English to French

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English French
Bank Rive
Barber Coiffeur
Beach Plage
Blacksmith Forgeron
Butcher Boucher
Carpenter Charpentier
Castle Chateau
Champion Champion
Cliff Falaise
Cook Cuisinier
Cooper Tonnelier
Creek Ruisseau
Cross Croix
Deer Cert
Drum Tambour
Duck Canard
Eagle Aigle
Emperor Empereur
End Fin
Fair Beau
Farmer Fermier
Field Champ
Fisher Pecheur
Flax Lin
Flower Fleur
Fortune Fortune
Fox Renard
Friend Ami
Gale Vent
Goat Chevre
Gold Or
Green Vert
Guard Garde
Hail Greler
Hawk Faucon
Herd Troupeau
Hoe Hove
Hook Crochet
Horn Corne
Hunter Chasseur
Iron Fer
Judge Juge
Junior Cadet
Knight Chevalier
Lamb Agneau
Law Droit
Leather Cuir
Lion Lion
Little Petit
Lord Seigneur
Love Amour
Major Majeur
Mason Macon
Mayor Maire
Minister Pastuer
Moon Lune
Mountain Montagne
North Nord
Ox Boeuf
Painter Peintre
Parson Cure
Pasture Paturage
Peace Paix
Pebble Caillou
Peer Pareil
People Peuple
Pigeon Pigeon
Pillar Pilier
Plow Charrve
Poet Poete
Pond Etang
Pope Pape
Printer Imprimeur
Queen Reine
Rain Pluie
Ransom Rancon
Reed Roseau
Regal Royal
Rice Riz
Rich Riche
Ridge Chaine
Road Route
Robber Voleur
Roman Romain
Sailor Marin
Saint Saint
Sculptor Sculpteur
Seal Sceau
Sheep Mouton
Shepherd Berger
Ship Navire
Shoemaker Cordonnier
Shore Rive
Singer Chanteur
Sparrow Moineau
Spear Lance
Steel Acier
Stone Pierre
Sweep Balayer
Taylor Tailleur
Teacher Instituteur
Temple Tempe
Tower Tour
Town Ville
Treat Traiter
Valley Vallee
Victor Vainqueur
Vine Vigne
Virgin Virge
Waiter Garcon
Weave Tisser
Weaver Tisserand
Wheeler Affairiste
White Blanc
Wood Boise
Young Jeune