English to Italian

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Italian
Bank Riva
Barber Barbiere
Beach Spiaggia
Blacksmith Ferraio
Butcher Macellaio
Carpenter Falegname
Castle Castello
Champion Campione
Cliff Precipizio
Cook Cuoco
Creek Ruscello
Cross Croce
Deer Cervo
Drum Tramburo
Duck Anitra
Eagle Aquila
End Fine
Fair Chiaro
Farmer Coltivatore
Field Campo
Fisher Pescatore
Flax Lino
Flower Fiore
Fortune Fortuna
Fox Volpe
Friend Amico
Gale Bufera
Goat Capra
Gold Oro
Green Verde
Guard Guardino
Hail Grandinare
Hawk Falco
Herd Mandria
Hoe Zappa
Hook Gancio
Horn Corno
Hunter Cacciatore
Iron Ferro
Judge Giudice
Junior Minore
Knight Cavaliere
Lamb Agnello
Law Legge
Lion Leone
Little Piccolo
Lord Padrone
Love Amore
Major Maggiore
Mason Muratore
Mayor Sindaco
Minister Ministro
Moon Luna
Mountain Montagna
North Settentriome
Ox Bue
Painter Pittore
Parson Ministro
Pasture Puscolo
Peace Pace
Pebble Ciottolo
Peer Pari
People Popolo
Pigeon Piccione
Pillar Pilastro
Plow Aratro
Poet Poeta
Pond Stagno
Pope Papa
Printer Tipogrfo
Queen Regina
Rain Pioggia
Ransom Riscutto
Reed Canna
Regal Regale
Rice Riso
Rich Ricco
Ridge Catena
Road Strada
Robber Ladro
Roman Romano
Sailor Marinaio
Saint Santo
Seal Timbro
Sheep Pecora
Shepherd Pastore
Ship Nave
Shoemaker Calzolaio
Shore Riva
Singer Cantante
Sparrow Pussero
Spear Lancia
Steel Acciaio
Sweep Spazzare
Teacher Maestro
Temple Tempia
Tower Torre
Town Citta
Treat Trattare
Valley Vallata
Victor Vincitore
Vine Vite
Virgin Vergine
Waiter Cameriere
Weave Tessere
White Bianco
Wood Bosco
Young Giovane