English to Polish

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Polish
Bank Bank
Barber Fryzjer
Beach Plaza
Blacksmith Kowal.
Butcher Rzeznik
Carpenter Ciesla
Castle Zamek
Champion Mistrz
Cliff Urwisko
Cook Kucharz
Cooper Bednarz
Creek Zatoka
Cross Krzyz
Deer Zwierzyna
Drum Beben
Duck Kaczka
Eagle Orzel
Emperor Cesarz
End Zabonczenie
Fair Jarmark
Farmer Dzierz
Field Polebitwy
Fisher Rybak
Flax Len
Flower Kwiat
Fortune Fortuna
Fox Lis
Friend Przyjaciel
Gale Wiatr
Goat Koza
Gold Zloto
Green Zielonosc
Guard Stroz
Hail Grad
Hawk Sokol
Herd Trzoda
Hoe Graca
Hook Hak
Horn Rog
Hunter Mysliwy
Iron Zelazo
Judge Sedzia
Junior Junior
Knight Rycerz
Lamb Baranek
Law Prawo
Leather Skorzany
Lion Lew
Little Maly
Lord pan
Love Milosc
Major Starszy
Mason Mularz
Mayor Barmistrz
Minister Minister
Moon Ksiezyc
Mountain Gora
North Polnoc
Ox Wol
Painter Cuma
Parson Pastor
Pasture Pastwisko
Peace Spokoj
Pebble Kmayk
Peer Rowny
People Ludzie
Pigeon Golab
Pillar Podpora
Plow Plug.
Poet Poeta
Pond Staw
Pope Papiez
Printer Drukarz
Queen Krolowa
Rain Deszcz
Ransom Wykup
Reed Trzcina
Regal Krolewski
Rice Ryz
Rich Bogaty
Ridge Grzbiet
Road Droga
Robber Zlodziej
Roman Rzymianin
Sailor Marynarz
Saint Swir
Sculptor Rzezbiaz
Seal Foka
Sheep Owca
Shepherd Pasterz
Ship Okret
Shoemaker Szewc
Shore Podporka
Singer Spiewak
Sparrow Worbel
Spear Wlocznia
Steel Stal
Stone Kamien
Sweep Zamiatanie
Taylor Krawiec
Teacher Mauczyciel
Temple Swiatynia
Tower Wieza.
Town Miasto
Treat Poczest
Valley Dolina.
Victor Zwyciezca
Vine Winograd
Virgin Dziewica
Waiter Kelner
Weave Tkacz
Weaver Tkacz
Wheeler Kolodziej
White Bialy
Wood Drzewo
Young Mlode