English to Norwegian

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Norwegian
Bank Bredd
Barber Frisor
Beach Strand
Blacksmith Smid
Butcher Slakter
Carpenter Snekker
Castle Borg
Champion Mester
Cliff Klippe
Cook Kokk
Cooper Tonnemaker
Creek Bekk
Cross Kryss
Deer Hjort
Drum Tromme
Duck And
Eagle Orn
Emperor Keiser
End Slutt
Fair Rettferdig
Farmer Bonde
Field Felt
Fisher Fiskermar
Flax Lin
Flower Blomst
Fortune Formue
Fox Rev
Friend Venn
Gale Kuling
Goat Geit
Green Gronn
Guard Vakt
Hail Hagl
Hawk Hauk
Herd Flokk
Hoe Hakke
Hook Krok
Horn Cor
Hunter Jeger
Iron Stryke
Judge Domme
Junior Jaunesnysis
Knight Riteris
Lamb Eriena
Law Teise
Leather Oda
Lion Liutas
Little Mazai
Lord Valdovas
Love Meile
Major Pagrindinis
Mason Masinas
Mayor Meras
Minister Ministras
Moon Mane
Mountain Fjell
North Nord
Ox Okse
Painter Maler
Parson Prest
Pasture Beitemark
Peace Fred
Pebble Smastein
Peer Likemann
People Mennesker
Pigeon Due
Pillar Soyle
Plow Plog
Poet Dikter
Pond Dam
Pope Pave
Printer Skriver
Queen Dronning
Rain Regn
Ransom Losepenger
Reed Siv
Regal Kongelig
Rice Ris
Rich Rik
Ridge Mone
Road Vei
Robber Raner
Roman Romer
Sailor Sjomann
Saint Helgen
Sculptor Skulptor
Seal Tetning
Sheep Sau
Shepherd Gjeter
Ship Skip
Shoemaker Skomaker
Shore Kyst
Singer Sanger
Sparrow Spurv
Spear Spyd
Steel Stal
Stone Stein
Sweep Feje
Taylor Skredder
Teacher Laerer
Temple Tempel
Tower Tarn
Town By
Treat Behandle
Valley Dal
Victor Viktor
Vine Vinranke
Virgin Jonfru
Waiter Kelner
Weave Veve
Weaver Vever
White Hvit
Wood Tre
Young Ung