A list of families that have been researched appears below. Along with the names are stories which will help you find where your family fits into history. Genealogy can help you know if your ancestors were famous or infamous. Hopefully, this will help you discover the adventure which is the family […]
Daily Archives: December 30, 2015
This section has a list of people, who fought or gave aid and comfort for the British cause, in the War of 1812. The unit is just about the British side of the conflict. The British and those on the British side were known as Loyalist in the American Revolution […]
War of 1812 Soldiers British Side
The War of 1812 was mainly caused by the British and the French impressing American sailors, into working or sailing on British and French ships. Thousands of United States Sailors were taken off of American ships, leaving travel and trade much more difficult. We hope the information is this section […]
War of 1812 Soldiers American Side
The United States Census is one of the best sources that we, as genealogists have at our disposal. However, the United States Census is not perfect. The Census was begun in 1790. From 1790 to 1840, the Census included, the name of the head of household, the state and county […]
US Census and How to Use It
Surnames that have changes in spelling over time: Abbott, Abott, Abbot, Abbett, Abbet, Abett, Abbitt, Abbit, Abit Abendschon, Abentschon, Abendschone Abernathy, Abernethy, Abbernathy Abraham, Abrahams, Abrams, Abrams Abrincis, Abbrincis, DeAbrincis, Abrencis Ackerman, Akerman, Auckerman, Okerman Adams, Addams, Adamms, Adam, Addoms Adkinson, Atkinson, Atchison, Adkisson, Adkison, Adkerson, Acheson, Atkison, Ackison Addebury, […]
Surname Variations (A-F)
Sources: Adams, an American Dynasty, by Francis Russell, Castle Books, New Jersey, 1976. Albion’s Seed, Four British Folkways in America, by David Hackett Fischer, Oxford University Press, New York, 1989. America, A Narrative History, by George Brown Tindall and David E. Shi, W. W. Norton And Company, New York, 1996. […]
The format of the following list includes Name, Passage Name, Ship’s Name, Master or Captain’s Name, Wife, Children, Port of Departure, Port of Entry, Date of Departure. Alexandre, Alex See, the Cornwallis, Mtr. Andrew Sinclair, Wife, Children 10, Nova Scotia, South Carolina, October 13, 1755. Charles Aubin, Charles Benn, […]
Ships Lists
There are thousands of clans and societies, which are heritage organizations. Many of these organizations do a lot of good work. This is a good reason to support them or become a member. However, if your goal is to learn something more about your genealogy from these organizations, then you […]
Scottish Clans and Family Societies
These passenger lists are lists of passengers on a particular voyage. The passengers on each ship are going from one place to another. There will be as much information on each segment as we can find. We will include the changes in specific names as much as is possible. Such […]
Passenger Lists
Names and their commonly and uncommonly used nicknames for girls include the following: Abigail – Abbie, Gail, Nabby, Abby Adaline – Ada, Addy, Adel, Aline, Edith, Linney Adelaide – Ada, Addie, Adela, Della, Heide, Heidi Adelia – Delia, Dellie, Addie Addison – Addie, Addy, Sonny Adolphia – Ado, Adoloe, Fia […]