel, John Arundel represented The Lower Parts of The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Aston, Walter Aston represented The Shirley Hundred Main and Cawsey’s Care Areas and was a member of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Brewster, Richard Brewster represented The Harrop and to Martin’s Hundred Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Coney, Henry Coney represented The Archer’s Hope and Glebe Land Areas and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Corker, John Corker represented The James City, Chickahominy and Pasbehay Areas and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Cripps, Zachary Cripps represented The Stanley Hundred area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crump, Thomas Crump represented The Neck of Land Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Dilke, Roger Dilke represented The Stanley Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Emerson, William Emerson represented The Weyanoke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • English, William English represented The Lower Parts of Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Denbigh Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Grindon, Thomas Grindon represented The Smythe’s Mount Hundred, The Other Side of the Water and Hogg Island and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hawkins, Thomas Hawkins represented The Denbigh Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hoos, Rice Hoos represented The Shirley Hundred Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hough, Francis Hough represented The Nutmegg Quarter and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Howe, John Howe represented The Accomac and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Mansfield, David Mansfield represented Martin’s Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Martian, Nicholas Martian represented The Kiskyacke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Osborne, Thomas Osborne represented The Arrowhattocks, Henrico, Neck of Land and Curles Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Pawlett, Thomas Pawlett represented The Westover and Flowerdieu Hundred Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Rowlston, Lyonel Rowlston represented The Yorke Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Saunders, Roger Saunders represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Savin, Robert Savin represented Warrosqueake and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarborough, Edmund Scarborough represented Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scotchmore, Robert Scotchmore represented Martin’s Hundred Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sipsey, John Sipsey represented The Upper Parts of The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sheppard, Thomas Sheppard represented The Upper Parts of The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of Virginia Assembly, on the House of Burgesses.
    • Spencer, William Spencer represented Mulberry Island Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Upton, John Upton represented Warrosqueake and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wareham, John Wareham represented Harrop and to Martin’s Hundred and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wilkinson, John Wilkinson represented Accomac and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of the Burgesses.

  • 1633 – February 1, the tobacco laws of Virginia are codified, limiting the tobacco production to prevent dependence on one crop.
  • 1633 – James Oglethorpe and the settlers land on the coast of Carolina.
  • 1633 – James Oglethorpe and interpreters, John Musgrove (trader) and his wife Mary Musgrove (daughter of Yamacraw Chief Tomochichi) negotiate permission to settle at Yamacraw Bluff, Georgia on February12 (now Georgia Day).
  • 1633 – The Georgia Trustees ruled Jews not be permitted in Georgia.
  • 1633 – On July 11, 42 Jewish settlers land in Georgia. They are accepted because Samuel Nunes is adoctor. The Jews remain in Georgia even though there was controversy.
  • 1633 – An agreement is reached between the Georgia settlers and the Lower Creek Native Americans Containing the “Articles of Friendship and Commerce between the Trustees for the Establishingthe Colony of Georgia in America and the Chief Men of the nation of the Lower Creeks”. This is the first treaty of Savannah.
  • 1633 – The first city government in the American colonies is established in Dorchester, Massachusetts.
  • 1633 – The Dutch build a house at Communipaw.
  • 1633 – The Dutch build a fort, called the House of (Good) Hope, where Hartford, Connecticut now stands.
  • 1633 – The Plymouth Colony asks William Holmes to start a trading post at Windsor, Connecticut.
  • 1634 – George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, establishes the first colony in Maryland, with 200 settlers. Many of the colonists are Catholic. This land was a grant from King Charles I. Maryland Becomes a destination for Catholics.
  • 1634 – Pastor Johann Martin Boltzius takes a group of Germans from Salsburg to the colony of Georgia. They settle in Ebenezer, Georgia.
  • 1634 – James Oglethorpe took Yamacraw Chief Tomochichi and his wife and other Native Americans to England.
  • 1634 – Wethersfield, Connecticut is founded by John Oldham and other settlers from Massachusetts.
  • 1635 – William Blackstone, an Anglican clergyman builds a home on the banks of the Blackstone River, near Lonsdale.
  • 1635 – April 28, Virginia Governor John Harvey is accused of treason and removed from office.
  • 1635 – The first public school is established in Boston. It is called the Boston Latin School.
  • 1635 – John Winthrop, Jr. founds the colony of Saybrook and a fort is built by Lion Gardiner.
  • 1636 – Roger Williams, having been throne out of Massachusetts, new ideas, founds Rhode Island as a place free from harsh Puritan law.
  • 1636 – Roger Williams purchases land from the Narragansett Indians for a new colony.
  • 1636 – Providence Plantation is established by Roger Williams. Many other people, who disagreed with Puritan rule followed Williams.
  • 1636 – The College of Harvard is founded.
  • 1636 – Thomas Hooker and a group of colonists travel from Newtown (now Cambridge), Massachusetts to found Hartford, Connecticut.
  • 1637 – The Pequot War happened because the Connecticut settlers were encroaching on the land of Pequot Native Americans. The settlers came under attack. Capt. John Mason of Connecticut and Capt. John Underhill of the Massachusetts Bay Colony with English and Puritan troops, determined to end the problem, killed up to 700 Native Americans of the Pequot, Mohegan and Narragansett tribes.
  • 1637 – In Massachusetts Bay, Anne Hutchinson escapes being put on trial or worse, for her unorthodox ideas and moves her family to Pocasset, Rhode Island.
  • 1637 – John Tradescant the younger, a widower with a son and a daughter, made three voyages from England to Virginia, “to gather up all raritye of flowers, plants, shells. ” He did this at the King’s Request.
  • 1638 – The first printing press comes to Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 1638 – William Coddington, John Clarke, Anne Hutchinson among others settle with their families on Aquidneck Island, in the colony of Rhode Island. They are viewed as nonconformists.
  • 1638 – A number of settlers are driven out of Massachusetts; because of their different ideas. Many of these people move to New Hampshire.
  • 1638 – Peter Minuit builds Fort Christina on the Delaware River, thus establishing New Sweden.
  • 1638 – The Independent Colony of New Haven was founded by the Reverend John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton.
  • 1639 – Sweden builds settlement in a colony, which includes parts of what are now, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
  • 1639 – William Coddington, John Clarke, William Dyer, Nicholas Easton, John Coggeshall, William Brenton, henry Bull, Jeremy Clarke and Thomas Hazard sign the Newport Compact in April. This establishes the town of Newport, Rhode Island, May 8.
  • 1639 – The Freemen of Hartford, Wethersfield and Winsor establishes the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (similar to the Bill of Rights). The first Governor is John Haynes.
  • 1639 – George Fenwick became the second governor of the colony of Saybrook.
  • 1639 – Henry Whitfield works with his community to found the town of Guilford, in the colony of New Haven (now in Connecticut).
  • 1639 – January 6, Virginia becomes the first colony to order surplus crops to be destroyed. The crop is tobacco.
  • 1639 – John Wheelwright founds the colony of New Hampshire for Puritan settlers.

  • 1639 and 1640 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bland, Peregrine Bland represented The Charles River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Branch, Christopher Branch represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ceely, Thomas Ceely represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crip or Cripp, Zachary represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Eppes or Epes, Francis Eppes represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Warwick County River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gookin, John Gookin Represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gwyn, Hugh Gwyn represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harris, Thomas Harris represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, John Hill represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Johnson, Joseph Johnson represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jones, Anthony Jones represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Kingston, Thomas Kingston or Fawcett, Thomas Fawcett represented Martin’s Hundred to Kethe’s Creek Areas and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Mansfield or Manfell, David Mansfield represented Johnson’s Neck, Archer’s Hope, and the Neck of Land Areas and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Moone or Moore, John represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Neale, John Neale represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Norsworthy, Tristam Norsworthy represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Oldis, Thomas Oldis represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Pawlett, Thomas Pawlett represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Richards, Richard Richards represented The Farloes’ Neck to Waroues’ Ponds Areas and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Robins, Obedience Robins represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sibsey, John Sibsey represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Strafferton, Mr. Strafferton represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tonshall or Tunstall, Edward Tonshall represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tuke, James Tuke represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Upton, John Upton represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • 1640 – English Civil War breaks out against King Charles I and the Royalists. This rebellion overflows into the American colonies.
  • 1641 – Because of increased fighting among the settlers, the task of governing New Hampshire is given to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • 1641 – Mrs. George Baker of Virginia, was accused of witchcraft, by Jane Rookens. The Court acquitted her, and Jane Rookens husband was charged to pay the Baker’s court fees.

  • 1641 and 1642 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Afton or Aston, Walter represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barnett, Thomas Barnett represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, and was a member of the House of Burgesses.
    • Baugh, John Baugh represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bernard, Thomas Bernard was a member of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act, in January.
    • Branch, John Branch represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Butler, Wiiliam Butler represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Carter, John Carter represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, the House of Burgesses.
    • Chiles, Walter represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Clement, Jeremie Clement represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chiles, Mathew or Matthew was a member of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act, in January.
    • Coogan or Gookin, Daniel Coogan represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Dacker, William Dacker was a member of the House of Burgesses, of Virginia. He was not present for the signing or the Twenty-first Act, in January.
    • Dewe, Thomas Dewe was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Follis, Thomas Follis represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fowler, Francis Fowler represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Franklin, Ferdinand Franklin represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fulford, Francis Fulford represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gough, Nathaniel Gough was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Harddie, George Harddie represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harrison, Benjamin Harrison was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Hill, Edward Hill was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Hill, John Hill represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Thomas Hill represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Johnson, Joseph Johnson represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ludlowe, George Ludlowe represented The Charles River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Neale, John Neale represented the Accomac or Accomack Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Payne, Florence Payne represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Richards, Richard Richards represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Robins, Obedience was a member of the House of Burgesses,in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act in January.
    • Salmon, Joseph Salmon represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Shipsie or Sibsie, John Shipsie represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Townsend, Richard Townsend represented The Charles River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Upton, John Upton represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • White, John White represented The James City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Whittbey, William Whittby represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wilkins, John Wilkins represented The Accomac Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Windham, Edward Windham was a member of the House of Burgesses, in Virginia. He was not present for the signing of the Twenty-first Act, in January.
    • Worleigh or Warley, George represented The Charles River Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • 1642 and 1643 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Aston or Afton, Walter Aston represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bayly or Bayley, Arthur represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Branch, John Branch represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Carter, John Carter Represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chew, John Chew represented The York Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chiles, Walter Chiles represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, John Crew represented The York Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Upper Norfolk Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Davis, William Davis represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Death, Richard Death represented The Isle Wight Area and Was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Filmer, Henry Filmer represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fludd or Flood, John represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gough, Matthew Gough represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hoddin, John Hoddin represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jones, Anthony Jones represented The Elizabeth City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lloyd, Cornelius Lloyd represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Luellin, Daniel Luellin represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sadler, Rowland Sadler represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarbrough, Edmond Scarbrough represented The Northampton Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Smith, Toby Smith represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stegg, Thomas Stegg represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tayler, Phillip Tayler represented The Northampton Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Tayler, William Tayler represented The York Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Webb, Stephen Webb represented The James City Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Windham, Edward Windham represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • 1643 – Samuel Gorton, John Greene and others found Warwick, Rhode Island.
  • 1643 – The name Aquidneck is changed to Rhode Island.
  • 1643 – The settlers in neighboring colonies disagreed with Rhode Island on religious principals, and threatened their freedom. To prevent this Roger Williams went to England to obtain a royal charter for the colony.
  • 1643 – Colonel Johan Printz becomes the governor of New Sweden.
  • 1643 – Fort Elfsborg, now Sussex County, was built by the colonists of New Sweden.
  • 1643 – William Kieft’s War includes the Pavonia Massacre, by Native Americans, on February 25.
  • 1643 – Connecticut becomes part of the New England Confederation.

  • 1643 and 1644 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bishop, John Bishop represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Brewster, Richard Brewster represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Burnham, Rowland Burnham represented The Yorke County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Calthropp, Xposer Calthropp represented The Yorke County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chewe, John Chewe represented The Yorke County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Death, Richard Death represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Douglas, Edward Douglas represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gough, Matthew, Gough represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hardy, George Hardy represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Holden, John Holden represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hull, Peter Hull represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jorden or Jordan, John Jordan represented The City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Loven, Thomas Loven represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Loyd or Lloyd, Cornelius Lloyd represented the Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Luellin, Daniel Luellin represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Poyethres, Francis Poyethres represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Roper, William, Roper represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Shepard, John Shepard represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sidney, John Sidney represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Smith, Toby Smith represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Travers, Edward Travers represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Walker, John Walker represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Warren, Thomas Warren represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Webb, Stephen Webb represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Westropp, John Westropp represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Whitby or Whittby, William Whitby represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Woolridge or Woolridg William Woolridge represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Zouch, John Zouch represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • October of 1644 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bernard, Thomas Bernard represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bishop, John Bishop represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Burnham, Rowland Burnham represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Caultropp or Calthropp, X’pher or Xpofer represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chew, John Chew represented The York or Yorke County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Cocke, Richard Cocke represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Death, Richard Death represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Douglas, Edward Douglas represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Faugtleroy, Moore Fauntleroy represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hardy, George Hardy represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hatcher, William Hatcher represented The Henrico Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Heyrick, Henry Heyrick represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the Houde of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. Edward Hill was also, the Speaker of the House for that session.
    • Hodin, John Hodin represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hull, Peter Hull represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jordan, George Jordan represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Llewellin, Daniel Llewellin represente The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lloyd or Loyd, Cornelius Lloyd represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Loving or Loveing, Thomas represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Poythers or , Francis Poyethers represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Robins, Obedience Robins represented The Northampton County area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Shepard or Shepherd, John Shepherd represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sidney, John Sidney represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Travis, Edward Travis represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Walker, John Walker represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Warren, Thomas Warren represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Webb, Stephen Webb represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Westropp or Westrop, John Westropp represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wood, Abraham Wood represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wooldridge or Worbrigh, William Wooldridge represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • 1644 – Roger Williams returns from England with the charter. Rhode Island’s freedom is assured.
  • 1644 – After the charter was obtained, Lauren Boesel got a land patent for Rhode Island. This secured the land for the colony.
  • 1644 – Disagreements continue between Rhode Island and neighboring colonies based on religious and political issues.
  • 1644 – Opechancanough, chief of the Powhatan tribe in Virginia, is captured and executed, ending the 22 year war between the colonists of Virginia and the Native Americans.
  • 1644 – Merchants Theophilus Eaton, Thomas Gregston and Stephen Goodyear, along with others of the New Haven colony invested in the building of a ship, by John Wakeman, Richard Miles, Jasper Crane and Joshua Atwater. The cargo on the ship included the papers of John Davenport of New Haven and Thomas Hooker of Hartford, along with hides, peas and wheat.

  • 1644 and 1645 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barrett, William Barrett represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Baugh, John Baugh represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bennett, Phillip Bennett represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bernard, Thomas Bernard represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Burroughs, X’pher Burroughs represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Caulthropp or Calthorp, X’pher or Xopher represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Charlton, Stephen Charlton represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Corker, John Corker represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fauntleroy, Moore Fauntleroy represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hardy, George Hardy represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harmer, Ambrose Harmer represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Warwick County of River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Heyricke, Henry Heyricke represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. Edward Hill was the Speaker of the House for the 1644 and the 1645 time period.
    • Hooe, Rice Hooe represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City County Area was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lloyd or Loyd, Edward represented The Lower Norfolk County Area was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Meares, Thomas Meares represented The Lower Norfolk Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Poythres or Poyethres, Francis Poyethres represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Prince, Edward Prince represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Price, Arthur Price represented The Elizabeth City County area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ridley, Peter Ridley represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Rogers, John Rogers represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarbrough, Edmond Scarbrough represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Smith, Arthur Smith represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the Houseof Burgesses.
    • Stephens, George Stephens represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wood, Abraham Wood represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Yeo, Leonard Yeo represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

1645 – Hugh Parsons, in Springfield, Massachusetts, was brought in for questioning, may not have been accused in 1645, but several were disturbed. Mary Parsons had the same thing happen.

     1645 and 1646 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • Barker, William Barker represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Bennett, Phillip Bennett represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Bernard, Thomas Bernard represented The Warwick County and River Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Burnham, Rowland Burnham represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Burroughs or Burrowes, X’pher represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Calthropp or Colthorp, or X’pher Calthropp represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Chandler, John Chandler represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Chiles, Walter Chiles represented The James City County Area and was a member of the States of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Warwick County and River Area and was a member of the States of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Eps or Epps, Francis Epps represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Flood, John Flood represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hardy or Hardin, George represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Harmer, Ambrose Harmer represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hatcher, William Hatcher represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hooe, Rice Hooe represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Johnson, Thomas Johnson represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Lloyd or Loyd, Cornelius represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Major, Edward Major represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Matrum, John Matrum represented The Northumberland County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Price, Arthur Price represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Prince, Edward Prince represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Ridley, Peter Ridley represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Scarbrough, Edward Scarbrough represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. Edward Scarbrough was the Speaker of the House of Burgesses in 1645 and 1646.
  • Seward, John Seward represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Sparrow, Charles Sparrow represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Stephens, George Stephens represented The James city County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Swan, Thomas Swan represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Upton, John Upton represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Walker, John Walker represented The Warwick County or River Area ans was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Warne, Thomas Warne represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Weatherall, Robert Weatherall represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Wells, Richard Wells represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Wood, Abraham Wood represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Wyatt, Anthony Wyatt represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Yeo, Leonard Yeo represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • October of 1646 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Bagnall, James Bagnall represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ball, Henry Ball represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Barrett, William Barrett represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chiles, Walter Chiles represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Cocke, William Cocke represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randall Crew represented The Warwick County of River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Douglas, Edward Douglas represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Eyres, Robert Eyres represented The Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fawdowne, George Fawdowne represented The Isle of Wight Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Gwin or Gwynne, Hugh Gwynne represented The Yorke or York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harmer, Ambrose Harmer represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hooe, Rice Hooe represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Johnson, Thomas Johnson represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Llewellen or Lluellen, Daniel Llewellen represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lloyd or Loyd, Edward Lloyd represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Luddington, William Luddington represented The Yorke County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Major, Edward Major represented The Nansemond City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. The Nansemond Area is now part of the City of Suffolk, Virginia.
    • Meares, Thomas Meares represrented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Shepherd or Sheppard, Robert represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jordan or Jordayne, George Jordan represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lovinge or Loveing, Thomas Lovinge represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Robbins, John Robbins represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stoughton, Samuel Stoughton represented The Nansemond City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. The Nansemond City Area is now part of the City of Suffolk Area of Virginia.
    • Taylor or Tailer, Thomas represented The Warwick County of River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Walker, John Walker represented The Warwick County or River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of the Burgesses.
    • Wood, Abraham Wood represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • 1646 – The ship started in 1644, sails into a very ice covered New Haven harbor. Passengers were Thomas Gregson, George Lamberton, Nathaniel Turner, Francis Austin and the wife of Stephen Goodyear. Months later, a strange image of the ship appeared over New Haven Harbor. It was discovered later that the ship never reached any port, or ever came back home. Groups of people are said to have seen the Phantom Ship. This tale includes Quinnipiac Native Americans.
  • 1646 – John Winthrop, Jr. founds the settlement of New London, Connecticut. He became governor of Connecticut. His wife was Anne Dudley Winthrop.
  • 1646 – Massachusetts declares religious heresy to be punishable by death.
  • 1646 – A treaty with Virginia Native Americans requires the state to protect the Mattaponi from “enemies,” but only on the reservation in King William County. The treaty destroyed the peace between the tribes and much land is ceded to the Virginia settlers.
  • 1646 – The ship started in 1644, sails into a very ice covered New Haven harbor. Passengers were Thomas Gregson, George Lamberton, Nathaniel Turner, Francis Austin and the wife of Stephen Goodyear. Months later, a strange image of the ship appeared over New Haven Harbor. It was discovered later that the ship never reached any port, or ever came back home. Groups of people are said to have seen the Phantom Ship. This tale includes Quinnipiac Native Americans.
  • 1646 – John Winthrop, Jr. founds the settlement of New London, Connecticut. He became governor of Connecticut. His wife was Anne Dudley Winthrop.
  • 1646 – Massachusetts declares religious heresy to be punishable by death.
  • 1646 – A treaty with Virginia Native Americans requires the state to protect the Mattaponi from “enemies,” but only on the reservation in King William County. The treaty destroyed the peace between the tribes and much land is ceded to the Virginia settlers.
  • 1647 – January 2, Nathaniel Bacon, the leader of Bacon’s Rebellion is born in Virginia.
  • 1647 – Massachusetts establishes a law, that all large towns must provide a form of public education.
  • 1647 – Peter Stuyvesant becomes Director General of New Netherlands.
  • 1647 –  Mary Johnson was accused of witchcraft, in Windsor, Connecticut. Although she was the first person to be executed, there is no documentary evidence to support this. She may have been the same person as Mary Jonson, from Wethersfield, Connecticut.
  • 1647 – On the Twenty-fifth day May, in 1647, Alse Young was hanged, in Windsor Connecticut. She is thought to be one onthe first people in North American, to be hanged as a witch.

  • 1647 and 1648 The Names of the Members of the State of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Chandler, John Chandler represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, Of the House of Burgesses.
    • Charleton, Stephen Charleton represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Crew, Randle or Randall Crew represented The Warwick County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Davis, William Davis represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Elliot or Elliott, Anthony Elliott represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Fauntleroy, Moore Fauntleroy represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Flint, Thomas Flint represented The Warwick County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Freeman, Bridges Freeman represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • George, Jorden George represented The Isle of Wight County Area and a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Harris, Thomas Harris represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hill, Edward, Hill represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Hutchinson, Robert Hutchinson represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Jorden or Jordan, George Jordan represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lee, Richard Lee represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Lloyd, Loyd, Cornelius Lloyd represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Meeres or Meares, Thomas represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Morgan, Francis Morgan represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Poole or Pool, Henry Poole represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Poythers or Poyethers, Franicis Poyethers represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Presley, William Presley represented The Northumberland County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Ridley, Peter Ridley represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Scarbrough, Edward Scarbrough represented The Northampton County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Shephard, Robert Shephard represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Sidney, John Sidney represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Stoughton, Samuel Stoughton represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Taylor or Tailer William Taylor represented The York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Upton, John Upton represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Wells, Richard Wells represented The Upper Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • Woodhouse, Henry Woodhouse represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
    • 1648 – Samuel Gorton, a religious rebel secured a letter from Robert Rich, the Earl of Warwick and Governor and Chief of the American Colonies. This letter ordered the other colonies to cease the “molesting” of the Rhode Island Colony.
    • ———————————————————————————————————————-
    • 1648 – Thomas Jones was arrested in Charleston, Massachusetts, for the crime of witchcraft. His fate is in question.
    • 1648 – Margaret Jones was from Charleston, Massachusetts. She was executed, in Boston, Massachusetts, on the Fifteenth day of June. She was accused of using medication to cure sick People.
      • 1648 – Thomas Jones was arrested in Charleston, Massachusetts, for the crime of witchcraft. His fate is in question.
      • 1648 – Margaret Jones was from Charleston, Massachusetts. She was executed, in Boston, Massachusetts, on the Fifteenth day of June. She was accused of using medication to cure sick People.
  • 1648 – Samuel Gorton, a religious rebel secured a letter from Robert Rich, the Earl of Warwick and Governor and Chief of the American Colonies. This letter ordered the other colonies to cease the “molesting” of the Rhode Island Colony.

    1649 The Names of the Members of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

  • Barrett or Barret, William represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Burnham, Rowland Burnham represented The Yorke or York Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Carter, John Carter represented The Nansemond Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. The Nansemond area is now part of the Suffolk Area, in Virginia.
  • Chandler, John Chandler represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Chiles, Walter Chiles represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Dunston, John Dunston represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hardy, George Hardy represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Harwood, Thomas Harwood represented The Warwick County of River Area and was a member of the Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. Thomas Harwood was the Speaker, of the House of Burgesses for the Year of 1649.
  • Hatcher, William Hatcher represented The Henrico County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hill, Edward Hill represented The Charles City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Hoskins, Bartholomew Hoskins represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Lambert, Thomas Lambert represented The Lower Norfolk County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Pitt, Robert Pitt represented The Isle of Wight County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Poyethers or Poythers, Francis Poyethers represented The Northumberland County area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Read, George Read represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Robbins, John Robbins represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Smith, Toby Smith represented The Nansemond Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses. The Nansemond area is now part of the Suffolk area, in Virginia.
  • Sparrow, Charles Sparrow represented The Charles City Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Swan, Thomas Swan represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Trussell, John Trussell represented The Northumberland County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Walker, John Walker represented The Warwick County of River Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Whittaker, William Whittaker represented The James City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Worlich or Wooldridge, William represented The Elizabeth City County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.
  • Wormeley or Wormly, Ralph Wormeley represented The Yorke or York County Area and was a member of the State of Virginia Assembly, of the House of Burgesses.

    • 1648 – Thomas Jones was arrested in Charleston, Massachusetts, for the crime of witchcraft. His fate is in question.
    • 1648 – Margaret Jones was from Charleston, Massachusetts. She was executed, in Boston, Massachusetts, on the Fifteenth day of June. She was accused of using medication to cure sick People.
  • 1648 – Samuel Gorton, a religious rebel secured a letter from Robert Rich, the Earl of Warwick and Governor and Chief of the American Colonies. This letter ordered the other colonies to cease the “molesting” of the Rhode Island Colony.
  • 1649 – King Charles I was beheaded, then Oliver Cromwell ruled England as a commonwealth.
  • 1649 – Matthew Grant was accused of witchcraft, in Windsor Connecticut. He was acquitted of all the charges. He disappeared from the colony shortly after the trial.
  • 1649 – Mary Oliver was accused of witchcraft, in Boston, Massachusetts. She confessed to the the crime. We have no additional information, about her fate.