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- Fabre, Fabrea, Fabri, Fabbri, Blacksmith, Fabbri
- Fade, Fadde, Fades
- Fabel, Fabrian, Fabien
- Fabre, Occitan, Fevre, Fabre, Fabron
- Faherty, Fabertey, Fahirty
- Failing, Fahling, Feeling, Fehling
- Fairbairn, Beautiful Child
- Fairbanks, Fairbankes, FairbankFalconer
- Fairburn, Fairburne, Fern Stream
- Fairchild, Fairchilds, Farechild
- Fairclough, Faircliff, Fairravine
- Fairey, Fairley, Farley
- Fairfax, Fairfacks, Fairfaches
- Fairfield, Fairfeild, Fairfeld
- Faith, Fath, Faite
- Fales, Fail, Faile
- Falcon, Falcone, Falcan, Falk
- Falconer, Faulkner, Falkner, Falcaner, Falconner, Folkner, Fullner
- Fales, Fail, Faile
- Fallon, O’Fallamhain, Leader
- Fallston, Fallton, Falton
- Falstaff, Fastolf, Fastulfr
- Fannon, O’Fionnain, Fionn, Fanning
- Farago, Farag, Woodcutter
- Faraldo, Faroald
- Farber, Ferber, Farbe, Dyer, Colour
- Farina, Miller, Flour
- Faria, From Faria in Portugal
- Farinha, Flour Merchants
- Faris, Faires, Fairis, Farish, Farris, Phares
- Fardd, Fardde, Farde
- Farkas, Wolf, Wolfe
- Farley, Fairleigh, Farlee, Fairlie
- Farmer, Farmers, Ferme, Firma, Feorm
- Farmult, Fairmult, Farmuld, Farmuldt
- Farnham, Farnhamn, Farham, Farnum, Varnum, Fearnham
- Farquhar, Farquar, Farcquar
- Farran, Ferrant, Irongrey
- Farrar, Farra, Farrah, Farrer, Farror, Farrow
- Farrell, O’Fearghail, Fearghal, Farrelly
- Farrington, Faringdon, Farington
- Farro, Far, Wheat
- Farthing, Fairthing, Farding
- Fashingbauer, Fastnachtbauer, Faschingbauer, Farmer
- Fasnacht, Fasnaght, Fasnight
- Fassett, Fassitt, Fassette
- Fattore, Farmer, Land Agent, Bailiff, Steward
- Faucette, Faucett, Fausset, Faussett
- Faucher, Mower, Falx, Sickle, Scythe, Faucheux
- Faughn, Faughen, Foughn
- Faunce, Fance, Fonce
- Faust, Foust, Fast, Foost, Faure, Fevre, Faustus, Fausti, Fausto, Favreau
- Fava, Broad Bean
- Favager, Faverges, Faverge, Forge
- Fay, Faye, Fau, Fagus, Beechtree, Fey
- Fayette, Fayett, Fayete
- Fayssoux, Faysoux, Faysox, Faisoux
- Fazekas, Potter, Fasekas
- Fear, Feare, Friend, Comrad
- Fedorov, Fyodorov
- Fee, Fie, Fe
- Feeley, Fealey. Feely
- Fegley, Fegely, Feigley, Figley Voegeli
- Feher, White Hair, White Complexion
- Feigenbaum, Fig Tree
- Fekete, Black, Dark Complexion, Dark Hair
- Feld, Field, Felt, Cleared Land
- Feldon, Felton, Felden, Felten, Feltin,Feldin, Velden, Elde, Felt
- Felicity, Felisity, Felicitie
- Felker, Folker, Xoelker, Volcker, Volker
- Fennell, Fennel, Fenell
- Felter, Feltar, Feltor Felt
- Felty, Feltie, Feltty
- Feng, Phoenix, Firebird
- Fenn, Fen, Swamp, Bog, Marsh
- Fennell, Fehnel, Fenel, Finnal
- Fenstermaker, Fenstermacker, Fenstermacher, Window Maker
- Ferebee, Farrabee, Furbee
- Fergus, Fergis, Furgis
- Ferguson, Farguson, Fergueson, Fergusson, Forgason, Forguson, Forguson, Furguson, Furgeson
- Fermi, Fermo, Firmum, Strong, Steady, Firm
- Fernandez, Fernandes, Fernando, Son of Fernando, Journey, Brave
- Ferra, Iron Miners, Ferrari, Ferraro, Ferreira, Ferreiro, Ferrara, Ferrrarius, Ferrum, Metalworker, Ferreyra
- Ferris, Ferres, Ferriss, Farris
- Ferriter, Ferritter, Farriter
- Ferry, Ferree, Firee, Fore, Foree, Forey, Furray
- Fertig, Ready, Prepared
- Fesler, Fessler, Feasler
- Fettes, Fettis, Fettus
- Fetty, Fettie, Featty, Fety
- Fflur, Fflure, Flur
- Fiddler, Fiedler, Musician
- Field, Field, Fields, Feld
- Fiers, Fier, Feirs
- Fife, Fyfe, Fyffe
- Figueroa, Figeira, Fig Tree, Near a Fig Tree
- Filep, Fulop, Filipek, Filipov, Filipowski, Filippi, Filippo, Filippov
- Fill, File, Fil
- Fin, Finn, Fionn
- Finch, Finche, Fynch, Finc
- Fini, Fino, Serafino
- Finley, Findlay, Findley, Findly, Finlay, MacFhionnlaigh, Findly
- Finlayson, Finleyson, Finleysen
- Finnegan, O’Fionnagain, Fionnagan, Fionn, Finegan, Finneran
- Finnin, Finnan, Finn
- Finnerty, Finnrty, Finnertey
- Firmin, Firman, Firmon
- Firth, Firthe, Fierth
- Fiscella, Fiscello, Fiscell
- Fishack, Fishoak, Fishook, Fishough
- Fisher, Fischer, Visscher
- Fishwick, Fishwich, Fishwik
- Fisk, Fiske, Fisck, Fish
- Fitch, Asel, Ashbel
- Fitting, Fittin, Fittings, Fitten
- Fitts, Fitz, Fits
- FitzClarence, FitzClarense, Fitzclarence
- FitzGerald, Fitzgerald, Fitchjarrell, Fitgarel, Fitsjarrell, Fitzgarrald, Fitsgerrell
- FitzGibbon, Fitzgibbon, FitzGibon
- FitzHerbert, FitzHerburt, Fitzherbert
- FitzPatrick, Fitzpatrick, MacGiollaPhadraig
- FitzRoy, Fitzroy, FitzRoye
- FitzSimmons, Fitzsimmons, FitzSimons
- FitzWalter, FitzWallter, Fitzwalter
- FitzWilliam, Fitzwilliam, FitzWilliams
- Fizer, Fiser, Fizzer
- Flannagan, Flanagan, Flanagon
- Flannery, Flannghaile, O’Flannghaile, Flannghal
- Flagg, Flag, Flage
- Flanders, Flaunders, Phlanders
- Flater, Flatter, Reedbed
- Fleischer, Fleisher, Butcher
- Fleming, Flemming, Phleming, Flanders,
- Flesher, Fleisher Fleasher
- Fletcher, Fletchner, Fleatcher, Flexter, Fletcher, Fleche, Arrow
- Flick, Flicke, Flike
- Flickinger, Flickenger, Flickiner
- Flintstone, Flintston, Flintstones
- Flinn, Flin, Flinne, Flynn, O’Floinn
- Flint, Flind, Flynt
- Flipse, Flipsen, Flip
- Flood, Floods, Floyd, Floud, Flud
- Flores, Floria, Floro, Floros
- Flower, Flour, Flowers, Flours
- Floyd, Floid, Floyds
- Fluellen, Flullen, Fluellene
- Flynt, Flyntt, Flint
- Fodor, Forar, Curly, Wavy
- Foerstner, Forstner, Forster
- Fogarty, Fovarty, Fogartey, Fovargue
- Fogg, Fog, Faug
- Fogle, Foggle, Fogel, Vogle
- Foley, O’Foghladha, Foghlaidh, Pirate, Marauder
- Foll, Fole, Fol
- Fonda, Fondo, Deep
- Fonseca, Fon, Spring, Dry Areas
- Fontaine, Fontane, Fon, Well, Fountain, Fontana, Folan
- Foote, Foot, Footte
- Forbes, Forbbes, Forbes, Forbis, Forbish, Forbush, Forbush
- Force, Forse, Vorce, LaForce
- Ford, Foard, Forde
- Foret, Forest, Forrest, Forst, Forestt
- Forney, Furree, Furrey, Furry
- Forsberg, Forsburg, Forsberge, Waterfall Mountain
- Forst, Forstner, Forsttner
- Forsyth, Forsith, Forsithe
- Fortney, Fortneux, Forney, Farn, Fern
- Fortuin, Fortune, Fortuyn, Fortuna, Fortunato
- Foss, Fosse, Ditch
- Fossett, Foset, Fosset
- Foster, Fauster Forester, Forster, Forrest, Forcetier, Fustier, Forrestal
- Fostoria, Fostorias, Fosreria
- Foth, Foot, Foots
- Foulkes, Foulke, Foulk
- Fournier, Fourner, Fourier, Fourneau, Oven
- Fowler, Fauler, Fouler, Fugol, Birdcatcher
- Fowlkes, Foulks, Fowke
- Fox, Focks, Fuchs, Fugs, Fochs
- Frakes, Frackes, Fracks
- Franco, De France, Of France, Franzese
- Frank, Franck, Franks, Franco, Francois, Franic, Franjic, Franke
- Frankenstein, Frankinstien, Frankenstine
- Frankfort, Francfort, Frankforts
- Franklin, Frankline, Francklin, Franc, Frankkyn
- Fransson, Franson, Frans
- Frantz, Frants, Frantes, France, Franz. Franks
- Frary, Farry, Fairly
- Frazier, Fraser, Frayser, Frazer, Frazor,Friseal
- Frazee, Frasee, Fraze, Frazey
- Frederick, Fredericks, Fredrick, Friderick Frederik, Fredrik
- Frederiksen, Fredrikssen, Freriksson
- Freedom, Freedam, Fredom
- Freeman, Freemon, Freehman, Frehman, Freman, Fremond, Freyman, Fryman
- Freitas, Broken Stones, From Freitas in Portugal
- French, Frenche, Frenchs
- Freeland, Freelin, Freelan
- Freeman, Freemon, Frehman, Freman Fremond, Freyman, Fryman
- Freese, Freeze, Freaz, Freaze, Fries, Frazee
- Fremont, Fremount, Freemont
- French, Frenchs, Frenche
- Frenger, Fregner, Freneger
- Freud, Freude, Frewd
- Freundenberger, Joy, Berg, Mountain
- Frey, Freye, Fry, Frye
- Fried, Friedrich, Friederich
- Friel, O’Frighil, Fearghal
- Friend, Friendd, Friends, Freund
- Fries, Frisia, North Sea, Friis
- Frisk, Fresh, Frisky, Friskie
- Fromm, Noble, Nobel, Honourable
- Frost, Frostt, Froste
- Fruit, Fruitt, Fruits
- Fry, Frig, Freo, Free, Frye
- Fryer, Frayer, Frier
- Fuchs, Fux, Fuxze, Fuks, Fuxe, Fuches, Fox
- Fudge, Fotch, Fotsch
- Fuentes, Fountains, Fountain, Spring
- Fuhrmann, Vuorman, Cartwright
- Fujimori, Fuji, Wisteria Forest
- Fujimoto, Base, Root
- Fujioka, Hill, Ridge
- Fujisawa, Wisteria Marsh
- Fujita, Wisteria Field
- Fujizawa, Blessings Plain
- Fukuzawa,
- Fulcher, Fuchar, Fulkler
- Fuller, Foller, Fauller, Fullo
- Fulmer, Follmer, Fulmore, Vallmer, Vollmer
- Fulton, Foulton, Folten, Foulden, Birdhill
- Funar, Funnar, Ropemaker
- Funk, Faunk, Funck, Funks
- Funkhouser, Funkhoser, Flunkhouser
- Fuqua, Fuquay, Fuquey
- Furlan, Friuli, Forum of Julius
- Furman, Ferman, Furmon
- Furnace, Furnase, Furnaces
- Furnadjiev, Furna, Oven, Baker
- Furr, Fur, Fir, Furror, Furrer, Forrer, Forrie, Fory, Furry
- Furst, Sovereign, Prince, Furisto
- Furukawa, Old River, Stream
- Fury, Furry, Furrie
- Fusco, Fosco, Fuscus, Dark
- Fyan, Fyann, Fian
- Fyfe, Fife, Fyfth
- Fylan, Fylon, Whelan
- Fyodorov, son of Fyodor