English to Romanian

Many people, who sailed to the Americas, over the years from other counties, changed their names. They wanted to fit in. They didn’t want to stand out or be seen as different. Some people simply used a translation, of their surname. We will be adding to this list, as time permits. Multiple pages contain the name translations that some of these people have used. The translation tables are setup as follows:


English Romanian
Bank Banca
Barber Frizer
Beach Plaja
Blacksmith Fierar
Butcher Macelar
Carpenter Dulgher
Castle Castel
Champion Campion
Cliff Faleza
Cook Bucatar
Cooper Dogar
Creek Parau
Cross Cruce
Deer Cerb
Drum Tambur
Duck Rata
Eagle Vultur
Emperor Imparat
End Sfarsit
Fair Echitabil
Farmer Agricultor
Field Camp
Fisher Pescar
Flax In
Flower Floare
Fortune Avere
Fox Vulpe
Friend Prieten
Gale Vantputernic
Goat Capra
Gold Aur
Green Verde
Guard Paza
Hail Grindina
Hawk Soim
Herd Turma
Hoe Sapa
Hook Carlig
Horn Corn
Hunter Vanator
Iron Fier
Judge Judecator
Junior Novice
Knight Cavaler
Lamb Miel
Law Law
Leather Piele
Lion Leu
Little Mic
Lord Domn
Love Dragoste
Major Majore
Mason Zidar
Mayor Primar
Minister Ministru
Moon Luna
Mountain Munte
North Nord
Ox Bou
Painter Picor
Parson Preot
Pasture Pasune
Peace Pace
Pebble Prundis
Peer Egal
People Oameni
Pigeon Porumbel
Pillar Stalp
Plow Ara
Pond Lac
Pope Papa
Printer Imprimanta
Queen Regina
Rain Ploaie
Ransom Rascumparare
Reed Stuf
Regal Regeasca
Rice Orez
Rich Bogat
Ridge Creasta
Road Drum
Robber Jefuitor
Roman Roman
Sailor Marinar
Saint Sfant
Sculptor Sculptura
Seal Sigiliu
Sheep Oaie
Shepherd Pastor
Ship Nava
Shoemaker Cizmar
Shore Tarm
Singer Cantareate
Sparrow Vrabie
Spear Sulita
Steel Otel
Stone Piatra
Sweep Sterge
Taylor Croitor
Teacher Profesor
Temple Templu
Tower Turn
Town Oras
Treat Trata
Valley Vale
Victor Cotropitor
Vine Vitadevie
Virgin Fecioara
Waiter Chelner
Weave Tese
Weaver Tesator
White Alb
Wood Lemn
Young Tineri