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- Gaffey, Gaffney, Gafney
- Gage, Gaige, Cage
- Gaia, From Gaia in Portugal
- Gainey, Gainy, Ganey
- Gainsford, Gainsfort, Gaynsford, Gainsferd
- Gaithers, Gaither, Gathers
- Galbraith, Galbrath, Galbreath
- Gale, Gale are Mariner People from Portugal
- Galena, Gallena, Galina
- Galindo, Galindo Spain
- Galion, Galeon, Galions
- Galioto, Pirates in Portugal
- Gallagher, Gallegher, Gallager, Galleger, Gallacher, Gallchobhair
- Gallegos, Foreigners,
- Galliplis. Galiplis, Galiplus
- Gallop, Gallope, Gallup
- Galloway, Gallaway, Galoway
- Galvan, Bald, Going Bald
- Gangwer, Gangewer, Gangewere, Gangwar, Gongaware
- Gama, Deer, Hunting Deer in Portugal
- Gamber, Gambber, Gammber
- Gambier, Gammbier, Gamber
- Gamble, Gambell, Gambill, Gambrill, Gemmel, Gemmill, Gemmell
- Gammell, Gammel, Gamell
- Gandara, Gandaras
- Gantt, Gant, Gante
- Gantz, Ganss, Goose
- Garber, Gerber, Gerbber
- Garcia, Garsia From Basque
- Gardinier, Gardener, Guardiner, Gardner, Garner, Gartner Gairner, Gartnor, Gardnair, Gardenier, Garnett, Gartner Gardtner
- Gardyne, Gardine, Gardin
- Garland, Garlande, Galland
- Garman, German, Germaine, Garmen, Germain, Germond, Jarman
- Garner, Gardner, Garnier, Gardiner
- Garnett, Garnette, Garnet
- Garrett, Garatt, Garratt, Garret, Garriott, Garrot, Garrott, Garretts
- Garrison, Garretson, Garritson
- Gartrell, Gartrel, Gertrell
- Gary, Garey, Garie, Geary, Gerrey, Gerry, Gery, Garrie
- Garza, Bird, Heron Bird
- Gaskill, Gaskille, Gasekil
- Gaskins, Gaskin, Gaskens
- Gassaway, Gasaway, Gassoway
- Gaston, Gastin, Gasten
- Gates, Gaites, Gaits
- Gatewood, Gatewood, Gaitwood
- Gathright, Garthright, Garthrite, Garthwright, Gathrite, Gathwright
- Gatton, Gattin, Gatten
- Gaudere, Codere Gedere
- Gault, Gatt, Gaut
- Gauney, Gaunie, Gauny
- Garvey, Garvie, Gaurvey
- Gavin, Gaven, Gavine, Gavan
- Gawley, Gawly, Gawlie
- Gay, Gaye, Gaie
- Gaylord, Gailord, Gaylorde
- Gearhart, Gehret, Gehreth, Gerett, Gerhard, Gernhardt, Gerhart
- Gebhart, Gabbart, Gephard, Kephart
- Geddes, Geddis, Gedes
- Gee, Gei, Gea,
- Geer, Gear, Gehr, Geers, Gere, Gheer, Geere
- Geeting, Geating, Geetin
- Gehman, Geman, Geeman
- George, Jerg, Spengler, Springler, Yearick
- George, Jerg, Yearick
- Gentry, Gentree, Gentre
- Geraghty, Gereghty, Geroghty
- Gerbron, Gerbron, Gerbrown
- Gerlock, Gearlock, Gerock, Gerlach
- German, Garman, Garmen, Germain, Germen, Germond, Germaine, Jarman
- Geschwind, Geaschwind, Geschwend
- Getchell, Gatchell, Gitchell
- Getman, Gettman, Gettmn
- Getty, Gettys, Gettie
- Getz, Gates, Gets, Gitts, Goetz
- Geyer, Gauer, Gore, Gower, Goyer, Guyer
- Ghormley, Gormley, Ghormly
- Gibbons, Gibbens, Gibons
- Gibbs, Gibb, Gib, Gibbes, Gibs, Gibes
- Giberson, Gibeson, Gibberson
- Gibson, Gibbson, Gipson
- Gidley, Giddley, Gidly
- Gielle, Gaile, Geille, Guaile, Guayle, Guiele
- Giese, Geese, Geise
- Gifford, Giford, Giffords
- Gift, Gieft, Guift
- Gilbert, Gilbirt, Gilburt, Gysbert
- Gilchrist, Gilcreas, Gilcreast
- Gilder, Guilder, Gilders
- Gildersleeve, Gildersleve, Gildersleave
- Gile, Giule, Guile, Giles
- Gilgan, Gilgon, Gillgin
- Gilhooley, Gilhooly, Gilhuly
- Gill, Gil, Gills, Gillis, Giles, Gillies
- Gillam, Gilliam, Gillum
- Gillen, Gillon, Gillan
- Gillies, Gilles, Gills
- Gillespie, Galespie, Gillaspie, Gillaspy
- Gillette, Gillett, Gillet, Gilette
- Gillikin, Gillikine, Gilikin
- Gilliland, Gillian, Gillaland
- Gilmore, Gillmor, Gillmore, Gilmon, Gilmor, Gilmour
- Gilpatric, Gilpatrick, GilPatrick
- Gilpin, Gilbin, Gilppin
- Gilzean, Gilsean, Gilsen
- Gindlesperger, Kindleberger, Ginlespearger
- Gingrich, Gingritch, Kingery
- Girard, Gerard, Girrard
- Gisby, Gisbe, Gisbee, Gisbey
- Givens, Given, Gibens, Gibbens
- Glackin, Glacken, Glackon
- Gladden, Gladen, Gladdin
- Glandorf, Glendorf, Glendorph
- Glanville, Glenville, Gleanville
- Glascock, Glasscock, Glasscocke
- Glasgow, Glascow, Glasgoe
- Glass, Glas, Glais, Glaze
- Glaze, Glaz, Glase, Glass, Glas, Glasser
- Glenn, Glean, Glen, Glyn
- Glenburn, Glenborn, Glennburn
- Glendale, Glendle, Glendal
- Glenmont, Glenmount, Glanmont
- Glidden, Gliddens Giddens, Gidden
- Gloag, Gloage, Gloages
- Gloucester, Glaucester, Glouchester, Glouster
- Glover, Glovers, Glauver
- Gluck, Gluk, Glucke
- Gnadenhutten, Gnadenhatten, Gnadenhatton
- Gobel, Gobell, Goebel, Gobeil
- Gochenour, Gochinour, Gochenor
- Godbey, Godby, Godley
- Godbold, Goodbold, Goodboat
- Goddard, Godard, Godhard, Godward, Gossard, Gozard, Gozzard
- Godfrey, Godfrie, Godphrey
- Goff, Goffe, Gough
- Goldbor, Goldber, Goldbar
- Goldsmith, Gouldsmith, Goldsmiths
- Goldthwait, Goldthwaite, Goldthwake
- Goltry, Goletry, Goltrie
- Gomer, Gommer, Goamer
- Gomez, Gomz, Man, Gomes, Gomis
- Gonzalez, Cabo, Carbo, Cavo, Corbo
- Gonzalez, Gonzales, Gonsalez, Son of Gonzalo
- Gooch, Gouch, Gough
- Good, Goode, Guthe
- Goodin, Gooden, Goodan
- Goodale, Goodall, Gooddell, Goodel, Goodell
- Goodman, Guthman, Goodmen
- Goodnow, Goodenoug, Goodenough, Goodenow, Goodno
- Goodrich, Goodritch, Goodriche
- Goodridge, Gutridge, Gooderidge
- Goodwill, Goodwell, Goodwil
- Goodwin, Goodwyn, Godwyn, Godwin
- Gordon, Gorden, Gordy
- Gorey, Gorrey, Gorie
- Gorton, Gortin, Gorten
- Gosnell, Gosnall, Gosnel
- Gossett, Gosset, Gosett
- Goss, Gass, Gauss, Gose, Gosse
- Gotshall, Gottschall, Gotschall
- Goudelock, Goudlock, Goldlock
- Gough, Goughe, Goughs
- Gould, Goald, Guld, Gold, Goold
- Goulding, Golding, Gouldin, Goldin
- Gourlay, Gorlay, Gorly
- Gowen, Going, Gowin, Gowing
- Gower, Gowar, Gowers
- Goyette, Goyett, Goyet
- Grabs, Grabbs, Grabes, Grabes
- Graca, Merciful, in Portugal
- Grafham, Graftham, Graffham, Grafhamn
- Grafton, Graften, Graftin
- Graham, Grayham, Grymes, Grimes
- Gramlich, Cramblick, Cramlick, Crumley, Gramlin, Gramling, Grambling, Grumley
- Granados, Grandos, Granedos
- Grant, Grantt, Grante
- Grantham, Granthame, Grantam
- Gratis, Gratus, Grattis
- Gratwick, Grantwick, Gratwith, Gratworth
- Gravel, Gravell, Graville
- Graves, Grave, Greaves
- Gravitt, Gravat, Gravit
- Gray, Grey, Greye
- Greathouser, Greathouse, Gratehouse, Grothouse
- Green, Greene, Grain, Greenn
- Greenfield, Greenefield, Greenfeld
- Greenman, Greenmen, Greeneman
- Greenough, Greenoff, Greennall
- Greenville, Greenvill, Granville, Grinville
- Greenway, Greenaway, Greeneway
- Greenwich, Greenwick, Grenwich
- Greenwood, Greenward, Greenewood
- Greer, Grier, Greir, Geer
- Gregory, Gregore, Gregorie
- Greig, Grieg, Crieg
- Greim, Grem, Grim, Grimm
- Grenier, Greenier, Grienier
- Gresham, Grisham, Grissom, Grisson
- Grett, Gritt, Greatt
- Gridley, Gredley, Gridly
- Grier, Greer, Greir, Gregory
- Grieve, Greive, Greve
- Griffis, Griffs, Griffin, Grifin, Griffins, Griffen, Griffing
- Griffith, Griffeths, Griffiths, Griffithes
- Grigsby, Grigby, Crigby
- Grimm, Greim, Grem, Grim, Grym, Grymm, Crim
- Grinnell, Grenel, Grennell, Grinel, Grinell
- Grinstead, Grinsted, Grinsteade
- Grissinger, Greesinger, Greisinger, Grisinger
- Groesbeck, Groesbeeck Grosbeck
- Groff, Graeff, Graff, Graft, Grave, Grove
- Grogan, Grohgan, Growgan
- Gross, Grass, Groce, Gros, Grose, Grosse, Grossman
- Grosvenor, Grosvener, Grovernor
- Grove, Grover, Groves
- Grow, Growe, Grows
- Grubbs, Grubbes, Graubbs
- Gruber, Groover, Grover
- Gue, Guea, Gua
- Guerra, War, Soldier
- Guerreiro, Guerrero, Soldier, Aggressive People
- Guerrant, Geurrant, Gurrant
- Guess, Guesse Gues
- Guest, Gueist, Guist
- Guevara, Prominent, From Guevara
- Guild, Guilde, Guilds
- Guion, Guon, Guione
- Guidry, Guidrey, Guiderey
- Gum, Gume, Gumm, Gumb
- Gunn, Gun, Gunne
- Gunsalus, Gunsalis, Gunsaulus
- Gunby, Gunnby, Gunbie
- Guste, Gustie, Gueste
- Gustin, Gustine, Gusten
- Guthrie, Gothary, Guthree, Guthrey, Guttry
- Gutierrez, Gutierre, Son of Gutier, Gutierre
- Guzman, Noble or military, Lived near Guzman in Spain
- Gwinn, Gwin, Guin, Guinn, Gwyn, Gwynn, Gwynne, Quin, Quinn