English to Russian

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Russian
Bank Hahoc
Barber Tsiryulnik
Beach Plyazh
Blacksmith Kuznets
Butcher Myasnik
Carpenter Stolyar
Castle Zamor
Champion Chempion
Cliff Utes
Cook Gotovit
Cooper Bondar
Creek Ruchey
Cross Peresekat
Deer Olen
Drum Baraban
Duck Utka
Eagle Orel
Emperor Imperator
End Konets
Fair Spravedlivaya
Farmer Fermer
Field Pole
Fisher Rybolov
Flax Len
Flower Tsvetok
Fortune Sostoyaniye
Fox Lisa
Friend Drug
Gale Shtormovoyveter
Goat Kozel
Gold Zoloto
Green Zelenyy
Guard Storzh
Hail Grad
Hawk Yastreb
Herd Pasti
Hoe Motyga
Hook Kryuk
Horn Rog
Hunter Okhotnik
Iron Zhelezo
Judge Sudya
Junior Mladshiy
Knight Rytsar
Lamb Yagnenok
Law Zakon
Leather Kozha
Lion Lev
Little Nemnogo
Lord Gospodin
Love Lyublyu
Major Glavnyy
Mason Kamenshchik
Mayor Mer
Minister Ministr
Moon Luna
Mountain Gora
North Sever
Ox Vol
Painter Khudozhnik
Parson Svyashchennik
Pasture Vygon
Peace Mir
Pebble Galka
Peer Vglyadyvatsya
People Lyudi
Pigeon Golub
Pillar Stolb
Plow Plug
Pond Prud
Pope Papa
Queen Koroleva
Rain Dozhd
Ransom Vykup
Reed Trostnik
Regal Tsarstvennyy
Rice Ris
Rich Bogatyye
Ridge Khrebet
Road Doroga
Robber Grabitel
Roman Rimskiy
Sailor Matros
Saint Svyatoy
Sculptor Skulptor
Seal Pechat
Sheep Ovtsa
Shepherd Pasti
Ship Koravl
Shoemaker Sapozhnik
Shore Bereg
Singer Pevets
Sparrow Vorobey
Spear Kopye
Steel /Stali
Stone Kamen
Sweep Podmetat
Taylor /teylora
Teacher Uchitel
Temple Khram
Tower Bashnya
Town Gorod
Treat Rassmatrivat
Valley Dolina
Victor Viktor
Vine Loza
Virgin Devstvennitsa
Waiter Ofitsiant
Weave Tkat
Weaver Tkach
Wheeler Uiler
White Belyy
Wood Derevo
Young Molodoy