English to Icelandic

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Icelandic
Bank Banki
Barber Rakari
Beach Fjara
Blacksmith Jarnsmiour
Butcher Kjotkaupmaour
Carpenter Smiour
Castle Kastalinn
Champion Meistari
Cliff Klip
Cook Elda
Creek Laek
Cross Kross
Deer Dadyr
Drum Tromma
Duck Ond
Eagle Orn
Emperor Imeratore
End Enda
Fair Sannngjarnt
Farmer Bondi
Field Reit
Flax Hor
Flower Blom
Fortune Orlog
Fox Refur
Friend Vinur
Gale Stormur
Goat Geit
Gold Gull
Green Graent
Guard Vorour
Hail Hagl
Hawk Haukur
Herd Hjoro
Hook Krokur
Hunter Veioimaour
Iron Jarn
Judge Domari
Junior Yngri
Knight Knight
Lamb Lambakjot
Law Login
Leather Leour
Lion Ljon
Little Sma
Lord Herra
Love Elska
Major Meirihattar
Mason Murari
Mayor Borgarstjoriunn
Minister Raoherra
Moon Tungllo
Mountain Fjallio
North Norour
Ox Uxa
Painter Malari
Parson Prestur
Pasture Hagi
Peace Friour
Pebble Pebble
Peer Jafningi
People Folk
Pigeon Dufu
Pillar Stooin
Plow Plog
Poet Skald
Pond Tjorn
Pope Pafi
Printer Prentari
Queen Drottning
Rain Rigning
Ransom Lausnargjald
Reed Hraell
Regal Konunglegn
Rice Hrisgrjon
Rich Rikur
Ridge Halsinum
Road Vegurinn
Robber Raeningi
Sailor Sjomaour
Saint Dyrlingur
Sculptor Myndhoggvari
Seal Innsigli
Sheep Sauofe
Shepherd Hiroir
Ship Skip
Shoemaker Skosmiour
Shore Fjaran
Singer Songvari
Sparrow Spor
Spear Spjot
Steel Stal
Stone Steinn
Sweep Sopa
Taylor Snioa
Teacher Kennari
Temple Musteri
Tower Turn
Town Baerinn
Treat Musteri
Valley Dalurinn
Victor Sigurvegari
Vine Vinviour
Virgin Meyjan
Waiter Bjonin
Weave Flettast
Weaver Vefari
White Hvitur
Wood Tre
Young Ung