English to Bulgarian

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Bulgarian
Bank Banka
Barber Brusnar
Beach Plazh
Blacksmith Kovach
Butcher Kasapin
Carpenter Durvodelets
Castle Zamuk
Champion Shampion
Cliff Stumnaskala
Cook Gotvya
Cooper Buchvar
Creek Rekichka
Cross Krust
Deer Elen
Drum Baraban
Duck Patitsa
Eagle Orel
Emperor Imperator
End Krai
Fair Spravedliv
Farmer Zemedelskiproizvodiel
Field Pole
Fisher Ribar
Flax Len
Flower Tsvete
Fortune Bogatatvo
Fox Lisitsa
Friend Priyatel
Gale Burya
Goat Koza
Gold Zlato
Green Zelen
Guard Okhrana
Hail Gradushka
Hawk Yastreb
Herd Stado
Hoe Motika
Hook Kuka
Horn Rog
Hunter Lovets
Iron Zhelyazo
Judge Sudiya
Junior Mladshi
Knight Ritsar
Lamb Agneshko
Law Zakon
Leather Kozha
Lion Luv
Little Malko
Lord Gospodar
Love Obicham
Major Golyam
Mason Zidar
Mayor Kmet
Minister Ministur
Moon Luna
Mountain Planina
North Sever
Ox Vol
Painter Khudozhnik
Parson Sveshtenik
Pasture Pasha
Peace Mir
Pebble Kamuche
Peer Vziramse
People Khora
Pigeon Gulub
Pillar Stulb
Plow Plug
Pond Ezertse
Pope Papa
Printer Pechatar
Queen Kralitsa
Rain Duzhd
Ransom Otkup
Reed Trustika
Regal Tsarstven
Rice Oriz
Rich Bogat
Ridge Khrebet
Road Put
Robber Razboinik
Roman Rimski
Sailor Moryak
Saint Svetets
Sculptor Skulptor
Seal Plomba
Sheep Ovtsa
Shepherd Pastir
Ship Korab
Shoemaker Obushtar
Shore Bryag
Singer Pevets
Sparrow Vrabche
Spear Kopie
Steel Stomana
Stone Kamuk
Sweep Pomitane
Taylor Shivach
Teacher Uchiteli
Temple Khram
Tower Kula
Town Grad
Treat Lechenie
Valley Dolina
Victor Pobeditel
Vine Loza
Virgin Devitsa
Waiter Servitor
Weave Tuka
Weaver Tukach
Wheeler Prosepenkon
White Byal
Wood Durvo
Young Mlad